One million pounds of additional funding has been secured by the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner from the Government’s Hotspot Response Fund to target the anti-social behaviour (ASB) and serious violence in some of the worst affected areas in Wiltshire and Swindon.

Strong action is being taken against offenders by Wiltshire Police and partner agencies, using the full extent of the law and civil powers, to target the people whose behaviour is causing considerable damage to their communities.

Wiltshire Police used statistical analysis to identify the hotspots in Wiltshire and Swindon where ASB and serious violence are the most problematic, and using the extra funding, have increased the number of patrols in those areas.

Anti-social behaviour is an area of interested that residents are being asked about in PCC Philip Wilkinson’s Use Your Voice Survey.

Find out more about the extra anti-social behaviour hotspot funding HERE

Or complete the Use Your Voice survey HERE