Christmas event at the Three Trees Farm Shop

Christmas Events this week at Three Trees Farm Shop!   Taster Day, 10am-3pm, Saturday 3rd December Come and try samples from our favourite suppliers, including Marshfield Farm’s Christmas Ice Cream flavours, Croome Cuisine’s Christmas Cake Cheese (yes, really!), Christmas pickles and chutneys as well as our own home made cakes.  Ramsbury Brewery will also be… read more

Stay well this Winter

Stay well this winter in Swindon It’s important to look after yourself, especially during the winter. Cold weather can be seriously bad for your health. But the good news is there are some simple things we can all do to help stay well. If you start to feel unwell, even if it’s a cough or… read more

SBC update:

  What is Warm Home Discount? The Warm Home discount is a £140 discount from your electricity supplier for this coming winter. Will I get it? If you were getting Guarantee Pension Credit on 10 July 2016 and your supplier is part of the scheme, you should get the discount automatically. If you are on… read more

SBC update on parking situation at Hodson Road

Update from SBC on the parking situation on Hodson Road near the roundabout after a request was made by Ward Cllr Shaw: Thank you for your email. This request from yourself and previously from Cllr Foley on behalf of the Parish Council has been noted and recorded on our list of requests. Unfortunately, as you… read more

What’s on in December:

Kindly supplied by the Ridgeway Bell: WHAT’S ON IN DECEMBER 2 Dec     Aldbourne Band Christmas Concert, Holy Cross Church, 7.30pm 3 Dec     Taster Day, Three Trees Farm Shop and Cafe, 10am—3pm 3 Dec     Borough Councillors’ Surgery, Chiseldon House Hotel, 11.30am – 12.30pm. Note new venue. 4/11/16 Dec        Choir Practice in Holy Cross Church, 11.30am 5… read more

Police warn of home and car theft increases

PC Nick Payne said:  We are currently experiencing burglaries to properties across “Swindon, the areas of Rodbourne, Gorse Hill and Rodbourne Cheney are particularly affected. Please make sure that your homes are secure, make sure all doors and windows are locked. If you see any suspicious activity please call “Swindon police on 101 or 999… read more

Police information on keeping safe in the event of a terrorist attack.

This week, Wiltshire Police is running a social media campaign to inform the public about how they can help keep themselves and their local community safe in the rare event of a terrorist incident. The current threat to the UK from international terrorism remains ‘severe’ meaning an attack is highly likely. Therefore, it is important… read more

Updated Work list

Please click here to see the latest update on the November list of works that either SBC or CPC are dealing with. We have not been able to get an update this month from Ward Councillors as to the overall status of SBC works. Please click here for Octobers list.

Library closure

Libraries to close next Tuesday afternoon (29th Nov) Library users are being advised that almost all of Swindon’s libraries will be closed next Tuesday afternoon (29 Nov). All libraries will close at 12noon, with the exception of the Express Zone at the Central Library and Walcot Library, which is run by volunteers. The Express Zone… read more

Welcoming a new Councillor – John Martin

Introducing our new Councillor John Martin. We welcomed John to the Parish Council on the 14th November. John has past experience as a Civil/Water engineer from 1985 to 2012. He is currently retired but is a member of U3A and a volunteer for the International Organisation of National Trusts. He enjoys walking, cycling, playing the… read more

How to order additional Recycling boxes

To order additional boxes contact SBC on 01793 445500 and make your request.  You will be given a reference number. You can then wait approx 2 weeks for the boxes to be delivered to your home, or go to the recycling centre at Chaney Manor and collect them using your reference number.

Public Health England advice on avoiding NovoVirus

Staff and pupils/children who develop symptoms of diarrhoea and/or vomiting should stay away from school/nursery and other childcare settings such as childminders until they have been symptom free for at least 48 hours. Good hygiene is important to stop the spread of infection, especially hand washing, frequently and thoroughly with soap and water, particularly after… read more

Latest crime statistics from the local policing team

Crime Figures October 2016 Burglary                            Dwelling x 0 Non-Dwelling x 3 Theft Theft x 5 (5 related to commercial premises) Criminal Damage Criminal Damage x 5 (three offences related to vehicles damaged on Draycott Road – enquiries ongoing) Vehicle Offences Vehicle offences x 1 (insecure vehicle entered and high value items removed) No similar offences… read more

Parish Councillor Vacancy

VACANCY FOR A PARISH COUNCILLOR If you are interested in serving your community and would like to be actively involved in the future of the Parish then perhaps you could join the Parish Council? We currently have one vacancy and would be delighted to hear from anyone who would be interested in working with us…. read more

Dog fouling on the Recreation Ground

Dear Dog owners The Parish Council know that 99% of you are responsible dog owners who clear up after their dogs. However a small minority are making life very unpleasant and dangerous for the Football players who use the pitches, especially the children. There are dog bins at either end of the Recreation ground –… read more

Clerks office hours week of 21st Dec

Clerks office hours amended due to school closure: Wed until 1.30pm Thurs 08.00 to 10.00 Fri 08.00 to 10.00 You can reach me via email at outside these hours.