The April 2024 edition of OUR NEWS (Neighbourhood Watch) is here

Disclaimer: Chiseldon Parish Council publishes information on services and organisations which it feels may be of interest to parishioners. However, this does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation by the Council. In addition, please note that we cannot guarantee the security or safety of any external websites. We are pleased to bring you the latest… read more

SSEN PSR Digital Toolkit

Chiseldon Parish Council publishes information on services and organisations which it feels may be of interest to parishioners. However, this does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation by the Council. In addition, please note that we cannot guarantee the security or safety of any external websites. We have received the following from Scottish and Southern… read more

Chiseldon Museum, open every Saturday

From April 6th, Chiseldon Museum is open every Saturday from 2pm to 4 pm. New for 2024: Celebrating Chiseldon Museum’s 20th anniversary. Kate Tryon – An American artist who was an admirer of Richard Jeffries. She painted many scenes around Chiseldon and Coate. Housework in days gone by. 5,000 years of village history Chiseldon’s railway…. read more

Youth Club

Our first holiday youth club with Headstart Skillz was Wed 3rd April 9.00 to 1.00 The kids enjoyed a mixture of outside sports, indoor games, some first aid training and they created their own businesses – working on logos, slogans, and sales pitches to each other. We hope the 11th April session runs as well.

Swindon Borough Council to install 600 new electric vehicle charging points

Earlier this week, the Council secured more than £2.3m to install up to 600 new electric vehicle charging points, following a successful government funding bid. The network of 7kW charging points will be installed early next year, primarily on residential streets. It’s part of the Council’s priority to support the Borough to achieve the UK-wide 2050 net… read more

Chiseldon Primary School first aid course

The Parish Council was delighted to hear that everyone had a great time on the first aid course at Chiseldon Primary School. The council worked with the school and Headstart Skillz to fund this day’s training from our grants and donations fund. We hope there are some future nurses, paramedics and doctors there now! The… read more

Councillors call for Thames Water to answer questions on its performance

Burst water mains, flooding, and sewage being pumped into local waterways are just some of the issues councillors want to question Thames Water about at their next meeting. At Swindon Borough Council’s Scrutiny Committee meeting on Monday (18 March), councillors demanded answers following the severe disruption caused to local residents and motorists following the recent… read more

Donations approved by Chiseldon Parish Council

Two donations were approved at the Full Council meeting on 11th March: £500 to Chiseldon Primary School to run first aid courses for all children in years 3-6 £500 to the Washpool volunteer group to start their fund for track improvement works. A further amount of funds needs to be allocated which will be voted… read more

Annual Parish Meeting, 8th April 7.30pm

The Annual Parish Meeting has been called by the Council Chairman for 8th April, 7.00pm at the Chiseldon House Hotel on New Road. All residents are welcome to attend but only electors of the parish are permitted to speak. PCSO Charlotte Watson will be attending to answer any local police questions you may have. Tea… read more

Washpool Sheep

At the Washpool in the heart of Chiseldon are six sheep that the Washpool Volunteer Group look after. These are all hardy Scottish breeds and two of them, Ross and Cromarty, have been immortalised in their own wool by the daughter of one of our volunteers. The likeness and detail is stunning. See more Washpool… read more

The March 2024 edition of OUR NEWS (Neighbourhood Watch Newsletter) is here

Disclaimer: Chiseldon Parish Council publishes information on services and organisations which it feels may be of interest to parishioners. However, this does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation by the Council. In addition, please note that we cannot guarantee the security or safety of any external websites. From Neighbourhood Watch: We are pleased to bring… read more