22/131 Approval of apologies given.
Cllr Duke has a work commitment. Cllr Randall has a personal situation to deal with. Cllr Sunners is unwell. There were no apologies given from Cllr Barnes.
A proposal was made to approve the apologies given. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
22/132. Declarations of Interest.
Cllrs Rawlings rents an allotment from CPC.
22/133. Public recess.
No public
22/134. Approval of minutes from 21st November 2022.
A proposal was made to approve these minutes as an accurate account of the meeting. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
22/135. Action points from previous meeting.
21/215. Future agenda. Play equipment discussion for Castle View Road, and applications for grant funding. PENDING
22/26. Arrange for further information on costs and probability of solar panels at Chapel. DONE – ON AGENDA
22/104. Work with handyman on purchase and install of bollard for hall gates. Funds from Rec building maintenance fund. PENDING
22/109. Advise RFO to go ahead with grant finder investigation for skate park funds. PENDING FURTHER WORK BY COMMITTEE – CONSULTATION ETC
22/118. Work with Handyman on purchase of new strimmer. Advise RFO of new budgeted funds. PENDING
22/123. Advise Cllr Sunners of hall hire outcome and talk to RFO to see if costs can be monitored. DONE
22/127. Ask contractor for labour/materials breakdown on invoice and take back to Dec agenda. DONE – NO REPLY RECEIVED.
22/128. Get quotes for oak tree pruning and also hedge trimming for Dec agenda. TREE QUOTES DONE. HEDGES TO BE ADDED TO JAN AGENDA.
22/130. Provide Cllr Sunners with the agenda request item form for Dec agenda. DONE
Cllr Sunners
22/110. Talk to Chiseldon Primary school with regards to youth provision. PENDING
22/136. Parish Appearance and Safety. Signage on Strouds Hill to advise the public on activities prohibited.
Cllrs considered the effectiveness of such a sign, and whether it would be followed. There is also a question over what can be prohibited as the land is owned by Swindon Borough Council so a sign could only reflect their rules. The cost and inclusion of another sign on the site was also considered.
There was no proposer to go ahead with a sign on Strouds Hill.
22/137. Parishing Progress.
No items
22/138. Building and amenity priorities. Tennis Club report.
No report received
22/139. Building and amenity priorities. Football Club report.
No report received
22/140. Building and amenity priorities. Pavilion.
No items
22/141. Rec Hall, grounds and carpark. Consider reducing the hourly fees charged for hire of the hall for Table Tennis.
Current charges £10 ph day rate and £15ph evening rate.
To encourage more people to take part in physical activity and provide more activities for younger people, the following was suggested.
For Table tennis only. £7 ph day rate, and £10 ph evening rate. Children under 16 to be accompanied by an adult. To be trailed for 3 months.
A proposal was made to change the hall hire rates for table tennis to £7ph day rate and £10ph evening rate. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
22/142. Chapel and Museum. Review quotes for solar panels on Chapel and Museum roof and whether to proceed.
A proposal was made to not go ahead with solar panels at present. To review in 1 year to see if install costs and buy back from the national grid has improved to make the proposal more cost effective. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
22/143. Community Priorities . Youth Provision
No update.
22/144. Castle View Play area.
No items
22/145. Allotments. Review quotes for allotment oak tree trimming.
The advice from the specialist and the quotes were reviewed. Due to there being a risk to the health of the tree by unbalancing it, it was decided not to proceed with trimming it. The handyman will be asked to remove falling branches from the surrounding allotment plots and stack them neatly on the edge of the millennium copse.
Quotes for hedge cutting to come to Jan 23 meeting.
22/146. Vulnerable People.
No items
22/147. Items for next agenda.
Cllr Bates requested an item for the safety of the planter on Hodson Road. Cllr Bates is still to complete a risk assessment for submission to the committee. The Clerk re-sent the RA document to Cllr Bates and Cllr Rogers. Cllr Rogers confirmed the document had been received. The Clerk will send Cllr Bates the “Agenda request” form for completion.
Meeting closed 19.59
All Actions to be completed by the next Full Committee meeting unless otherwise specified
21/215. Future agenda. Play equipment discussion for Castle View Road, and applications for grant funding.
22/104. Work with handyman on purchase and install of bollard for hall gates. Funds from Rec building maintenance fund.
22/109. Advise RFO to go ahead with grant finder investigation for skate park funds.
22/118. Work with Handyman on purchase of new strimmer. Advise RFO of new budgeted funds.
22/128. Get quotes for oak tree pruning and also hedge trimming for Dec agenda.
22/141. Change rates for Table Tennis hire at Rec Hall.
22/142. Schedule a review of solar panels for Chapel for Dec 2023.
22/145. Make sure hedge cutting quotes for allotments are on Jan 23 agenda.
Cllr Sunners
22/110. Talk to Chiseldon Primary school with regards to youth provision.
Cllr Bates
22/148. To return the agenda item request form within 6 working days of the next EGPA meeting. To have the risk assessment completed 6 working days before the meeting to ensure Cllrs can review the risks noted.