Public Recess:
3 members of the public from New Road.
Comments were raised regards concerns over the 3 Earthline planning applications which has seen multiple HGV’s from Earthline driving through Hodson Road and New Road.
There is damage to the road, the houses are shaking, there are concerns over damage & injury. Concerns over children walking to and from school along this route as well.
Loss of quality of life, being woken up early due to lorry noise. Residents are considering moving due to this issue.
Resident has raised their concerns via the Highways Agency.
There are many other HGV’s apart from Earthline also using this route. There are cracks in buildings that were not there prior to this.
20/12. Declarations of Interest.
Cllr Dukes lives in Draycot Close so will not vote on minute 20/17 if one is required.
20/13. Approval of minutes from 26th May 2020.
Remove Cllr Sunners on attendee list.
A proposal to approve these minutes as an accurate reflection of the meeting was made by Cllr Harris, seconded by Cllr Rawlings and all Cllrs in favour.
20/14 Action points from previous meeting.
20/04, 20/05, 20/06 Reply to SBC with decision of council to these planning applications DONE
20/07 Reply to SBC in regards to closing of Day House Lane proposal. DONE
20/08 Reply to Stanton Fitzwarren PC in regards to 20mph policy introduction by SBC. DONE
20/09 Contact Frank Donachie at SBC in regards to signage at Draycot Foliat. DONE – NOTHING AVAILABLE.
Investigate costs for SSE to supply new electricity supply for street lighting at Draycot Foliat. DONE. COST IS PROHIBITIVE – £1000’s ADVISED.
Investigate solar powered lighting. ONGOING
Investigate costs of improving parking in the area. ONGOING. COMPLEX PROCEDURE RECEIVED FROM SBC.
20/10 Investigate initial costs for Windmill Piece parking improvements with SBC. AS ABOVE. ONGOING. COMPLEX PROCEDURE FROM SBC.
20/11 Investigate using Ridgeway Road for diversion route during M4 J15 work with SBC. DONE. AWAITING SBC CONFIRMATION OF NEW ROUTE.
New Road re-surfacing letter – send to residents of the area for their views. DONE. CLERK TO REMIND RESIDENTS TO REPLY ON FB.
20/15. PLANNING. Discussion & vote on applications S/20/0285, S/20/0286 & S/LDE/20/0507 for Earthline hangers and associated works.
The committee had received a copy of all the residents’ comments in regards to these applications.
A discussion was had on whether New Road needed a weight limit. Currently it is the SBC/Highways England official diversion route for when the M4 is closed so a weight limit is unlikely.
It was suggested we take the relevant comments from the Wroughton Ward Cllrs comments to SBC planning & use this as our template as many of our issues are the same across the parishes.
A proposal was put that all 3 planning applications be objected to, using the comments from Wroughton Ward Cllrs as a guide by Cllr Harris. Seconded by Cllr Rawlings and all Cllrs in favour.
20/16. HIGHWAYS. New Road re-surfacing update from Clerk
Approx. 30 replies received so far from residents’ who support New Road being re-surfaced, and the subsequent temporary road closure that would result from this. Deadline to comment is 17th July and then July PHTD committee can comment on the letter to send back to SBC with this official request.
20/17. HIGHWAYS. Solar Power lighting provision at Draycot Foliat.
One provisional quote has been received which shows that 1 light in the centre of the parking area (along the current tree line) would be sufficient to light the area. 3 other requests for quotes have not been answered yet. May not be working due to Covid19.
2 more quotes to be obtained and the item added to the July PHTD committee agenda to approve funds for this project. To go to full council for final approval as not a budget item for 2020/21.
Will also need to consider a service pack as the batteries will not last indefinitely.
A letter will be sent to residents asking for their support.
20/18. HIGHWAYS. Draycot Foliat parking improvements
SBC provided a list of actions required and the list is very extensive and not something the PC has carried out before.
Ward Cllrs have been asked to talk to SBC Highways to see if they can assist us with some of the procedure. We await a reply. Moving to July agenda. A Highways Engineers advice is needed. Ward Cllrs to be asked if they have any contacts.
The PC will have to use Contract Finder (and other methods) to attract a suitable company who can work through the procedures and work with us to complete this project.
20/19. HIGHWAYS. Windmill Piece parking for 2021/22.
As item 20/18. Professional assistance required to move the project forward.
No items
20/21. Items for the next agenda
Whether 2 x SID devices required for Badbury?
Whether an improved crossing point for the A346 between Chiseldon and Badbury is needed?
Meeting closed at 20.11
20/09 Investigate solar powered lighting
Investigate costs of improving parking in the area
20/10 Investigate initial costs for Windmill Piece parking improvements with SBC
20/11 Investigate using Ridgeway Road for diversion route during M4 J15 work with SBC
New Road re-surfacing letter – send to residents of the area for their views
20/15 Reply with SBC with planning objections on 3 Earthline applications
20/16 Review & approve letter to SBC in July meeting for closing New Road to re-surface it.
Cllr Duke
20/17 2 more quotes for solar lighting for July meeting
20/17 Letter to Draycot Foliat residents asking for approval of solar lighting
20/18 Ask Ward Cllrs to see if they have any contacts in Highways industry who can assist with 2 parking solutions
20/21 Add items to July agenda