Points of interest from the meetings held in
August 2022
Neighbourhood Plan Housing needs Questionnaire
From Monday 1st August our volunteers have been hand delivering a Neighbourhood Plan Housing Needs Questionnaire to all households in the parish. We hope to have finished delivery at the time of printing this article. The questionnaire is really important as it’s the way for the Working Party, and our Consultant Andrea Pellegram to discover the type of housing requirements needed in the parish. If we need retirement bungalows and 2 bedroom houses the most, we need to demonstrate this. Otherwise future development could including housing types that are not required or needed by local people. Please help us by taking 1 minute to complete this anonymous questionnaire and either sending it back via one of the locations listed on the questionnaire, or by scanning it in and emailing it to the Clerk.
Alternatively you can access the questionnaire via https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/J8VS5CN or by scanning:
Youth provision Project
The Parish Council are looking into providing a once a week Youth Club provision at the Rec Hall. We are currently investigating the set up around this and the costs involved. We hope to soon be able to put the plan into action and recruit a Youth Worker for the sessions and also arrange a rota of volunteers to make the scheme work. If you’d like to find out more please contact the Clerk.
Dial A Ride
The council wanted to make people aware of a local service called Dial A Ride. dialarideswindon.org.uk
Based in Swindon they are a charitable organisation who provide various types of community transport. They specialise in transport for those who can’t use public transport easily. There is a variety of transport options available for a small charge – please do check out their page, and pass on to anyone who might get benefit from their services. You can call them on 01793 616 050 or email transport@dialarideswindon.org.uk
Museum Opening times
From now until September 24th the museum on Butts Road will be opened by volunteers of the Chiseldon Local History Group from 2.00-4pm every Saturday. The museum is on Butts Road inside the graveyard.
August full council meeting cancelled.
Due to lack of agenda items to be discussed, the 8th August council meeting has been cancelled.
Annual tree inspection report
Our annual tree report on trees owned by the Parish Council was received in July. There are no immediate issues for concern and no trees requiring felling. We check our trees at the Recreation Ground, Allotments and Millennium Copse, Butts Road Cemetery and Sir Henry Calley Memorial Garden.
Forthcoming road closures.
Draycot Close and Draycot Foliat – 25-27 August.
High Street 26 Aug to 3 October.
The Ridgeway. 12-13 September.
You can get details of local roadworks by looking on one.network and signing up to their alerts.
Overnight closure of Brimble Hill
– from your Ward Cllrs
From the junction with Hodson Road in Chiseldon to Junction with Dairy Hill in Wroughton on 15th September for 1 Night between the hours 20:00-06:00 only .
Councillors Jenny Jefferies and Lawrence Elliott in Chiseldon and Councillors Cathy Martyn ,David Martyn, Brian Ford in Wroughton, have been told that Brimble Hill will be closed overnight from the junction with Hodson Road in Chiseldon to Junction with Dairy Hill in Wroughton on 15th September for 1 Night between the hours 20:00-06:00 only. The website one.network will detail the closure location and diversion along with the timings and date – this should be on there within the next couple of weeks. We want to give you as much notice as possible, but please note that this information could be subject to change if anything unforeseen arises which causes a last minute amendment, in which case Swindon Borough Council has advised that they would advise us.
This closure is to allows contractors to carry out works to construct/complete new entrance as part of the Burderop Park Development, which involves both kerb installation and road surfacing.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Children’s Party/mini Festival 22nd July 5-8pm
Our event on 22nd July was a great success overall with many children and their families coming along to the Rec ground. We had a DJ playing throughout the event, plus a pizza van, ice cream vam cupcake van and glitter tattoo’s festival gems. Our candyfloss and popcorn suffered some technical hitches due to the power cables needed from the hall and the rain washed out the majority of the bouncy castle use. The Chiseldon Football and Tennis clubs were on site to give everyone a free go at their sports – both were well attended. Our thanks to everyone who came along, and everyone who pitched in to make the event a success.
Subscribe to the Parish Councils newsletter:
To receive regular updates on Parish news, go to our website www.chiseldon-pc.gov.uk and go to the “Subscribe” option at the foot of every page.
Enter your email and receive weekly updates from us direct to your in-box.
Alternatively email the Parish Clerk who can set up your submission for you.
Speed Watch Volunteers – a message from the team.
Vacancies for Chiseldon
We are looking for Volunteers aged over 17 to join the team to help deal with the local issues of speeding. The Community Speedwatch is co-ordinated by Wiltshire Police, if you are interested or would like more information, please contact the Chiseldon Parish Clerk (Clair Wilkinson) who will pass your details to the local co-ordinator.
More information can be via the Wiltshire Police website www.wiltshire.police.uk and searching for “Community Speedwatch”.
Memory Café next date
The popular memory café is next running Friday 2nd September 2022 10.30am at the Church Hall off Butts Road. The café was created for anyone who wants some company and a chat over a cup of tea or coffee. Also for carers who look after anyone with Dementia or Alzheimer’s to come along with their loved ones. There is singing and dancing, all very informal and fun. There is no charge to attend.
Recreation Hall, Recreation field and Chapel hire:
The Rec hall off Norris Close, the Rec field in the same location and the Parish Council Chapel offices are all available for hire for events, meetings or parties.
Please contact the Clerk on the details above who can advise of charges, availability and what space would suit your needs.
Defibrillators – a reminder
A reminder that the Parish has 4 defibrillators – one outside Cameo Hairdressers on High Street, one outside the Pavilion on the Recreation Field, one outside the Calley Memorial Hall on Draycott Road and one in the BT Box in Badbury. All units are accessed by calling 999 to gain the code for the box. You cannot use these defibrillators on someone who doesn’t need it as the machine will not work. It also provides audible instructions on how to use them.
There is also a defibrillator on the outside wall of the school in Ogbourne St George.Top of Form
– Parish Council Grants and Donations fund & Calley Memorial Hall fund
The Parish Council have an annual fund that we can donate to worthy causes within the Parish. If you are a group, charity or society that believe you could benefit from this fund then please contact the Parish Clerk for further details.
The trustees of the Calley Memorial Hall fund are also able to approve grants and donations to worthy causes within the Parish. (This doesn’t have to be connected to users of the Memorial Hall). Please contact the Parish Clerk in the first instance who can provide you with an application form.
(It should be noted that this fund is not connected to the Parish Council)
Next Parish council meeting
The next Full Council meeting of the Parish Council will be Monday 12th September 2022. This will start at 7.30pm at the Rec Hall off Norris Close. There is a public recess at the start of proceedings, after which residents can choose to leave the session. Meeting locations may change so please verify the location before making a journey. Our committee meetings will now meet in the Chapel Office on Butts Road.