

Public Recess

17 members of the public – no comments

18/17 Declarations Of Interests

Cllr Rawlings is an allotment holder and Cllr Hill cannot vote on New Road application as he lives on New Road.

18/18 Vote on New Road planning application – Parish Council’s comments back to SBC

Cllr Brady re-capped on the previous Planning Committee meeting all Cllrs were against this proposal except Cllr McDonald who was undecided.

Cllr Brady asked if Cllrs not on the Planning Committee meeting where all Cllrs were against this proposal except Cllr McDonald who was undecided.

Cllr Brady asked if Cllrs not on the Planning Committee wanted to add any comment?

Cllr Sunners wanted to acknowledge the AONB as the impact on the AONB helped inform his decision.
He feels that as the previous application was rejected due to the AONB it shows there is the right to protect it. It is an unwarranted expansion which threatens the green areas around the village. New road is already hazardous to traffic and there is no infrastructure in place. It is a historically important landscape.

Cllr Clarke’s view is to reject this application.

Cllr McDonald has considered his position and feels he would support this application as there was a proportion of the village who did want this application to go ahead and he is their voice.

Cllr Costigan is against.

Cllr Hill would object but he cannot vote. He believes it is the wrong location for the houses.

Cllr Walton will be abstaining from the vote.

Cllr Bates is against due to the traffic congestion.

Cllr Rawlings is against due to it being AONB land. With no infrastructure in place. If the A419 or M4 has a traffic issue then the A346 and Chiseldon are already congested.

Cllr Matt Harris is against due to the likelihood of the building work going round this whole area until it gets to Draycott Road.

Cllr Jefferies is against. She cautioned against making sure that if the application does go through that the PC talk to the developers to ensure the Parish get the best possible outcome from it.

Cllr Brady is against. Shouldn’t encroach on the AONB. Need to investigate neighbourhood plan to ensure we can influence further building in our environment.

Cllr Michelle Harris isn’t against Chiseldon growing and has listened to other views. There isn’t the infrastructure. She has listened to public view so will be against the proposal.

A resolution was then proposed that the application be rejected due to the AONB, encroaching on the settlement boundary, not supporting and providing infrastructure, doesn’t follow the Swindon local plan. Cllr Brady proposed this resolution, Cllr Matt Harris seconded and all Cllrs were in favour except: Cllr Walton abstained, Cllr McDonald was for and Cllr Hill didn’t vote. 

The Clerk is to ask Andy Brown at SBC for an extension for replying.

18/19 Co-opt a new Parish Councillor

There are 2 candidates, Denise Rogers and Tina Scott.

Denise lives in Badbury with her partner and dog. She walks around the parish a lot and has lived in the area for 36 years. She taught dancing and then went on to teach in Wiltshire probation service.
She retired 3 years ago. She wants to give back to the community where she lives. She is organised, good at planning and communicating to the public.

Tina has a legal background and is passionate about the environment and planning issues. She wants to give back to the community.

The 2 candidates were asked to leave the room.

The Cllrs were asked for their thoughts.

Cllr Costigan advised that the unsuccessful candidate should keep in contact as both candidates had a lot to offer.
Cllr Sunners commented on Cllrs lost in recent years and only 1 person can be co-opted tonight due to the legal process to follow.

Cllr Bates, Hill and Rawlings believe Denise is a good Choice due to her living in Badbury which ideally requires its own Cllr representative.

Cllr Jefferies believes Tina would be a good choice.

A vote was then cast.

Denise was voted by a mojority of 1 to be the new Parish Cllr.

The candidates entered the room and Cllr Brady thanked them both for coming and advised they were both strong candidates and it was a close vote.

Denise Rogers was then invited to join the Council and signed the acceptance of office book. Tina was asked to keep in touch.

18/20 Approval of minutes from 21st May 2018

No changes.

A proposal was made by Cllr Rawlings that these minutes be therefore accepted; Cllr D Hill seconded this and all Cllr were in favour. 

18/21 Matters arising and Action points

Matters Arising


Action Points – May 2018


  • 17/76. Ask Ward Cllrs to chase cutting back of trees obscuring sign on A346 Plough Hill. ONGOING, WAITING FOR HIGHWAYS
  • 18/06. Invite SBC Highways rep to visit Hodson Road to review site for speed activated sign. DONE
  • 18/15. Add item to next Finance meeting to review how incoming precept funds are spent.  DONE
  • 18/15. Ask SBC Planning if deadline for New Road application response can be extended. DONE
  • 18/16. Add items to next Planning meeting for 40mph request for Draycot Foliat. DONE

Ward Cllr Foley & Mattock:

  • 17/133. Investigate why vehicles are parked on verges at New Road layby. ONGOING
  • 17/133. Request information from SBC on what constitutes a breach of safety specific to Highways. ONGOING

Cllr Sunners:

  • 17/137. Progress shops/pubs becoming safe places for dementia sufferers. ONGOING. WAITING FOR SBC. Still talking to Diane Lambert but no contact with shops yet.

