23/98. Public recess. No public
23/99. Approval of apologies given.
Absence with apologies: Cllr Jackson has a work commitments. Cllr Quidwai has a work commitment.
Ward Cllrs Sunners and Hopkins also sent their apologies.
A proposal was made to approve the apologies given. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
23/100. Co-option of Cllrs. No candidates
23/101. Declarations of interest. none
23/102. Approval of minutes from 11th September 2023. No changes
A proposal was made to approve these minutes as an accurate account of the meeting with the above change. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
23/103. Action points from previous meeting. Completed items in grey.[italics on website]
23/29. Chase up Badbury hedge cutting and white line painting issues with Ward Cllr Sumner. STILL CHASING. HEDGE ISSUE WITH SBC ENFORCEMENT.
23/74. A list to be drawn up of S106 funds that can be requested from SBC for the parishes use. The Clerk is to email the list to SBC and update the PC’s website. DONE. SENT TO SBC.
23/78. RFO to apply for Unity credit card on minimum spend basis. Credit limit to be approved at next applicable finance meeting. DONE
23/92. Talk to surgery practice manager ref public update for patients. New hub phone number and services provided. DONE
23/97. Add Cllr Whiteheads item request to Oct agenda and send him the request form. DONE
Ward Cllr Hopkins and Elliott
20/16. Investigate end of Badbury footpath being blocked. Waiting for SBC officer update.
23/10. To find out the current situation with regards to public footpaths and maintenance after the Countryside Access talk that SBC did not attend.
23/104. Policy and Community report. Cllr Sunners
8 crimes reported in September on the police website. Met with PCSO Trueman on 25th Sept, next meeting 3rd Nov. A reminder of the pop up event on Strouds Hill at 10-11am on Sat 14th Oct.
Operation Scorpion – Investigating and stopping drug use and dealing across county lines. Police are appealing for people to report anything suspicious.
There is a report that a young female was followed in Chiseldon whilst walking her dog. It has been reported to the police.
Speedwatch report – Station Road.20-30 vehicles recorded per session going over the speed limit. On average above 36mph. Top speed was 70mph.
New Road/Wells Close – 12-15 vehicles speeding on average per session. 43mph top speed recorded.
Hodson Road – 12 vehicles speeding on average per session. Most were under 40mph.
23/105. Ward Cllrs reports.
Ward Cllr Elliott for Chiseldon and Lawn Ward.
Highways are due to visit Downs Road to check the condition of the pavement there.
The CIL and S106 process is to be sped up.
A new Parish/SBC protocol document is being created.
The waste and recycling stats over the summer were not good.
The teams are now back on track, now that all summer holiday time has been used. New trucks that were on order are arriving. They all can collect food waste as well as usual recycling. Nov/Dec will see the complete roll out of food recycling.
Earthline – Planning enforcement aware. Earthline have until the end of November to fully comply with the appeal findings. Enforcement will then go and check the site. There will still be lorries in the area whilst Earthline dismantle and remove infrastructure.
Three Trees Stables. Enforcement will visit again in 6 months to check the status of the site.
The first Ward Cllr surgery was carried out, with Parish Cllr attendance. Many of the issues raised were parish and not SBC matters.
Ward Cllr Elliott left the meeting at 20.05
23/106. FINANCE. To note the external auditor report from PKF Littlejohn and the response from the RFO.
The report and response was formally noted ref bad debt and handling of VAT on the tennis club lease. The council was in agreement with the proposed actions from the RFO.
A proposal was made to formally note the external auditor response and the proposed actions from the RFO and approve them. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
23/107. FINANCE. To approve a quote for the refurbishment of the BT box at Badbury.
The 4 quotes were reviewed.
A proposal was made to approve the Allbuild quote of £410 plus £43 for a new pane of glass. To also approve £34.79 for paint costs. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
23/108. FINANCE. To approve a donation of £60 to the British Legion to cover the costs of the Remembrance day wreaths that are being used from last year.
A proposal was made to approve the £60 donation to the British Legion. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
23/109. FINANCE. To approve a maximum expenditure of £52.00 to the Clerk on Christmas baubles that can be re-used each year for decorating the Xmas trees on New Road.
A proposal was made to approve the expenditure of up to £52.00 to the Clerk for the Xmas baubles. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
23/110. FINANCE. To review and approve the quarterly budget vs expenditure report from the RFO.
There were no comments or queries on the report dated July to Sept 23 and also including year to date figures.
A proposal was made to formally approve the report with no comments or queries made. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
23/111. FINANCE. To suggest whole council budget items for 24/25 budget year.
