The third round of public consultation for the Wichelstowe to Swindon town centre quality bus corridor took place in late February and March 2017, which included a series of informal public drop-in events and discussions with local stakeholders. The scheme presented plans for Old Town and Mannington roundabout to support the delivery of a faster and more reliable bus service from the Wichelstowe development to the town centre via East Wichel and, at a future date, from West Wichel.
The proposed works for Mannington roundabout were well-received and will now progress to detailed design with delivery of this scheme expected in 2018. Limited support was generated for the proposals involving the core Old Town area, which included exploring the use of Wood Street for bus services and changes to the junction arrangements for Wood Street-Devizes Road. An alternative scheme at the Regent Circus bus interchange is being promoted. This was previously developed as part of the town centre regeneration proposals.