Refuse and recycling over the holiday period

Swindon Refuse And Recycling Collections Over The Christmas Holiday Period Important changes to refuse and recycling collections will take place between Christmas and New Year affecting half of all households in Swindon. Collections due to take during the week commencing Monday, 26 December will be one day later than usual with crews working on Saturday,… read more

Are you ready for winter?

Are You Ready For Winter? Asks Swindon Borough Council With the worst of the winter weather still ahead, Swindon Borough Council has created a page on its website which gives residents useful advice and information about preparing for cold and extreme weather, and coping with it. The Are You Ready for Winter? page at… read more

First Chiseldon Rainbows

1st Chiseldon Rainbows meet every Wednesday during school term time in the school hall. 4.45- 6.00pm Contact Jo 07709320826 or go to. for more information

Allotment Plots

From January the Parish Council may have some allotment plots free to rent. If you would like a plot or like to be put on the waiting list (first come first served basis) then please email

January Church Services

RIDGEWAY BENEFICE with CHISELDON METHODIST CHURCH SERVICES FOR THE MONTH OF JANUARY 2017  1 January 2017 – (1st Sunday) – Christmas 2 1030      Holy Cross Church with                             Benefice Communion Chiseldon Methodist Church 8 January 2017 – (2nd Sunday) – Baptism of Christ 0830      St George                                                         Holy Communion (BCP) 1030      Holy Cross Church with                             Parish Communion Chiseldon… read more

What’s on in January

WHAT’S ON IN JANUARY   3 January            Chiseldon WI, Holy Cross Church Hall, 7.30pm 5 January            Ogbourne St George Open School, 5.30pm—6.30pm 7 January            Borough Councillors’ Surgery, Chiseldon House Hotel,11.30am – 12.30pm. Note new venue. 9 January            Craft Club, Chiseldon House Hotel, 10am—12noon 9 January            Chiseldon Parish Council Meeting, Recreation Hall, 7.30pm 11 January          Chiseldon… read more

SBC news on M4 J16

Major construction works at Junction 16 now well underway Over the last two weeks, major construction works have started on Junction 16, most notably the creation of a four-lane approach on the M4 eastbound exit slip. During the lead up to Christmas, works in this area are set to continue and the slip road will… read more

Parish Council meeting dates

Mon 12th Dec Full council meeting at 7.30pm Chiseldon House Hotel Thursday 15th December Finance meeting at 6.45pm at Recreation Hall Thursday 15th December Environment meeting at 7.15pm at Recreation Hall Monday 19th December Recreation meeting at 7.00pm at Recreation Hall

Chiseldon Primary School Christmas Fayre

Everyone is welcome along on Friday 9th December from 2.00pm onwards for the Christmas Fayre. You can find: Raffle – main prize a child’s bike Tombola Handmade Gifts Santa’s Grotto Cake Stall, with tea and coffee and much more……  

22nd December Library closure

Libraries to close early on 22nd December Library users are being advised that almost all of Swindon’s libraries will be closed on the afternoon of Thursday 22nd December. All libraries will close at 12noon, with the exception of the Express Zone at the Central Library and Walcot Library, which is run by volunteers. The Express… read more

Grit Bins

The Parish Council has requested that Swindon Borough Council top up all the yellow grit bins in the area.  These are for public use as required so please use them as needed.

Home security advice

After a recent attempted break in at Chiseldon whilst the residents were at home, please remember to lock your doors and windows even when you are at home. Make sure vehicle keys are not left in view of doors and windows, and make sure vehicles are locked even when you are at home.

Three Trees Farm Shop

Christmas Shopping Evening & Craft Fair, 5.30pm – 8pm, Wednesday 7th December Join us for mulled wine and a mince pie while you shop with DOUBLE points for purchases in our shop for Loyalty Card Holders during the evening.  Our café area will be closed while it hosts a variety of craft stalls, including jewellery,… read more

Thamesdown Bus changes

Thamesdown Changes to Bus Services 8th January 2017 and December Dayrider Sales Thamesdown Service Change 8th January 2017 Thamesdown will be commencing perhaps its biggest service change in a decade from 8th January 2017. Amongst the changes, passengers will see Services 1/1A and 16 combined to provide a service to the Great Western Hospital every… read more

Updates from SBC on Libraries,

Proposed Core Library Network Extended Following Consultation Park Library has been added to a network of core libraries as part of a new proposed library strategy to be discussed by Swindon Borough Council’s Cabinet next week (7 December). The strategy is in direct response to the financial pressures facing the Council and the need to… read more