Annual Reports from Parish Meeting 16th May 2016

Please click on the links below to read the reports given at the Annual Parish meeting on the 16th May 2016 at the Chiseldon House Hotel. The Parish Council would like to thank the hotel for all their help and generosity in setting up the venue for us for the evening. We took the decision… read more

Books from Joy Wodhams – local writer

Attached is the information on books available to purchase on Amazon from local writer Joy Wodhams.  Joy donates her royalties to the GWH Radiotherapy appeal, Prospect Hospice and MacMillan Nurses so purchasing one of her books also supports some very worthwhile local charities. Some of Joy’s books are for children so it’s definitely worth a… read more

Reminder – Annual Parish Meeting 16th May from 6.30pm

Please join us at the Chiseldon House Hotel for an annual meeting for the Parish residents. Councillors will be providing updates on the years activities and we will be having some interesting guest speakers. Tea/coffee served from 6.30pm and the hotel are opening a cash bar. Hope to see you there!!!

Friends of the Railway Path – 22nd May work day

Our next work day will be on Sunday 22nd May, starting at 10:00.  We will be working on a stretch north of Marlborough. The meeting point is at the access point from the Chiseldon to Marlborough road (A346) just opposite the turning to Ogbourne Maizey, near grid reference SU 188 717.  A location map should… read more

Notice of Works drawings for May 2016

New Road Plans May 2016. page 1 New Road Plans May 2016. page 2 New Road Plans May 2016. page 3 Hodson Road gateway plans May 2016 Draycot Foliat gateway plans May 2016 Draycot Foliat and Hodson Road signage plans. May 2016[easingslider id=”252″]

Job Vacancy for Wilcot and Huish PC

The Parish is a small one, situated between Marlborough and Pewsey in the east of the County, so if you think you could be suitable as their new clerk, or know someone who would be interested, please contact: Cllr Dee Nix, Chairman of W&H PC directly, e-mail and/or go to the website: for more information.  

Friends of the Pathways update:

From Dick Millard: There are several things happening over the summer, which I wanted to list for you.  If you’ve used the Path recently, you may have noticed several surface improvements that Sustrans have made.  There is no better time to enjoy using the Path! Cycling Thursday, May 19        A ride out to Ogbourne St… read more

Residents of The Crescent, Chiseldon:

To the residents of the Crescent, Chiseldon: The landowners at the back of the properties is going to be flailing the overgrown vegetation in the fields shortly in preparation for removing the fly tipped rubbish and wanted to let residents know. Please pass on to your neighbours. Thanks

Change to May Parish Council Meeting dates

In amendment to earlier publications we would like to advise the following meeting changes: There will be NO Recreation meeting on Monday 16th May The May Environment meeting will now be held on Thursday 19th May at 7.00pm in the Old Chapel The Annual Meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Monday 23rd… read more

Annual Parish Meeting for Chiseldon Parish – Monday 16th May

                             Notice of Meeting: The Annual Parish Meeting for Chiseldon Parish will be held on Monday 16th May at 6.30pm at Chiseldon House Hotel.  All Residents are invited to attend. Teas/Coffees and biscuits to be served from 6.30pm, and the hotel will open their bar for drinks to be purchased. Meeting commences at 7.00pm We… read more