23/120. Public recess. No public
23/121. Approval of apologies given.
Absence with apologies: Cllr Jackson has a work commitments, Cllr Rogers has a work commitment, Cllr Barnes is unwell, Cllr Rawlings has a family commitment.
Ward Cllrs Sumner and Elliott also sent their apologies.
A proposal was made to approve the apologies given. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
No apologies were given from Cllr Quidwai and Cllr Ford.
23/122. Co-option of Cllrs. No candidates
23/123. Declarations of interest. None
23/124. Approval of minutes from 9th October 2023. No changes
A proposal was made to approve these minutes as an accurate account of the meeting with the above change. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
23/125. Action points from previous meeting. Completed items in italics [on website].
23/29. Chase up Badbury hedge cutting and white line painting issues with Ward Cllr Sumner. ONGOING
23/111. Ask the RFO to add a sum to the 24/25 budget for architect fees for the Rec ground project. To be confirmed by Finance Committee. DONE
23/114. Create a pro-active list of residents who can assist in a local emergency. Publicise the need on FB and Ridgeway Bell. Add a list of local businesses and services who can help in the event of a local emergency. LIST COMPLETED, NEED TO UPDATE WEBSITE.
23/115. Provide boundary maps for PROW work DONE
23/117. See if our website can be moved up the list when a google search is performed. DONE. COSTS ARE PROHIBITIVE. NO FURTHER ACTION.
Ward Cllr Hopkins and Elliott
20/16. Investigate end of Badbury footpath being blocked. Waiting for SBC officer update. NO UPDATE.
23/10. To find out the current situation with regards to public footpaths and maintenance after the Countryside Access talk that SBC did not attend. NO UPDATE.
Cllr Whitehead
23/115 Create a list of suggested PROWS that should be added to the definitive map. Request item be added to a full council agenda for discussion and vote. PENDING.
23/126. Policy and Community report. Cllr Sunners
Report from PCSO Justine Trueman and PC Simon Graw
4 crimes in Chiseldon only for October for a variety of issues.
With regards to the youth anti-social behaviour, the parents have been spoken to and the Primary School have been helpful. The children are taking part in Community Resolution which is an out of court solution which focuses on education and safe guarding not punishment.
Speeding remains an issue. They now have 2 local officers who are trained with the speed guns who can work with the Speedwatch team. They confirmed that if the M4 is closed for incident then the team can do immediate Speedwatch sessions on local roads to monitor traffic increases.
The next meeting between the PC, the Police and NHW is 9th Jan 9.00am
The public event on 29th November is confirmed. The location TBC. They will be bringing their converted events vehicle so there will be a private place for residents to talk. The event will be 5.30 to 7.30pm. Details to be published when finalised.
The police left the meeting at 20.06
23/127. Ward Cllrs reports. No reports.
23/128. Update from Cllr Kearsey on the proposed transfer of services from SBC and the draft Parish Charter.
It was confirmed that that the Charter is the basis of the working agreement between Parish Councils and SBC, for those who choose to sign up to it.
There are 2 working parties created with SBC and PC’s for each subject. Parish representation will be from parishes of each size – large/medium/small and urban and rural.
SBC are hoping to agree a transfer of services for the next financial year. The general feeling of Parish Councils is that this is not feasible and would need to be for 2025/26 for any agreements made.
23/129. Approval of comments to be sent back to SBC on the draft Parish Charter.
A proposal was made for Cllrs to send their views to the Clerk for collation. Cllr Kearsey and the Clerk will send the responses back to SBC if there is a consensus of opinion. If there is a difference of views a further meeting will be held to discuss further and vote. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
23/130. To vote on the proposed election cycle change to synch with SBC cycle.
A proposal was made to approve the proposed change of election cycles to bring CPC’s cycle in line with the new SBC cycle. This will mean CPC elections will be bought forward one year to 2026, and then every 4 years afterwards. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
23/131. FINANCE. To approve costs of £3800 for Morgan Trees to remove trees at the Rec field. (approved by EGPA committee but required partly from unallocated funds in part)
A proposal was made to approve the expenditure of £3800 to Morgan Trees for tree work. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
23/132. FINANCE. To approve a grant to the Memory Café of £288 for hall hire for 1 year for the café to run.
