24/191. Approval of apologies given. No apologies
24/192. Declarations of Interest. None
24/193. Public recess. No public
24/194. Approval of minutes 16th December 2024.
A proposal was made to approve these minutes as an accurate account of the meeting. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
24/195. Action points from previous meeting.
23/185. Complete PROW forms and send to SBC. DONE. Emailed to PROW officer at SBC
24/164. Complete the application for the National Lotteries Heritage Grant – £15,000 PENDING.
24/175. Add article to Ridgeway Bell, FB page and website ref grass cutting changes linked to recent survey. DONE
24/175. Remind Allbuild to wear their hi-vis jackets. DONE
24/176. Ask Allbuild for a route and schedule map for litter picking DONE & EMAILED TO CLLRS
24/176. Add parish appearance survey results to Jan EGPA agenda for further discussion. DONE
24/177. Issue a list of roads to be covered by the sweeper. DONE
24/178. Contact Prolectric with our preferred option for the column. DONE
Cllr Howlett.
24/176. Provide further analysis of the results of the parish survey comments. CLLR HOWLETT HAS LEFT THE COUNCIL
24/177. Provide “before” and “after” sweeping photos to the Clerk for the Jan EGPA agenda. CLLR HOWLETT HAS LEFT THE COUNCIL
24/195. Parishing. No items
24/196. Parish appearance and safety. Discuss and vote on how the allocate the 25/26 budget of £8000 towards parish appearance.
Creating a self-employed job role was discussed. The Clerk is to create some figures so that it can be reviewed to see if the concept will work. To bring back to the Feb agenda.
The Clerk will ask the Handyman if he has any contacts who may be interested.
24/197. Parish appearance and safety. To review the free text comments from the appearance survey and determine actions to take.
A proposal was made that the Clerk draft a response covering points that were made by residents, for publication. To be sent to the committee before publishing. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
24/198. Parish appearance and safety. To review the road sweeping results.
It was noted that the icy weather did not help with the work as the debris was stuck to the road so the sweeper could not remove it. Also noted that the sweeper couldn’t get into the edges of roads where there was no pavement. Possibly due to the type of sweeper hired. The type will be checked before the next hire. Overall the project was worth repeating and will be considered as part of the 25/26 budget.
24/199. Building and amenity priorities. Football Club report. No report received
24/200. Building and amenity priorities. Tennis Club report. Report received which was shared with the committee.
24/201. Building and amenity priorities. Pavilion. No items
24/202. Rec Hall, ground and carpark. No items
24/203. Chapel, Museum and graveyards. To review the previous figures received on fitting the chapel roof with solar panels.
The cost in 2023 was around £9000. It was not believed that costs had decreased significantly since that time so there was no proposal to look into the matter further.
24/204. Chapel, Museum and graveyards. To vote on what action to take with regards to rubbish at the rear of the churchyard between the properties and the graveyard railings and hedge.
A proposal was made to ask the handyman to clear the waste as part of his hours. When the area is clear photos will be taken so residents can be asked to remove any new waste. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
24/205. Community Priorities. No items
24/206. Allotments. No items.
24/207. Vulnerable People. There is a regular morning sessions at the social club for residents. Cllr Sunners is going to attend and find out more.
24/208. Youth Provision. No items.
24/209. Castle View Play area. No items
24/210. Items for next agenda.
Meeting closed 20.07
All Actions to be completed by the next EGPA Committee meeting unless otherwise specified.
24/164. Complete the application for the National Lotteries Heritage Grant – £15,000
24/196. Compile figures for the annual budget of £8000 to see if its viable to have a self-employed parish cleaner. To add to Feb agenda. To also talk to handyman to see if he has any contacts who may be interested.
24/197. Draft a report responding to the comments on the survey. Send to committee before publication.
24/204. Ask Handyman to clear the waste at the rear of the cemetery and take photos when complete.