Strategic Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (SHELAA) and Call for Sites

The Strategic Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (SHELAA) is a key component of the evidence base to support the delivery of sufficient land for housing and economic development in order to meet identified development needs in the Local Plan and the emerging Local Plan Review. The Assessment is required by national planning policy as set out in the National Planning Policy Framework (paragraph 159).
The primary role of the SHELAA is to identify a ‘long list’ of potentially suitable, available and achievable sites which could be allocated for development in a Local Plan or Neighbourhood Plan. It will also identify sites that could be included in the Council’s five-year housing land supply.
The Assessment is an important evidence source to inform plan-making but does not in itself determine whether a site should be allocated for housing development. Allocations will be made through the relevant Local Development Plan Document or Neighbourhood Plan, which will be subject to full public consultation and independent examination. Also, the inclusion of potential housing and economic development sites within the Assessment should not be used to imply that planning permission for housing would be granted. Applications will continue to be considered against national policies, the Borough’s Adopted Local Plan and any other relevant material considerations.

The draft SHELAA methodology is out for consultation alongside a ‘call for sites’ from Thursday 29th September until Thursday 10th November.
The call for sites is an opportunity for landowners, developers and the wider public to submit sites for consideration to the Council for assessment through the SHELAA.
The draft methodology and the call for sites proforma are available here:
Further information is available by contacting the Forward Planning team on 01793 466413 or 01793 466433, or by e-mailing
Contact: Anthony Whitaker Planning Policy Tel: 466433 Email: