Planning applications S/20/0285 & S/20/0286.

We are delighted to hear that these planning applications have now been withdrawn by Earthline. Ltd.

You may have seen that a further application from the company had also recently been refused by SBC officers.

This follows numerous objections on a number of grounds received by us from residents living in Chiseldon and Hodson, together with the objections logged by Cllr Brian Mattock and your MP Robert Buckland.

As you may be aware, there are concerns that the activities taking place are unauthorised and the remedy to address breaches of planning consent is now through enforcement action.

Officers are now liaising with the Boroughs legal team on this.

We are delighted that the actions taken on behalf of residents has resulted in such a positive outcome.

Jenny Jefferies and Brian Mattock

SBC Councillors for Chiseldon and Lawn.