Change of opening hours for Clerk’s office
From Monday 6th March the opening hours will be: Monday, Wednesday and Friday 9.30 to 11.30
From Monday 6th March the opening hours will be: Monday, Wednesday and Friday 9.30 to 11.30
Wednesday 19th April starting 7.00pm at the Chiseldon House Hotel is the Annual Parish Meeting. All residents are warmly invited to attend. Our guest speaker is the Police and Crime Commissioner Angus MacPherson who will be talking about the new community policing model and having a Q&A session. There will be reports on the years… read more
Thanks to all of you who contacted me when I suggested setting up a group to give mutual support, help and advice to local new and established writers, and apologies that it’s taken a while to get back to some of you. While it wouldn’t be practical to have too large a group (a, because… read more
The Borough/Parish Councillor surgery for March is this Saturday 4th March, 11.30 to 12.30 at the Memorial Hall on Draycott Road. All welcome to come in and have a chat about any concerns or issues you might have.
My thanks to Ian, Howard, Les, Mark, Chris and Tim. We had a successful day, as you can see from the before-and-after pictures below. Not only did we do a lot of clearing, we also removed four large bags of litter and fly tipping! The geology is now much more visible: and we had several… read more
Wiltshire Neighbourhood Watch A key player in the ‘One Team’ approach to reducing crime. Wiltshire Neighbourhood Watch Association is organising a series of Open Forum’s to inform and raise awareness of the ‘One Team One Approach’ community policing model recently introduced by Wiltshire Police. The forum will also provide an opportunity to review how Neighbourhood… read more
I am sure everyone has seen the recent Facebook and news posts about thefts from vehicles and vandalism etc. Just a reminder to everyone to continue to keep all doors and windows locked (even when in the house) and vehicles secured at all times. It appears this sadly needs to be the norm, not just… read more
Would you like a Ridgeway mobile phone app? We’d like to know what you think about a mobile phone app for use along The Ridgeway – is it a good idea? This survey will take less than 2 minutes to complete: We are thinking about producing an app to enhance the visitor’s experience through… read more
You may or may not know that the Parish Council is responsible for the weekly rubbish bin emptying. Our contractor has recently reported that bins are often filling up and overflowing on their weekly rounds due to people placing household rubbish in the bins. Whilst we applaud every effort to keep rubbish from being thrown… read more
WHAT’S ON IN MARCH 1 March Lent Lunch, Holy Cross Church Hall, 12.45pm 4 March Chiseldon Village Litter Pick, Strouds Hill, 10am—12 noon 4 March Borough Councillors’ Surgery, Calley Memorial Hall 11.30am – 12.30pm. NOTE CHANGE OF VENUE. 6 March Craft Club, Chiseldon House Hotel, 10am—12noon 6 March -3 April Lent… read more
Forthcoming Council meetings: Mon 13th March – Full council meeting Thurs 16th March – Environment meeting Mon 20th March – Recreation Meeting Wed 29th March – Finance Meeting All meetings have a public recess at the start where members of the public can address the chair for 5 minutes.
ChIRP 2018 – Church Interior Renovation Project Update We’re off! The calendar is quickly filling up with fundraising events during 2017 and there will be something for everyone whatever the weather! People’s generosity has been overwhelming, with offers to run events, financial donations, prizes for competitions, offers of skills and services – its very clear… read more
Date Announcement: On Wednesday 19th April from 7.00pm we will be holding the Annual Parish Meeting in the Chiseldon House Hotel. All residents of the Parish are invited to attend. Our first confirmed guest speaker is the Police and Crime Commissioner Angus MacPherson who will be giving a talk on Community Policing in Wiltshire. Further… read more
Library Provision – changes affecting Chiseldon Residents We have always had either a library or a mobile library in the Chiseldon Parish area. We lost the library in the old school building in New Road a number of years ago and this was replaced by a mobile library service, calling twice a week. Due to… read more
The first meeting of the new Transport and Strategic Planning Committee meeting is Thursday 23rd Feb at 7.30pm in the Recreation Hall. As with all our other meetings, the public are welcome to attend and there will be a public recess at the start of the meeting.
Bus Corridor” meeting – Friday, 24th. February between 11.00-1300hrs. In Wroughton Library, off Wharf Road, Wroughton. We hope that as many bus users as possible will try to get there. The corridor routes will be for buses only and one is proposed to run through Old Town. You can use the Service 81 at 10.33am… read more
Ridgeway Bell Notes for: February 2017 (March 2017 issue) is now available.
The Clerk’s office is closed from now (Thursday 9th Feb) to Monday 20th Feb. Only urgent emails will be responded to during this time.
Thamesdown Transport Limited has been taken over by a major commercial bus operator after councillors agreed to sell the Council’s shares in the company. The decision to sell the bus company to Go South Coast, part of the Go Ahead Group, was taken at Wednesday night’s Cabinet meeting (1 Feb) and will ensure Thamesdown Transport… read more
We have been talking to SBC about the problem with dog mess and they have asked that people report in any problem areas; if anyone witnesses someone letting their dog foul the grass areas or pavements, or spot a regular pattern of this occurring. That way they know to target the areas for regular warden… read more