20/01 Vote in new committee Chairman.
(Agenda item chaired by Cllr Harris)
Cllr Kearsey indicated he would be willing to stand as committee chairman.
There were no other nominations.
A proposal was made by Cllr Harris that Cllr Kearsey be approved as Chairman for the committee. Cllr Rawlings seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
Cllr Kearsey took his place as Chairman of the committee
Public Recess: no public
20/02. Vote in new committee Vice Chairman.
There were no nominations for this role. It was decided to leave this role vacant. Cllr Harris has offered assistance if required.
20/03. Declarations of Interest. Cllr Rawlings lives near the property referred to in item 7 of the agenda known as “Meadow Stores” Application S/PAOTH/20/0514 and will not be voting. (Minutes 20/04)
Cllr Dukes lives at Draycot Foliat in regards to item 12 of the agenda – parking, speed and lighting issues to be discussed. He will not vote on any proposal. (Minute 20/09)
20/04. PLANNING. Discussion & vote on application for S/PAOTH/20/0514. Meadow Stores New Road change of use from retail to restaurant.
The committee had concerns over the closing time of 11.00pm in relation to local residents and also the problem of noise and smells from an establishment in this area serving food, especially if takeaway meals were provided. The Parish Council would welcome the opportunity to see more detailed plans.
A proposal to reply with the comments above to this application was made by Cllr Harris, seconded by Cllr Bates and all Cllrs in favour.
20/05. PLANNING. Discussion & vote on application S/HOU/20/0509 44 Station Road rendering.
A proposal to reply with no comment to this application was made by Cllr Harris, seconded by Cllr Rawlings and all Cllrs in favour.
20/06. PLANNING Discussion & vote on application S/HOU/20/0467. The Coach House, New Road. Change garage to living space & extension to shed.
A proposal to reply with no comment to this application was made by Cllr Duke, seconded by Cllr Harris and all Cllrs in favour.
20/07. HIGHWAYS. Discuss & Vote on proposed closure of Day House Lane to vehicle traffic.
A proposal to reply with no comment to this proposal to SBC was made by Cllr Rawlings, seconded by Cllr Duke and all Cllrs in favour.
20/08. HIGHWAYS. Discuss & Vote on supporting Stanton Fitzwarren Parish Council lobbying SBC to adopt a 20mph speed limit policy as part of their Highways policy.
The Cllrs had been provided with the supporting documentation prior to the meeting.
A proposal to not support this proposal was made by Cllr Bates, seconded by Cllr Harris and all Cllrs in favour.
20/09. TRANSPORT. Discussion & Vote on next steps for Draycot Foliat parking, speeding and lighting issues.
The Clerk updated the committee on progress made so far. SBC are not willing to provide changes to parking or lighting in the area. There is a plan in progress with SBC to change the speed limit from 50pmh to 40mph however a lack of funds and Covid19 have delayed this.
There is currently £25,000 in the 2020/21 budget for parking improvements. Norris Close improvements cost £26,000 plus VAT. A previous quote of approx. £1500 was provided to remove the trees/shrubbery at the roots for the area adjoining the parking bays.
Actions proposed are:
Clerk to ask Frank Donachie at SBC if a sign can be placed on the Highway to warn of vehicles joining the carriageway on the blind bend.
Investigate costs of SSE supplying a new overhead electricity supply to allow the installation of a street light.
Investigate solar powered lighting.
Investigate the costs of improving the parking in this area.
A proposal was made to follow up the above actions by Cllr Rawlings, seconded by Cllr Harris and all Cllrs in favour. Cllr Duke did not vote.
20/10. TRANSPORT Discussion & Vote on preliminary plans for extra parking at Windmill Piece.
A proposal was made to ask SBC for the initial costs for this work was made by Cllr Duke, seconded by Cllr Bates and all Cllrs in favour.
20/11. Items for the next agenda
Cllr Harris – Diversion for M4 J15 work by Highways England – investigate if the Ridgeway Road can be an alternative route.
Clerk – New Road re-surfacing. Letter to surrounding area residents asking them to support a temporary road closure to achieve this.
Items in regards to hedge cutting were mentioned but should be added to the EGPA agenda if required.
Meeting closed at 20.05
Action Points
20/04, 20/05, 20/06.
Reply to SBC with decision of council to these planning applications
Reply to SBC in regards to closing of Day House Lane proposal
Reply to Stanton Fitzwarren PC in regards to 20mph policy introduction by SBC
Contact Frank Donachie at SBC in regards to signage at Draycot Foliat
Investigate costs for SSE to supply new electricity supply for street lighting at Draycot Foliat
Investigate solar powered lighting
Investigate costs of improving parking in the area
Investigate initial costs for Windmill Piece parking improvements with SBC
Investigate using Ridgeway Road for diversion route during M4 J15 work with SBC
New Road re-surfacing letter – send to residents of the area for their views.