Blue Wiltshire police sign with headquarters in background

Chiseldon Parish Council shares communications it receives which may be of interest to our residents.

Wiltshire Police and Crime Commissioner Philip Wilkinson welcomed today’s HMICFRS Police Effectiveness, Efficiency and Legitimacy (PEEL) report for Wiltshire Police, which highlights the improvements made since 2022, when the Force was  placed into Engage.

Mr Wilkinson said: “Today’s report shows Wiltshire Police has come a long way since its last report in 2022.

“Both the Chief Constable and I knew strides were being made to improve in a variety of areas and this was confirmed when the Force was lifted from Engage in May. It is pleasing to see this has also been recognised by His Majesty’s Inspectors and we approach this report with a level of cautious optimism.

“It has been a joint priority of Wiltshire Police – and my office – to ensure significant, and sustainable, reform across all areas of the organisation to provide a stable foundation for all necessary improvements. It was vital we ensured the Force functioned strategically but was also able to deliver the policing service it knows it should – and which our residents want and need. I join the Chief in her aspiration for Wiltshire Police to be an outstanding policing service in future years.

“But, as the report highlights, there is still much work to be done in some really key areas across the Force. This will not come as a surprise to Wiltshire Police’s Leadership or the hardworking and dedicated staff, officers and volunteers, who are currently working towards significant development in those areas HMIC have identified as requiring improvement.

“Chief Constable Catherine Roper’s vision and leadership has meant changes are being delivered at pace within the Force. The focus now needs to ensure those operational improvements – the ones which the public encounter and by which they measure their policing service – are really starting to deliver in our communities.

“We want our residents to start to feel safe and not be told they are safe because statistics tell them they should.

“My immediate goal is to ensure my updated Police and Crime Plan – which is being informed by our communities, Force input, our partners and stakeholders, as well as national policing priorities – will enable Wiltshire Police to further deliver those improvements needed.

“Working together, we will further rebuild trust and confidence in our policing service and continue making Wiltshire safer.”