Is Your Thatched Property at Risk of Fire?

Dorset & Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service: Is Your Thatched Property at Risk of Fire? There are few things more picturesque than the classic image of the UK countryside, complete with a thatched property. There are thousands of beautiful and unique thatched properties across both Dorset and Wiltshire, all of which carry an increased risk… read more

Planning Process

Public to be given chance to learn more about planning process The complexities of the local planning process will be explained in two training sessions organised by Swindon Borough Council. The Council’s planning team will be on hand to run through how planning applications are determined as well as navigate people through local planning policy…. read more

Akers Way reopens to traffic on Wednesday

Good news for motorists as Akers Way reopens to traffic on Wednesday evening One of Swindon’s most important arterial routes will reopen to traffic following major improvement works. Akers Way has undergone extensive reconstruction work, which has resulted in major modifications to the concrete road base that will add decades to the lifespan of the… read more

Friends of the Railway Path: AGM report

Friend of the Railway’s recent AGM Workdays and events have continued on the Railway Path. We have benefitted from 234 volunteer hours over the past 12 months – thank you to everyone who has managed to get to one! We also held a butterfly walk, attracting both people and butterflies: thanks to Peter David and… read more

Are we getting through?

Dorset & Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service ask: Are we getting through? Dorset & Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service has launched an awareness campaign across its area, targeting poor or inconsiderate parking. The Service is asking all drivers “Are we getting through?” as, when responding to a 999 call, every second that the emergency services are… read more

Remembrance Service

The Remembrance Service on Saturday 11th November at the memorial stone in Ladysmith Road will go ahead as planned, immediately after the main service at 10.50 at the memorial stone at New Road. SBC legal department have advised us of the following: “The highway verge is highway that is maintained at the public expense by… read more

National Firearms Surrender

National Firearms Surrender A national firearms surrender is set to take place in England, Scotland and Wales between 13th and 26th November 2017.During the surrender members of the public are encouraged to take firearms into police stations and hand them over the front counter. The two week surrender is a campaign to clear firearms from… read more

Parking Layby

We have been advised by SBC that the new parking layby will be installed on New Road (near Castle View Road and Station Road) on 6th November. We are currently finding out if there will be traffic lights or other road restrictions in this area during this time. The layby is not designated as allocated… read more

Wreath Making

Wreath Making Workshop On Saturday 2nd December, starting at 1 pm until 5:30 pm in the Chiseldon Memorial Hall a festive workshop will be taking place. Tutored by David Martin you will be able to make your own Christmas wreaths. The workshop costs £25 and this is not only including all the materials to make… read more

The Arts Society, Pewsey Vale monthly lectures

Monday 13th November The Arts Society, Pewsey Vale monthly lectures are held in the Bouverie Hall, Pewsey SN9 5QE, and cover a wide range of subjects relevant to the wonderful world of The Arts. The hall is open from 7 pm with lectures beginning at 7:30 pm for approximately one hour. Coffee/tea and wine is… read more

Halloween is just around the corner

Halloween is just around the corner (Tuesday 31 October) and we are encouraging young people to be safe and respect others if they are out and about in local communities trick or treating. We’re asking parents and carers to be sure they know where their children are over the Halloween period and that they know… read more

What’s On In November

What is on in November 4th November – Borough Councillors’ Surgery, Calley Memorial Hall, 11.30am – 12.30pm 6th November – Craft Club, Chiseldon House Hotel, 10am – 12 noon 7th November – Chiseldon WI, Holy Cross Church Hall, 7.30pm 8th November – Chiseldon Gardening Club, Holy Cross Church Hall, 7.30pm 13th November – Craft Club, Chiseldon House Hotel, 10am –… read more

M4 Junction 15 (Swindon, Wiltshire)

M4 Junction 15 – Resurfacing Kier Highway, on behalf of Highways England, will be resurfacing sections of the roundabouts at junction 15 to address defects such as Potholes and low skid resistance areas. In order to carry out the work as efficiently and safely as possible, the eastern and western sides of the roundabout non-consecutively…. read more

Stay Safe Online

Do you need some confidence in staying safe online? If you are aged over 60 you are entitled to a visit from a online safety volunteer who will talk you through using your digital equipment safely. Please see the attached poster on how you can book your visit.

Greenbridge Roundabout

Dorcan Way Lining The lining layout on the Dorcan Way approach to the Greenbridge roundabout will be revised to allow for left turning traffic to use both the left and middle lanes. The lining removal and painting is planned to be carried out on the night of Monday 23th October and a revised advance direction sign… read more