Highways E-Newsletter October 2019

£45m of vital improvements The Government has given us more than £45m to create extra capacity on our highway network before thousands of extra homes are built in Swindon. The funding will be used to make improvements to the White Hart Roundabout in East Swindon as well as creating a new access route into Wichelstowe… read more

Plans for M4 tunnel to go on display

A £26m major highways scheme, which is the next stage in unlocking thousands of homes and employment land at one of Swindon’s newest housing developments, will be unveiled to the public next week. The Wichelstowe Southern Access will create an additional access into Wichelstowe by building a tunnel under the M4 motorway helping to support… read more

More Than 60 Arrested As Part of County Lines Action

A total of 62 people have been arrested this week (w/c 07/10/19) as part of the Force’s on-going campaign to target drug gangs involved in County Lines. Approximately 50 officers have been involved in Operation Jetway over the week. Following from our media release yesterday (10/10) a further three males were arrested yesterday evening: A… read more

Community Training Grants Now Available

Do you have a project which helps people improve their employment prospects? Grants of £5,000 – £20,000 are available for Swindon & Wiltshire projects which help more individuals either into employment, or establish a route towards employment.

Norris Close Lay-by

Work started last week on the Norris Close lay-by. We hope that the success of this scheme means we can look at other parking/road issues in the Parish the same way.

Month-long campaign to promote mental wellbeing among young people

A partnership project in Swindon to promote mental wellbeing for children and young people has been launched. The ‘Your Space for Head Space’ project was co-designed by young people and will see Swindon Borough Council and 15 organisations such as the Platform Group, Swindon Advocacy Movement, and Intelligent Health, come together to highlight the issues… read more

Ten Arrested In County Lines Crack-Down

Ten more people have been arrested today (10/10) as Wiltshire Police continues to crack down on County Lines drugs gangs. Approximately 50 officers are involved in the operation and today’s arrests takes the total this week to 43. Nine were arrested on suspicion of supplying class A drugs and one (marked*) was arrested on suspicion… read more

Norris Close Green Letter

Dear Resident You will undoubtedly be aware that a number of complaints had been received by the Parish Council in relation to vehicles being driven onto the Norris Close green area on a regular basis and the suggestion of adding a planter to the eastern end of the green to prevent vehicles from damaging nearby… read more

Running start for Beat the Street in Swindon

Beat the Street, Swindon’s giant walking and cycling initiative, is off to an incredible start with residents travelling more than 93,000 miles within the first few weeks of the game. Determined to beat last year’s record total of 313,000 miles travelled in the six-week challenge, more than 10,000 people have signed up for this year’s… read more

County Lines Action – Latest Arrests and Charges

Officers have been carrying out more drugs warrants today (08/10) in Swindon as part of Wiltshire Police’s operation to stop County Lines. A total of eight males have been arrested today on suspicion of supplying crack and heroin. The properties visited today were: Mazurek Way – a 16-year-old boy arrested Kennedy Drive – a 16-year-old… read more

Greenbridge roundabout to shine for good causes

The lighting display at the Greenbridge roundabout will be lit up in glorious technicolour over the next few weeks in support of a number of charities. From Tuesday (1 Oct) until 13 October, the lights on the roundabout will shine orange and blue to raise awareness of MND North Wilts, a charity which supports people… read more

Under The Knife Brought to you by Keep Our NHS Public

With the real threat of a trade deal with the US looming, Under the Knife tells a chilling story of an NHS under attack like never before. This brand-new feature-length documentary directed by Emmy award-winner Susan Steinberg and brought to you free of charge by campaigning organisation Keep Our NHS Public and the local branch… read more

What’s On At Swindon Arts Centre This Month

Things are starting to get busy again at Swindon Arts Centre this autumn and with a variety of shows coming up this month, including comedy from Desiree Burch and classic drama from the Dicken’s Theatre Company, we can’t wait to see all of you at the theatre very soon!