A sum for further architect work for the Rec ground project was suggested.
The Clerk will ask the RFO to add that to the draft budget so the Finance Committtee can review this.
23/112. To approve the Crime and Disorder policy. (no changes)
A proposal was made to approve the Crime and Disorder policy. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
23/113. To approve the updated Standing Orders policy.
A proposal was made to approve the updated Standing Orders policy. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
23/114. Discuss and vote on actions to take with regards to the National Risk Register.
After a discussion it was proposed that the council could:
Create a pro-active list of residents who can assist in an emergency – 4×4 vehicle, chainsaw owner, collect medication etc. The Clerk will hold the list according to GDPR. Add a list of useful local contacts to the council website and the Ridgeway Bell list.
A proposal was made to approve the above suggestions. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
23/115. Discuss and vote on actions to take with regards to local PROWS (Public rights of way)
After a discussion it was proposed that the council would:
Cllr Whitehead will compile a list of PROWS not on the definitive list that are actively used in the parish. The list will be brought back to a full council meeting for consideration and vote on whether to suggest them for inclusion on the definitive list.
The Clerk will provide a boundary map.
A proposal was made to approve the above suggestions. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
23/116. PLANNING. Review and vote on any planning applications received by Swindon Borough Council after the agenda is published. There were none.
23/117. Bi-annual review of the council’s website
The Clerk will see if the website can be moved up the list on the google search facility. No other comments or changes to be made.
23/118. Committee reports
A proposal was made to approve the updated July finance transaction report.. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
A proposal was made to approve the September finance transaction report.. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
Finance – Cllr Kearsey. A proposal was made to add £7000 to the 24/25 budget for 2 new SIDS at Hodson and Draycot Foliat. The Santander funds and some of the Unity funds have been moved to the new Unity savings acc to maximise interest payments.
EGPA – Cllr Rogers. Beech hedging for Castle View Road approved. Burial costs increased to cover maintenance costs. Donation from a will spent on bulbs for the Sir Henry Calley memorial garden. BEST booked in for 2 October sessions. The rest of the sessions will be on the Nov EGPA meeting.
Planning – Cllr Jefferies. The layby works are pending agreement from SBC. The 20mph questionnaires will go to the printer this week.
Risk Assessments – (Months are deleted from this report once all items are complete)
August assessments were:
Outside gym – Cllr Sunners to do. Done. No issues
Pavilion on Rec field – Cllr Sunners to do Done. No issues
Allotments – Cllr Jackson to do Pending. Passed to Handyman
Interments and funerals – Clerk to do Done. No issues
Cemeteries x2 – Cllr Jackson to do Pending Passed to Handyman
Handyman tasks and safe lifting – Clerk to do with Handyman. Done. No issues
Cemetery Maintenance – Handyman to do. Pending. DONE. No issues.
Leaflet Delivery – Clerk to do Done. No issues
Tree Planting – Handyman to do. Pending.
September assessments were:
Chapel and museum – Clerk to do. DONE. No issues
Infectious diseases – Clerk to do DONE. No issues
Website accessibility – Clerk to do. PENDING reply from website hosting company.
October assessments are:
Street Furniture Chiseldon – Volunteer needed
Street Furniture Other areas – Cllr Sunners to do.
Financial Risks – RFO to do with Finance Chairman
Clerks Role – Clerk to do. DONE. No issues.
RFO and Admin Officer – RFO to do. DONE. No issues.
Correspondence feedback for Cllrs – None
23/119. Items for next agenda.
No items.
The Clerk will report The Crescent to SBC for street sweeping.
Meeting closed 21.05
All Actions to be completed by the next Full Committee meeting unless otherwise specified.
23/29. Chase up Badbury hedge cutting and white line painting issues with Ward Cllr Sumner.
23/111. Ask the RFO to add a sum to the 24/25 budget for architect fees for the Rec ground project. To be confirmed by Finance Committee.
23/114. Create a pro-active list of residents who can assist in a local emergency. Publicise the need on FB and Ridgeway Bell. Add a list of local businesses and services who can help in the event of a local emergency.
23/115. Provide boundary maps for PROW work
23/117. See if our website can be moved up the list when a google search is performed.
Ward Cllr Hopkins and Elliott
20/16. Investigate end of Badbury footpath being blocked. Waiting for SBC officer update.
23/10. To find out the current situation with regards to public footpaths and maintenance after the Countryside Access talk that SBC did not attend.
Cllr Whitehead
23/115. Create a list of suggested PROWS that should be added to the definitive map. Request item be added to a full council agenda for discussion and vote.