18/22 Community Safety

Cllr Sunners reporting.
This week is national Neighbourhood Watch week. Need to make sure all residents are aware of home security in hot weather. The Clerk will add a reminder to FB and the website.

Ward Cllr Foley commented on an increase in opportunity crimes in the area.

The crime stats for April 2018 were 12 crimes. 8 were drive-aways at the Esso Station. The others were anti-social behaviour, violent and sexual. A sexual offence is anything from inappropriate touching to more serious crimes. Violence can be non-physical violence upwards to more serious physical assaults.

At the 4th June NHW meeting 8 members attended. The speed at Hodson Road was discussed with a 20mph limit mentioned.

The allotment lids from one of the New Road water tanks have been stolen.
The Clerk advised that the land where a caravan is parked on Norris Close is not owned by SBC so cannot be moved on by them or the PC.

Cllr Sunners is trying to get all local Parish Councils to adopt the community safety model. The police resources are limited.

Community speed watch reported that the police did a 3 hour speeding session locally. Community speed watch still need volunteers. There is no need to go to Devizes from training any longer.

Cllr Hill attended the Worughton NHW meeting. Inspector Dave Hobman was there listening to local issues. Need to ensure Chisledon PC is represented here.

18/23 Ward Councillors reports

Nothing to report from Ward Cllr Foley – all issues are in hand

Ward Cllr Sumner advised that some further modelling has been done on J15 but the finding are not ready for public release. There hasn’t been a meeting date set yet.

Cllr Hill thanked Ward Cllr Foley for arranging for Plough Hill to be patched.

18/24 Review of Parish Cllrs allowances

The Councillors had all recieved the document from SBC with the suggested amounts that Cllr could receive should they choose to award allowances.

Cllr Brady advised that CPC could do this but the precept would go up as a result.
Cllr Matt Harris reminded Cllrs that there is nothing in the budget for this financial year to cover this and the council probably doesn’t want to raise the precept if they have to, to cover allowances.
Cllr Walton advised that Cllrs are not in attendance for the money and Cllr Jefferies commented on how high the proposed figures seemed to be.
Cllr Sunners believed it to be a sensitive subject as many more responsibilities are devolved down to Parish level. The Chair has more complex issues to deal with.
A smaller gesture could perhaps be looked at?
Cllr McDonald advised that other parishes are paying their councillors as more skills are required to be a Parish Cllrs so councils are feeling that they should pay for these skills.
This discussion is going to be moved to the July full council meeting.

18/25 Update from last Strategy meeting

This item is to be moved to the July Full Council meeting due to time Constraints

The Clerk is to arrange the next Strategy meeting with the relevant committee members.

18/26 Review of Committee minutes and documents

Finance from Cllr Harris:

There has been no Finance meeting since the last full council meeting, figures have been distributed but are not up to date. They will be completed next month.

Environment, General Purpose and Amenities (EGPA) from Cllr Rawlings:

Nothing to report as no meeting held in May 2018.

Transport report from Cllr Hill:

Cllr Hill handed out his report to Cllrs. Be aware there will be a lot of traffic on the 13th July as it is the start of the Air Tattoo.

Planning, Transport Development and Highways from Cllr Brady:

A formal update will go out for New Road and the Clerk will ask SBC for an extension of the deadline to respond.

18/27 AOB

Cllr Hill commented on the new history board that is on Strouds Hill where former major Eric Shaw did the unveiling. The History Society thanked the PC as the council paid 50% of the cost as a grant.

Cllr Hill commented on the fete on Saturday. The Clerk needs volunteers to help on the stall and to provide prizes to go in the hampers.

Cllr Bates commented on the usefulness of the Church hall as a meeting venue for possible future use.

Meeting closed at 21.03


Summary Of Action Points

All actions to be completed by the next Full Committee meeting unless otherwise specified.


  • 17/76. Ask Ward Cllr to chase cutting back of trees obscuring sign on A346 Plough Hill. ONGOING, WAITING FOR HIGHWAYS
  • 18/18. Ask SBC for an extension to the deadline for New Road application reply to be sent it.
  • 18/22. Add info to FB and website ref more crimes due to lack of home secuirty in warm weather.
  • 18/23. Add review of Parish Cllr allowances to July meeting.
  • 18/24. Add Strategy meeting update to July agenda and set a meeting date for the next Strategy meeting

Ward Cllr Foley & Mattock:

  • 17/133. Investigate why vehicles are parked on verges at New Road layby. ONGOING
  • 17/133. Request information from SBC on what constitutes a breach of safety specific to Highways. ONGOING

Cllr Sunners:

  • 17/137. Progress shops/pubs becoming safe places for dementia sufferers. ONGOING, WAITING FOR SBC