Speed limit lowered from 60mph to 40mph on Draycot Foliat lane

A 40mph speed limit has been imposed on Draycot Close, a country lane in Draycot Foliat south of Chiseldon. Cars were previously allowed to drive at 60mph on the narrow single-carriageway road but Chiseldon parish Council applied to Swindon Borough Council for an order to lower the limit on safety grounds. Parish council chairman Matt… read more

Preparing for Adulthood Transitions Roadshow 2021

The Swindon Preparing for Adulthood Transitions Roadshow 2021 will be run as a virtual event, from Monday 20th to Friday 24th September. There will be presentations from a wide range of organisations throughout the week, and a full timetable with joining instructions, will be published in July. The Roadshow is for parents, carers and professionals… read more

100,000 residents fully vaccinated

On Monday (21 June), there were a small number of changes made to the current restrictions around weddings, commemorative services, pilot events, care home visits and domestic residential visits for children. All other step 3 restrictions remain in place until 19 July, make sure you know what you can and cannot do. Everyone over the… read more

Updates from Swindon Carers Centre

Welcome to our Snapshot eBulletin, created to keep our partner organisations and supporters up to date with our latest news. We hope that by sending a quick update to your inboxes (three times a year) this will help you to feel informed and connected to the Swindon Carers Centre team. If you’d like more information… read more

Exciting New Project for NEETS in Swindon – Boxing Clever

@The Hub Swindon and Wiltshire CIC is a not-for-profit organisation running from Fitzpatrick’s Gym on Ferndale Road. We are pleased to announce we have been funded by the Education and Skills Funding Agency to deliver an exciting new project, called ‘Boxing Clever’ aimed at young people that are currently not in education, employment or training… read more

Covid Vaccine Passport Scam

We have been made aware of a Covid Vaccine Passport scam email going around that purports to be from the NHS and informs recipients that they can apply for their “Digital Coronavirus Passports” Clicking on the link within the email, takes you to a convincing but fake NHS website that asks for personal and payment… read more

Ridgeway Bell Articles – June 2021

Points of interest from the meetings held in June 2021. Saturday 12th June 10.00 to 12.00 litter pick Thank you to all the volunteers and Cllrs who turned up for the litter pick. We had a good turn out and managed to remove a lot of rubbish. Our thanks as always to Allbuild Building and… read more

Preparing for Adulthood Transitions Roadshow 2021

The Swindon Preparing for Adulthood Transitions Roadshow 2021 will be run as a virtual event, from Monday 20th to Friday 24th September. There will be presentations from a wide range of organisations throughout the week, and a full timetable with joining instructions, will be published on the Local Offer, and through other communications channels in… read more

Step 4 of the roadmap delayed for four weeks

Yesterday (15 June), the Prime Minister announced that there will be a four-week pause at Step 3 of the roadmap out of lockdown. This means that Step 3 restrictions remain in place, as they have done since 17 May, and you should continue to follow the guidance on what you can and cannot do. It… read more

Successful litter pick

A massive thanks to all the litter pickers on Saturday. A good amount of rubbish was collected with a fabulous turn out of people. Our thanks to Allbuild building and landscaping our contractor for removing all the waste for free for us once again.

Thamesdown Drive resurfacing

From 21 June sections of Thamesdown Drive are due to be resurfaced. The work will take 6-7 weeks to complete and will take place at the following locations: The Orbital Shopping Park/Eastbury Way junction Link between Redhouse Way and Eastbury Way eastbound only Redhouse Way/Torun Way junction Oakhurst Way/Thursday Street junction Haydon Brook Bridge northbound… read more

Exciting Opportunity for young people to join the Youth Commission on Policing and Crime

Leaders Unlocked are currently recruiting young people to join the Wiltshire & Swindon Youth Commission on Police and Crime – an exciting initiative in partnership with the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner. The Youth Commission enables young people to support, challenge and influence decisions about policing and crime in Wiltshire & Swindon. The… read more

Wiltshire Dog Watch Newsletter

This is a Wiltshire Dog Watch newsletter update alert sent from Wiltshire Police. You can sign up to receive it directly from https://www.wiltsmessaging.co.uk/admin/user_login.asp) creating an account and choosing ‘Dog Watch’. If you have already signed, you just need to update your preferences on the Interest section. We welcome your feedback and the value of these… read more

Gigabit Fibre is coming to Wanborough, Liddington & Chiseldon

I met with Openreach this morning together with Neil Richardson (who has been working with the Chiseldon residents) and we are pleased to confirm that we have now officially moved into the build phase of the project – we did it! It is definitely happening!!!! Gigabit Fibre is definitely coming to our two communities! As… read more

STEAM is ready to reopen

STEAM, Museum of the Great Western Railway, will be reopening its doors on Thursday, 27 May. Bookings are now open. All visitors and STEAM Season Ticket holders must purchase timed-tickets in advance via STEAM’s website. Here, you will also find lots of useful information to help you plan your visit. Please note, visitors over 11… read more