The bus service pattern
So what will the bus service look like in the future? Here’s a summary of what we expect:
Monday to Saturday
- Frequent (at least half-hourly) daytime services to the Town Centre from all urban areas and from main settlements outside the urban area, including Highworth and Wroughton.
- This will include services arriving before 8.00am and leaving after 5.30pm.
- At least hourly evening services to all main areas of Swindon, if demand exists and funding is available.
- Frequent daytime service to and from nearby towns and cities.
- BusLink or other community transport services for services that are not commercially viable, such as some rural services to smaller communities.
- No change to existing use of public buses to transport children to and from school.
- Commercially viable Sunday bus services between 8.00am and 6.00pm on a half-hourly basis, or more frequently where demand justifies the service.
- BusLink or other community services where needed to fill ‘gaps’ in this provision if demand exists and funding is available.