23/1. Apologies for absence: Cllr Jon Jackson (away). Absence without apologies: Cllr Danielle Simpson.

23/2. Declarations of interest & approval of any dispensations. None.

23/3. Public recess.  None.

23/4. Approve the minutes from 7th March 2023.  No changes.

A proposal was made to approve the minutes from 7th March 2023 as an accurate representation. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

23/5. Action points

Clerk 22/48. Clerk to provide further information on what level any compensation should be set at and whether there is any precedence set/guidance, or advice from the ICCM. Clerk to advise what the maximum level covered in the insurance is. ICCM have no further advice on levels to set. Cllr Harris requested this becomes a confidential item. The Council discussed whether a policy is needed and requested a draft be created for the finance committee to review. DONE.

Clerk/RFO 22/104. Clerk/RFO to investigate HMRC regulations regarding re-payment and seek advice from our accountant, to ensure repayments comply with regulations. No longer required.

Clerk 22/106. Clerk to buy bins for CVPA. DONE.

Clerk/RFO 22/109. Clerk/RFO to get grant applications from Chiseldon Primary School, Scouts and Guides Groups and pay grant awards. Scouts & Guides grants have been paid. Application from the school not yet received, offer expires 30th June. ONGOING.

Clerk 22/112. Clerk to book IT safety audit with CIS Limited. DONE.

Clerk 22/111. Clerk to supply amount for 2 new SIDS for Hodson and Draycot Foliat. ONGOING.

RFO 22/107. RFO to investigate whether Unity provide a sweeping service, to help manage amounts held within the current/savings accounts and arrange for funds to be moved from Santander. No sweeping facility in Unity. Transfer of funds from Santander in progress. ONGOING.

23/6. HR: No items. Clerk’s appraisal has been completed.


23/7. Approval of virement of £1000 from unallocated funds to a fund to support the purchase and install of a defibrillator in Hodson. Supported by EGPA committee. Residents to raise the remaining funds required.

A proposal was made to approve a virement of £1000 from unallocated to support the purchase and install of a defibrillator in Hodson. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

23/8. Approval of £8.00 delivery cost shortfall on purchase of memorial bench coming from CPC funds and not charged to the customer.

A proposal was made to approve £8.00 delivery cost shortfall on purchase of memorial bench coming from CPC funds and not charged to the customer. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

23/9. Committee Chairman (EGPA, Planning and Rec ground improvements) to update the committee on actual and forecast expenditure against budget from 1st April 2023. See additional information.

Committee Chairman noted “one off” project funds for 2023/24. Cllr Kearsey queried if there were still CPC funds set aside for the NHP if we are unable to obtain a grant again this year. £10k CPC funds in 2023/24 allocated reserves budget.

23/10. Approval of an amount of the allocated youth funds (Total £2000 in fund) to BEST to provide youth sessions within Chiseldon.

BEST to provide a complete service for youth sessions, with 4 staff for up to 40 local children as follows:

£1200 for 6 2 hour sessions, £400 for 2 sessions over Christmas, £200 for 1 session for Oct half term & £200 for 1 session in Feb half term. Total £2000, budgeted for 2023/24. Advertising and bookings restricted to local children.

A proposal was made to approve £2,000 from allocated youth funds for BEST to provide youth sessions within Chiseldon. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

23/11. To determine any actions and approve delegated power to the Clerk for purchases required after the recent IT/security audit.

Cllrs suggested the following actions: Request CIS to quote on remediation of issues raised. AWS account backup of Microsoft server – solution for backup and a diagram of how it works. Get them to do authentication, quote for new router, fix all problems, options for ongoing support but advise it doesn’t warrant a monthly fee. Do they do pre-pay or pay as you go plan? Would they administrate office 365? Checking once a month updates are pushing, checking encryption is on, get a basic service cheaply. What is the hourly rate or cost of an annual review?

A proposal was made to approve delegated power to the Clerk for purchases required after the recent IT/security audit, to a maximum of £1000 (anything more needs to go back to Council). The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

23/12. Contracts: No items.

23/13. Items for the next agenda.  None.

The meeting closed at 19:57.


Clerk/RFO 22/109. Clerk/RFO to get grant applications from Chiseldon Primary School. Application not yet received, offer expires 30th June.

Clerk 22/111. Clerk to supply amount for 2 new SIDS for Hodson and Draycot Foliat.

RFO 22/107. RFO to arrange for funds to be moved from Santander. In progress.

Clerk 23/10. Clerk to organise youth provision from BEST during school holidays.

Clerk 23/11. Clerk to request quote from CIS based on actions Cllrs suggested from the IT/security audit. (Request CIS to quote on remediation of issues raised. AWS account backup of Microsoft server – solution for backup and a diagram of how it works. Get them to do authentication, quote for new router, fix all problems, options for ongoing support but advise it doesn’t warrant a monthly fee. Do they do pre-pay or pay as you go plan? Would they administrate office 365? Checking once a month updates are pushing, checking encryption is on, get a basic service cheaply. What is the hourly rate or cost of an annual review?)