Please see the letter below from Prospect Hospice.

I feel incredibly lucky to be part of the team at Prospect Hospice. Every day I’m blown away by the determination and generosity of people like you – our supporters, our patients, their families, and our community. This really is a special place.

Which is why it’s so difficult to write to you with bad news.

I’ll be straight with you: Prospect Hospice is under genuine threat of closure. Our funding from the NHS hasn’t risen in 10 years, while everything has become more expensive. It’s left us around £1 million short of what we need this year.

The support you’ve shown Prospect Hospice in the past has been Incredible. Which Is why I need to ask: will you give today and save our hospice?

You probably already know we’re the only independent specialist end-of-life service in the area. Last year we cared for more than 2,000 patients and their families, completely free of charge – because everyone should have access to personalised care when they need it, regardless of where they live or their ability to pay.

But you’ll also know that prices have been rising fast over the last few years. The cost of medical care is climbing. The price of energy to power our equipment has rocketed. It means that while our inpatient unit has room to look after 12 people, we can only afford to look after six. And the hardest part is that more people than ever need our care.

Sinead experienced that first-hand when her husband Harry fell seriously ill. “Harry was a rare case – he was just 25,” says Sinead, who has been a tireless advocate and fundraiser for the hospice ever since. “His cancer caused paralysis, so from the beginning, the hospice’s physic team was involved. How they were able to adapt and tailor the service was incredible. They came to the house and provided such a positive focus for him every day. It gave us structure and routine and injected hope into our lives.”

“I can’t stress enough: I don’t know how we’d have managed without them. They made a nightmare situation that bit more bearable.”

Money is tight for so many people right now, and if you can’t afford to give, I completely understand. But If you are able, will you give today, so we can give more families like Harry and Slnead’s the care they deserve through the toughest time of their lives?

It’s devastating, the news that they’ll have to cut services,” says Sinead. “It’s my worst fear because I know how much our family depended on them.”

Prospect Hospice has always been here for our community. I want to say we always will be. But right now, we need you.

If you can’t afford to give today, I’d love to chat with you about other ways you could support. Email us a or pop in for a coffee at our Heart of the Hospice cafe – I’d love to meet you! And if you are in the position to give today, then thank you, from the bottom of my heart.