1. Vote in New Chair of the committee – Cllr Jefferies to take this item as current VC
2. Vote in New Vice Chair of the Committee (If required)
3. Attendances and apologies for absence
4. Declarations of Interest
5. Public Recess
6. Approval OF MINUTES from the meeting on 25th March & 15th April 19
7. Action Points
8. VOTING ITEMS Discuss & Vote on planning application S/HOU/19/0679 for 23 Norris Close.
9. Discussion & Vote on temporarily suspending planning committee activities and passing committee issues within Full Council each month. Committee to be re-stated once Cllr numbers improve.
10. Discuss History Group adding another Interpretation board outside the church. Feedback requested. See additional information
11. Review planning list of current planning applications.
12. Discuss possible application from Redlands Airfield for 2nd plane to fly. (CPC are not a consultee on this)
13. Discussion on Wilts Council possibly cancelling service 80 into Marlborough in the morning (bus used by school children) See additional documentation.
14. Double Yellow Lines on Slipper Lane/Turnball junction – update from Clerk
15. Dykes Mews parking issue – discuss, plus any update received from Ward Cllrs. Updated requested from WC’s 22.5.19
16. Request from Draycot Foliat for painted parking bays and possibly extra parking created on green area. WC’s chased for a possible cost for CPC to create parking bays. 22.5.19.
Funds allocated to 2020/21 budget, or funds from general reserves – possible request to be made to Finance Committee.
17. Items for next agenda (Note, these items cannot be voted on at this meeting)