A proposal was made to approve the grant of £288 to the memory café. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
23/133. FINANCE. To approve costs to update the backup of the council’s 2 laptops.
A proposal was made to approve costs of up to £50 to update the backup method. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
23/134. To approve council policies. None for November
23/135. PLANNING. Discuss and vote on S/HOU/23/1201. 2 New Farm Cottages, Ridgeway. Erection of single storey side and rear extension and detached garage.
A proposal was made to support this application. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
23/136. PLANNING. Review and vote on any planning applications received by Swindon Borough Council after the agenda is published. There were none.
23/137. Committee reports
A proposal was made to approve the October finance transaction report.. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
Finance – No meeting.
EGPA – Cllr Rogers. No report.
Planning – Cllr Jefferies. Positive meeting with SBC and Jon Harris from Highways. Thames Water have fixed the leak on New Road. SBC are talking to National Highways about the diversion route from M4 J15 and HGV’s in the village. A report is due in Jan 24 on this. Should be getting an update soon on removing the Build Out on New Road.
We are hoping to progress with the costings from SBC of the 2 layby projects soon. Will be approaching the planner for the estate with regards to the way forward with the Rec Hall project. The Earthline lorries to Wroughton have now stopped. SBC enforcement are aware the buildings and hardstanding are still in place.
Risk Assessments – (Months are deleted from this report once all items are complete)
August assessments were:
Outside gym – Cllr Sunners to do. Done. No issues
Pavilion on Rec field – Cllr Sunners to do Done. No issues
Allotments – DONE. No issues
Interments and funerals – Clerk to do Done. No issues
Cemeteries x2 – DONE No issues.
Handyman tasks and safe lifting – Clerk to do with Handyman. Done. No issues
Cemetery Maintenance – Handyman to do. Pending. DONE. No issues.
Leaflet Delivery – Clerk to do Done. No issues
Tree Planting – Handyman to do. DONE. No issues
September assessments were:
Chapel and museum – Clerk to do. DONE. No issues
Infectious diseases – Clerk to do DONE. No issues
Website accessibility – Clerk to do. DONE. No issues.
October assessments were:
Street Furniture Chiseldon – Volunteer needed. DONE by Handyman, 3 minor issues to be addressed. Dog and rubbish bins.
Street Furniture Other areas – Cllr Sunners to do. DONE.No issues
Financial Risks – RFO to do with Finance Chairman. DONE no issues.
Clerks Role – Clerk to do. DONE. No issues.
RFO and Admin Officer – RFO to do. DONE. No issues.
November assessments are:
Cleaner – Clerk to send to cleaner
Xmas event – Clerk to do
SIDs x 3- volunteers needed – Cllr Kearsey to do.
Millennium Wood – volunteer needed
General Fire Risk – Clerk to do
Correspondence feedback for Cllrs – None
23/138. Items for next agenda. No items.
Meeting closed 20.59
All Actions to be completed by the next Full Committee meeting unless otherwise specified.
23/29. Chase up Badbury hedge cutting and white line painting issues with Ward Cllr Sumner.
23/114. Create a pro-active list of residents who can assist in a local emergency. Publicise the need on FB and Ridgeway Bell. Add a list of local businesses and services who can help in the event of a local emergency.
23/129. Collate the Parish Charter responses and work with Cllr Kearsey to send them to SBC.
Ward Cllr Hopkins and Elliott
20/16. Investigate end of Badbury footpath being blocked. Waiting for SBC officer update.
23/10. To find out the current situation with regards to public footpaths and maintenance after the Countryside Access talk that SBC did not attend.
Cllr Whitehead
23/115 Create a list of suggested PROWS that should be added to the definitive map. Request item be added to a full council agenda for discussion and vote.