24/01. Public recess. No public
24/02. Approval of apologies given.
Absence with apologies: Cllr Jackson work issue. Cllr Quidwai away with work. Cllr Kearsey away. Cllr Sunners unwell.
No apologies from Cllr Whitehead.
Ward Cllrs Elliott and Sumner also sent their apologies.
A proposal was made to approve the apologies given. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
24/03. Co-option of Cllrs. No candidates
24/04. Declarations of interest. None
24/05. Approval of minutes from 11th March 2024. No changes
A proposal was made to approve these minutes as an accurate account of the meeting with the above change. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
24/06. Action points from previous meeting.
23/29. Chase up Badbury hedge cutting and white line painting issues with Ward Cllr Sumner. ONGOING. NO UPDATE
23/174. Ask HeartSafe if they can do training for the new Hodson defib. COMPANY ARE NOT REPLYING TO EMAILS.
23/203. Reply to SBC with the Parish Councils current position on transfer of services. DONE.
23/204. Add to March finance agenda the need to allocate the remaining £749 grants and donation funds and ask Cllrs for suggestions. DONE
23/212. Add 2 items to next planning agenda for discussion and vote. DONE
Ward Cllr Hopkins and Elliott
20/16. Investigate end of Badbury footpath being blocked. Waiting for SBC officer update. PENDING. TO BE CHASED. CLERK TO SUPPLY WHAT3WORDS LOCATION. WC HOPKINS WILL TALK TO MARTIN FRY AT SBC.
23/10. To find out the current situation with regards to public footpaths and maintenance after the Countryside Access talk that SBC did not attend. NO UPDATE
24/07. Police and Community report. PCSO Charlotte Watson.
Items reported at the Annual Parish meeting 8th April:
Keyless vehicle thefts in Badbury and Tadpole Village. Organised crime from outside the county.
In March 20 crimes and 39 incidents reported. (This includes Badbury Park)
Incident of ASB with youth in balaclava at Castle View Road green area. Suspect known to police. Suspect and parents talked to. Sanctions will be used if behaviour continues.
Allotment tanks at Wanborough stolen to sell.
24/08. Ward Cllrs reports. Ward Cllr Hopkins for Chiseldon and Lawn Ward
Cabinet member for Highways which includes waste and recycling has reported more funds available due to cancellation of HS2. However even if money was no object would take 10 years to catch up with the backlog. The number of contractors is limited so need to wait for availability.
Chiseldon roadworks required were already on the list as a priority. The pressure will be maintained to get Chiseldon parish work scheduled. 2 key senior managers are due to be appointed soon. New Road is still on the list.
Ward Cllr Sumner for Ridgway Ward (Badbury) Written report.
National Highways have confirmed that signage will be placed at the entrance to Badbury for “Residents only” for when the M4 J15 is closed.
Section 19 flood investigation for Badbury Bottom home is ongoing. Sept is the date for the likely outcome.
24/09. Discussion and vote on the current position of the council with regards to SBC’s proposed transfer of services.
There have been no further SBC updates so no item to discuss. The Clerk has a meeting with SBC 11th April which will hopefully provide an update.
24/10. Discussion and vote on approving the suspending of Standing Orders to allow Cllr Whitehead step down from committees due to personal commitments. Period of time for review to also be agreed.
A proposal was made to approve a 3 month agreement for Cllr Whitehead to not be on any committees. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
24/11. FINANCE. Approval of expenditure of £125 plus £9.95 postage for a replacement lock for the defibrillator at the pavilion.
A proposal was made to approve the costs above to HeartSafe. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
24/12. FINANCE. Approve costs of £680 plus fuel costs to upgrade the batteries of the Strouds Hill solar lamps. (Approved by EGPA committee)
A proposal was made to approve the costs above to Procure Direct. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
24/13. Approve the new Menopause at Work Policy
A proposal was made to approve the policy, the proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
24/14. Approve the new Investment Strategy Policy.
A proposal was made to approve the policy, the proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
24/15. PLANNING. Discussion & vote on any additional planning applications received from Swindon Borough Council where a time extension is not approved to hear the item at the next planning meeting. There were none.
24/16. March and April finance report.
Reports for information only. To be voted on at May full council meeting.
24/17. Committee reports, Correspondence and risk assessments. No comments received as matters covered in the April 8th Annual reports.
23/18. Items for next agenda. None
Meeting closed 20.24
All Actions to be completed by the next Full Committee meeting unless otherwise specified.
23/29. Chase up Badbury hedge cutting and white line painting issues with Ward Cllr Sumner.
23/174. Ask HeartSafe if they can do training for the new Hodson defib.
24/10. Advise Cllr Whitehead of 3 month approval to not sit on any committees. April, May and June 24.
24/12. Arrange upgrade of solar lamps on Strouds Hill
24/13 and 14. Upload new policies to website.
Ward Cllr Hopkins and Elliott
20/16. Investigate end of Badbury footpath being blocked. Waiting for SBC officer update.
23/10. To find out the current situation with regards to public footpaths and maintenance after the Countryside Access talk that SBC did not attend.