24/109. Public recess.  4 members of the public.  No comments

24/110. Approval of apologies given.

Absence with apologies:  Cllrs Stevens and Quidwai have work commitments. Cllr Sunners is unwell.

Ward Cllrs Elliott and Hopkins also sent their apologies.

No apologies from Cllr Whitehead or Cllr Ford.

Cllr Jefferies and Hinton had sent notification that they would be late arrivals.

A proposal was made to approve the apologies given with the reasons stated. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

24/111. Co-option of Parish Cllrs. No candidates

24/112. Declarations of interest. None

24/113. Approval of minutes from 9th September 2024. No changes.

A proposal was made to approve these minutes as an accurate account of the meeting. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

24/114. Action points from previous meeting.


23/29. Chase up Badbury hedge cutting and white line painting issues with Ward Cllr Sumner. NO UPDATE

24/72. Staff to arrange for newsletter to be written, printed and distributed. WRITTEN AND TO GO TO PRINT FRI 18th OCT.

24/92. To include planning app S/OUT/24/0982 on all Full Council agenda’s until further notice. WILL ADD TO AGENDA WHEN FURTHER INFORMATION RECEIVED.

24/100. To include the S106 requirement for Hodson Road pavement when their consultee comments are sent to SBC for S/OUT/24/0982.  A list of further S106 requirements to be maintained. DONE.

All Councillors.

24/100. To provide the Clerk with a list of specific S106 requirements that can be used to improve the parish. CLLRS REMINDED VIA EMAIL. NO FURTHER SUGGESTIONS RECEIVED.

Ward Cllr Hopkins and Elliott

20/16. Investigate end of Badbury footpath being blocked. Waiting for SBC officer update. With SBC Rights of Way – no new update.

24/115. Police and Community report. Cllr Sunners sent a short written report.

Reminder of Chief Constables fortnightly newsletter on the Wiltshire Police website. Police are using the phrase “Vigilant Communities” which has a specific aim to reduce violence against women and girls. Next meeting with PCSO is 8th Nov and PCSO invited to 9th Dec full council meeting.

24/116. Ward Cllrs reports. Ward Cllr Sumner – Ridgeway Ward.

Has requested that on the Nov Scrutiny meeting at SBC that weed killing and street cleaning legal duties be discussed.  The PC’s need to know the details of what SBC will cover so that PC’s can decide whether to take on services.

The Local Plan has been delayed until early 2025. There may be a March 25 consultation and the examination later in 2025, ready for 2026. The question of extra housing allocation numbers and sites will be raised.  WC Sumner believes SBC may go for small/medium sites which require no new infrastructure.

SBC has issued a statement to make as many meetings online as possible to reduce travelling costs, and also only to approve spending when absolutely necessary.

The Planning Policy Manager has left SBC but a new Planning Enforcement Manager has been appointed.

Cllr Kearsey mentioned the overgrown footpath between Hodson Road corner and Hodson hamlet T junction and also overgrown trees on the verge between Home Close and the edge of the village. WC Sumner will report these.

If drains are reported on the SBC website as being recently emptied but they have not been, please take photographic evidence which can be sent to SBC to challenge this.

Ward Cllr Sumner leaves the meeting at 19.43

There were no updates from WC’s Elliott or Hopkins.

24/117. Approval of updated Financial Regulations.

A proposal was made to approve the updated Financial Regulations. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

24/118. Approval of Policies.

General H&S Statement.

A proposal was made to approve the updated H&S statement. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

Tender and contract procurement.

A proposal was made to approve the updated tender and contract procurement document. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
Cllrs Jefferies and Hinton arrived 19.51.

24/119.  PLANNING.  Discussion & vote on any further response to Wiltshire Council on application PL/2023/09142 Land at J16 M4. New Motorway rest area.
A proposal was made to re-iterate the previous comments sent by CPC which supported Wroughton PC, but to send no new comments. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

24/120. PLANNING. To vote on any applications provided by SBC after the agenda  was published. There were none.

24/121. To approve the council’s bank reconciliation for August 24.

A proposal was made to accept the details of the bank reconciliation. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

24/122. To approve increasing the corporate limit on the Lloyds credit card to £3000 to mitigate timing issues with balance clearance on the card.

A proposal was made to increase the limit to £3000. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

24/123. To discuss and vote on any response to the SBC draft Trading Standards document.

A proposal was made to support this document overall but there were no specific comments to make. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

24/124. To approve the Sept 24 Finance figures.

A proposal was made to approve the Sept 24 financial reports as an accurate representation of the councils finances. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

24/125. Committee reports, Correspondence and risk assessments.

Finance – No meeting.

EGPA – Cllr Woodham. Agenda item for Oct agreed to discuss the current appearance of the parish and what can be done with the 25/26 budget. Cllrs to send over any ideas they may have.

Planning – Cllr Jefferies.  The letter to SBC Highways showing outstanding issues was responded to. SBC were not in a position to further any works currently. (The response is on the council’s website). Cllr Jefferies feels that the time has come to discuss sending a vote of no confidence to SBC from CPC.

The risk assessments completed were noted (There were no issues identified) The Clerk will deal with the October assessments. The handyman has re-built the planter on Draycott Road.

24/126. Items for next agenda.

Cllr Howlett – Consider adopting the Respect and Civility pledge – add to Dec Full Council.

Cllr Jefferies – Consider a vote of no confidence in SBC – add to Nov Full Council.

Cllr Jefferies/Cllr Hinton. To consider whether the precept should be increased for 25/26 to include funds to maintain the parish when SBC withdraw services. To be considered as part of the Nov Finance agenda to start with when they review the draft budget at the meeting.

Meeting closed 20.07


All Actions to be completed by the next Full Committee meeting unless otherwise specified.


23/29. Chase up Badbury hedge cutting and white line painting issues with Ward Cllr Sumner.

24/72. Staff to arrange for newsletter to be written, printed and distributed.

24/92. To include planning app S/OUT/24/0982 on all Full Council agenda’s until further notice.

24/115. Add Police attendance to December Full Council meeting.

24/117 & 118.  Add approval date to 3 policies and send to website team for uploading.

24/119. Respond to Wilts Council with planning app vote.

24/122. Advise RFO to increase the Lloyds corporate credit limit.

24/123. To send back overall support on the Trading Standards consultation.

24/126.  Add items to Nov and Dec full council meetings, and Nov Finance agenda.

Ward Cllr Hopkins and Elliott

20/16. Investigate end of Badbury footpath being blocked. Waiting for SBC officer update.