24/104. To vote on a committee Chairman for the remainder of the year until May 25.

There were no candidates to be the chairman for the remainder of the year.

A proposal was made that Cllr Woodham would chair the current meeting and Cllrs would take Chairmanship in rotation until a chair was agreed upon. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

24/105. Approval of apologies given.

There were apologies from Cllr Stevens who is away.

A proposal was made to approve these apologies given. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

24/106. Declarations of Interest.  None

24/107. Public recess. 2 members of the public.

Comments were:

Hedge cutting needed on Hodson Road.  The Clerk will ask the estate if they have this scheduled into their works.

The flood prone area on Hodson Road in the dip. Is there anything the PC can do?

Nothing directly but the Clerk will log an issue with SBC to see if they can erect red warning triangle signs at either end.

The 50pmh limit on Hodson Road.  When existing the new Burderop Park estate, it can be dangerous with traffic around the bend approaching at 50mph.  This item will be placed on the next Planning agenda as they are the committee who deal with these matters.

The 30mph road markings on approach to Chiseldon on Hodson Road have worn away. The Clerk will log an SBC request to have them re-painted. 30mph road signs are also obscured by hedging which the Clerk will also note on the report.

24/108. Approval of minutes 19th August 2024.    A proposal was made to approve these minutes as an accurate account of the meeting. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

24/109. Action points from previous meeting.

23/185. Complete PROW forms and send to SBC. PENDING.

23/249. Arrange placement of 2 new benches plus moving of the dog bin. DONE

24/93. Arrange for removal of graffiti and painting of anti-graffiti coating to Hodson Road bus stop. DONE, but has re-appeared before all areas could be painted.

24/98. Finalise the new policy on grave memorial items and publish. DONE

24/99.  Arrange for new allotment gate and fencing. WORK IN PROGRESS

24/102. Arrange for purchase and install of 2 new baby swing seats and chains. ORDERED. DELIVERY END OF SEPT 24.

24/102. Arrange for an in-depth inspection of the other set of swings at next inspection. DONE. PLAY INSPECTION COMPANY ADVISED NO REPLACEMENTS NEEDED.

24/110. Parishing Progress. No items

24/111. Parish appearance and safety.  Re-approve bench costs x2.

A proposal was made to approve the costs of £1803 plus VAT.  The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

24/112. Building and amenity priorities. Football Club report. No report.

24/113. Building and amenity priorities. Tennis Club report. No report.

24/114. Building and amenity priorities.  Pavilion. No items

24/115. Rec Hall, ground and carpark.  To approve costs to replace the broken emergency light in the hall.
A proposal was made to approve the costs of £102.50 plus VAT for CTS to carry out the work. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

24/116. Chapel, Museum and graveyards.  No items.

24/117. Allotments. Approve shed placement for plot 10B

 A proposal was made to approve the request for plot 10B to place an allotment on the allocated area. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

24/118. Vulnerable People. No items.

24/119. Youth Provision.  Review summer provision by Headstart Skillz.

Good numbers attending.  Minimal attrition rate. The children enjoyed the sessions.

24/120. Youth Provision. Review the location of the Oct 24 half term and future locations for the Headstart provision.

After a discussion, it was determined that the following would be arranged.

The 2 days for Oct half term would be at The Deanery as a trial.  Then the Easter and Summer 25 sessions can be arranged based on the feedback from half term.  Sites to be booked for the weather as well.  During “bad” weather the Deanery could be used, but in summer weather the Rec hall used more often.  The Cllrs wanted to maintain a local presence.

A proposal was made to approve the above plans. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

24/121. Castle View Play area.  No items

24/122. Budget suggestions for 25/26 budget.

Suggestions were:  budget for bulbs to improve the look of the area.  A budget for road/pavement sweeping.

These will be passed to the RFO for the draft budget. The Clerk will get costs for road sweeping which can be used to set the budget.

24/123. Items for next agenda.

What can be done to make further improvements to the parish?  Should we ask for information on FB from residents? Should we increase the annual litter pick to have more per year?

Meeting closed 20.13


All Actions to be completed by the next EGPA Committee meeting unless otherwise specified


23/185. Complete PROW forms and send to SBC

24/99.  Arrange for new allotment gate and fencing.

24/102. Arrange for purchase and install of 2 new baby swing seats and chains

24/107. Clerk to report issues to SBC and also contact the estate ref hedge cutting.  The Clerk is to add the 50mph issue on Hodson Road to the next planning committee agenda.

24/115. Advise CTS to carry out the work at the Rec hall.

24/120. Update Headstart on the proposal for the youth sessions.

24/122. Advise RFO on budget request items.  Get costs for road sweeping.

24/123. Add “next agenda” items to the next EGPA meeting.