21/199 Approval of apologies given.

Cllr Randall is away, Cllr Rawlings, no reason given.

There were no apologies given from Cllr Dogra.

A proposal was made to approve these apologies given. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

21/200 Public recess

No public present.

21/201. Approval of minutes from 17th January 2022.

A proposal was made to approve these minutes as an accurate account of the meeting. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

21/202. Action points from previous meeting.


19/180 – Talk to estate manager about extension of Washpool Lease. Waiting for new lease paperwork. Chase in Dec 2021. No update received. Ongoing. Meeting with the estate late Feb.
20/171 – Arrange for Admin Officer to investigate grants for new play equipment at Rec Ground. Will be bringing to committee as an item for Feb 22. Added to agenda.
21/106 – Arrange with Softball club to increase costs from 2022 season and sign a new lease. New costs had been advised, and once draft lease approved, one can be prepared for the club. Waiting for feedback from the club.
21/107 – Arrange for exercise class to have new lease. Work in progress dependant on whether club remains at the Rec. Item closed New lease declined.
21/181 – ask Allbuild what grass cutting they do on the A346. Done and Cllrs advised.
21/182 – Move WARP tree planting request to Feb agenda. DONE
21/187 – ask Admin Officer to report back on allotment plots 10B and 9A in March meeting. DONE
21/189 – see if OperationFit want to have a site visit to discuss area of use and fees. Clerk to talk to West Swindon PC about costs. Arrange new hire agreement if club agree to new fees. Item closed. Declined offer to meet.
21/190 – Add CTS quotes for emergency lighting to Feb full council meeting for approval. DONE
21/191 – Report back to childminder on offer of £25 per day for hall hire and 3 month trial run. DONE. Awaiting update.
21/193 – follow up with Ward Cllr Jefferies and PC Turner ref parking on grass outside school. Also ask school to remind parents not to park on this area. Make sure Allbuild don’t park on grass during bin emptying. DONE. PC Turner visited the site and talked to parents. Contacted the school to ask that parents be advised. Ward Cllr Jefferies also advised.
21/194 – Get disabled toilet aids purchased and installed. DONE
21/196 – Get subsidence survey quote from BLB approved by Feb full council. DONE
21/198 – Add general appearance of parish to Feb EGPA agenda. DONE

21/203 Online talk with Tiffany from Swindon Borough Council’s Safeguarding team

Key points;

  • Funding received from DofE to help families at risk from child exploitation.
  • Has 4 community conferences arranged. Evening events, information sharing. Will explain how people can reach out to get the services offered. Police, Probation Service, Mental Health Services etc
  • Will be asking the community for feedback.
  • 3 Swindon schools and 1 youth club also involved
  • Cllr Sunners is happy to attend a session. The Clerk to pass over Tiffany’s email to Cllr Sunners so they can arrange.

Tiffany left the meeting at 20.05

21/204. Parish Appearance and Safety – Discussion with Hilary from the Washpool Volunteer team (WARP) about tree planting at Washpool.

Key points;

  • Ash die back in the area. Area to the north of the Washpool showing signs.
  • Landscape will be altered when ash trees are gone.
  • WARP would like to ask the PC to extend the lease of the land to include this area, so that WARP can manage the re-planting of other native trees.
  • They would look for grants to clear the stream and improve the path.
  • They would ask residents to grow native trees and have a nursery on site.
  • Would create a management plan for the project.
  • Would like to plant a new elm tree on Strouds Hill green where the old Elm Tree pub was.
  • Also plant a new tree in the sheep field where the old ash was removed due to ash die back.

It was agreed that this plan had merit to move forward. The Clerk will contact the estate with regards to extending the lease and add to the March meeting.

Hilary left the meeting at 20.21

21/205. Vote on Queen’s Jubilee memorial item.

The quotes were reviewed and the design from Hazel Moore was preferred. The tree guard is to have the official Queens Jubilee logo on one side and the decal of 1952-2022 on the other side.

A proposal was made to approve this quote at a cost of £1000 with Hazel Moore from 2022/23 budgeted funds. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

21/206 Parishing Progress.

No items.

21/207 Parish appearance and safety. Safety issue at Strouds Hill and requirement for a barrier to protect cyclists. (item requested by Cllr Sunners)

Concerns over children cycling down the path from the Landmark hotel, over the road and down the Strouds Hill bank. Danger when crossing the road without due care.

A proposal was made to ask Ward Cllr Jefferies to request from SBC a barrier or other device to slow down cyclists on this route so they are not endangering themselves when crossing the road. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

21/208. Parish appearance and safety. General Parish appearance. (item requested by Cllr Rawlings)

As Cllr Rawlings was absent it was decided to defer this item to the next agenda.

21/208. Parish appearance and safety. Date for Great British Spring Clean.
Sat 28th May before the Queens Jubilee was suggested.

A proposal was made to approve Sat 28th May as the GB Spring Clean date. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

21/209. Parish appearance and safety. Approval of new dog mess bin at Castle View Road, garage site. £130 plus £50 install.

A proposal was made to approve a new bin supplied and installed by Allbuild, at £130 plus £50 install. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

21/210. Building and amenity priorities. Tennis Club report.

No report

21/211. Building and amenity priorities. Football Club report.

No report

21/212. Building and Amenity priorities. Expenditure of 2021/22 budgets funds for football goals and related sports items.

A package of improvements including new goals, new nets, paint for the pavilion and barriers, line marking paint and installation materials was proposed by the club, to the total of £2000.

A proposal was made to approve the full £2000 expenditure as stated in the 2021/22 budget on these items. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

21/213. Building and amenity priorities. Pavilion

No items

21/214. Allotments.

No items

21/215. Rec Hall, grounds and carpark. Discussion on residents letter with regards to lack of children’s play facilities.

This item was reviewed in conjunction with item 20 on the agenda – Review work so far on new play area requirement for Rec ground and vote on whether to proceed with the plans.

A proposal was made to move the planning of a new play area from the Recreation field to Castle View Road green area. Plans of possible designs to be drawn up and discussed in a future meeting. Equipment for ages 9+. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

The Clerk is to chase up the lease extension with SBC.

21/216. Castle View Play area. Vote on whether to approve maintenance contract from Sovereign for new play net.

It was decided to not go ahead with this extra cover as the equipment is tested 4 times a year by the councils approved contractor. Repairs will be dealt with as they are required.

21/217. Chapel and Museum.

No items

21/218. Community Priorities.

No items

21/219. Vulnerable People.

No items

21/220 Items for next agenda.

Cllr Duke requested quotes to see if we should get extra lighting on the path of the Chapel.

Meeting closed 21.12


All Actions to be completed by the next Full Committee meeting unless otherwise specified


19/180 – Talk to estate manager about extension of Washpool Lease. Waiting for new lease paperwork. Chase in Dec 2021. No update received.
21/198 – Add general appearance of parish to Feb EGPA agenda. Move to March agenda
21/203. Pass Tiffany’s email to Cllr Sunners
21/204. Item for March meeting to review plans to extend washpool lease area.
21/215 Future agenda. Play equipment discussion for Castle View Road, and applications for grant funding.
21/215. Chase SBC with regards to the lease of the Castle View green area.
21/220. Chapel path lighting added to March agenda.