‘The Big Give’ Christmas Giving Challenge for Brighter Future (Great Western Hospitals)

Next Tuesday sees the launch of the UK’s largest online Christmas Giving Challenge ‘The Big Give’. This year Brighter Futures is taking part in the challenge and raising much needed money to help the Emergency Department (Way Forward Appeal) at Great Western Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. Matched funding of £5,000 has been secured from Dr… read more

Chief Constable Update – 24th November 2023

Chiseldon Parish Council shares communications it receives which may be of interest to our residents. 24 November 2023. Dear Police and Crime Commissioner, Philip Wilkinson, Since taking on the role of Chief Constable earlier this year, I have received lots of feedback from our communities and teams within the Force that they want to see… read more

Ridgeway Bell Articles – December 2023

CHISELDON PARISH COUNCIL REPORT Points of interest from November 2023 The Old Chapel, Butts Road, Chiseldon SN4 0NW Facebook page – Chiseldon Parish Council Notices email: clerk@chiseldon-pc.gov.uk; telephone: 01793 740744 Can you help in an local emergency?  Residents of the Parish have a strong history of helping those in need in times of crisis and… read more

Invitation to public event about Swindon’s heritage – 6pm on Monday 27 Nov at UTC Bristol St

Swindon Borough Council invites you to attend a public event about Swindon’s heritage and plans for its future.  This event will be hosted by the Leader of the Council, Cllr Jim Robbins and the Cabinet Member for Heritage, Arts & Culture, Cllr Marina Strinkovsky, and will launch a wider consultation to inform the Council’s future… read more

SBC update on new recycling system

SBC update on new recycling system: The launch date is from week commencing Monday, 27 November Letters drop to 88,000 households informing of the new collection dates sent. All affected households should receive a letter this week. Mop up process has been activated for households who have not received food caddies and blue weighted bags. The letter to households… read more