101 Non-Emergency Police Calls Free from Today

Yesterday the Home Office announced that the charge for calling the police non-emergency number is to be scrapped from today. The Home Office will spend £7 million a year to meet the connection costs. At present, the telephony provider charges 101 callers a 15p connection fee. Angus Macpherson, Police and Crime Commissioner for Wiltshire and… read more

Gantry removal postponed due to weather

Earlier this month, we were hoping to remove the overhead gantry by the former Toys R Us car park exit on the A420. However, severe weather conditions caused by recent storms has meant that this work has had to be postponed. A new date has now been selected for the removal of the gantry: the… read more

Reports of Covid-19 Related Scams

As part of its service to the community, Chiseldon Parish Council publishes information about a wide range of organisations, groups and enterprises. In doing so, we may link to third-party websites. However, this does not imply the Council’s endorsement. Readers should always verify the validity and legitimacy of an organisation, group or enterprise before taking… read more

Key workers urged to contact Council for priority childcare

NHS staff and critical workers are being asked to contact Swindon Borough Council if they are struggling to find suitable childcare provision during the current coronavirus pandemic. Last week the Department for Education issued guidance to parents asking them to keep their children at home, wherever possible, to limit the chance of the virus spreading…. read more

Community hot meals

The Community Hot Meals service is available for lunchtime deliveries to your home on every day of the year and has been specifically created for older people living in Wiltshire and Swindon. Our meal delivery service has been specifically created for older people living in Wiltshire and Swindon. We will bring you a hot, freshly… read more

Spar shop notice

To enable social distancing For the safety of staff and customers, whilst our orders from spar are being delivered (tuesday, thursday & saturday mornings) We will close the shop for 60 minutes to enable us to get new produce on the shelves and for staff and customers to remain safe. We will also be limiting… read more

We are #HereForSwindon

As coronavirus continues to affect us, this remains a difficult time for everyone. Today we’re announcing a package of measures which we hope will ease the pressure and worry some of you may be facing. We are #HereForSwindon Support for residents 1. Compassionate Swindon: volunteer support for those who most need it 2. Council tax… read more

A message from the SBC Waste & Recycling centre

Updated 27 March: Update on the waste and recycling centre – the centre is now closed to the public. Due to the current COVID-19 crisis, can we ask that whilst the Parishes can continue to dispose of waste at Waterside, please try to keep such waste to a minimum and that only waste from essential… read more

Swindon to submit bid to be the first Electric Bus Town

Swindon Borough Council is charging ahead with a bid to the Government to improve the Borough’s air quality. The Council has teamed up with Swindon’s two main bus service providers – Swindon’s Bus Company, owned by Go South Coast, and Stagecoach West – as it aims to become the country’s first Electric Bus Town. Transport… read more

Landmark report on future of Mechanics’ Institute to be discussed by Council

Preparations could soon be underway to bring Swindon’s historic Mechanics’ Institute into public ownership. If approval is given at next week’s Cabinet meeting (Wed, 25 March), officers at Swindon Borough Council could begin to make the preparations that are necessary to allow the authority to make a Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO), which could secure the… read more

Useful Community Telephone Numbers

Police (24 hours) 101 (or 999) NHS Direct 111 Dental Emergency 01793 428579 Great Western Hospital 01793 604020 NHS Walk-In Centre 01793 428524 Clover Centre 01793 541111 Transco Gas 0800 111999 Wroughton Library 01793 312719 Swindon Council 01793 463000 Thamesdown Transport 01793 428428 Stagecoach 01793 521415 National Bus Line 0870 200 2233 Rail Enquiries 0845… read more

New Road allotments

Parish Council statement: The Parish Council is keeping the allotments open for as long as Government guidelines permit it, and as long as tenants can agree to work within the confines of social distancing/no gatherings over 2 people. Please continue to enjoy your allotment and get some fresh air and exercise. Any growing tips for… read more

Voluntary Action Swindon – Coronavirus

If you know someone outside Chiseldon who may need help you can direct them to this website which offers help from local organisations and SBC: http://vas-swindon.org/coronavirus-help-page/

Eligible Swindon businesses to receive business rate relief from next month

Swindon businesses in the retail, leisure and hospitality industry who are eligible for the Government’s 12-month business rate holiday will see it reflected in their bills from next month. Swindon Borough Council will be administering the financial help to all firms who qualify following a package of support announced by the Chancellor yesterday evening (17… read more