23/70 Approval of apologies given.   Cllr Whitehead is returning from a family commitment.

A proposal was made to approve these apologies with the reason given. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

There were no apologies given from Cllr Sunners.

23/71. Declarations of Interest.  Cllr Rawlings rents an allotment from CPC.

23/72. Public recess.  1 member of the public representing the Chiseldon Local History Group (CLHG) with regards to the Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency’s (DVSA) Licence to Occupy for the Chiseldon Camp Stone.

The Chairman of the meeting suspended Standing Orders and moved agenda item 7 to be the next meeting item. The resident was invited to join the discussion.

23/73. To consider the request from the CLHG to sign the Licence to Occupy agreement with the DVSA for the movement of the Camp Memorial stone to its new permanent location.

The resident advised that due to the lack of formal constitution of the group; (they are just a group of likeminded individuals) that they do not feel they are able to sign the Licence to Occupy and request the PC do this instead.

The council would take on the role of the legal body signing the lease.

Cllr Rogers had briefly looked over the lease and stated there was no cause for immediate concern with the wording.

A proposal was made for the EGPA committee to approve signing the lease for the CLHG subject to full council approval and a thorough check of the lease resulting in no issues.  The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

The CLHG had already confirmed they would cover full moving costs, installation costs in the new location and any possible future moving costs for the stone as required.

Standing Orders were re-instated for the rest of the meeting.

The member of the public left the meeting 19.40

23/74. Approval of minutes from 19th June 2023. 

A proposal was made to approve these minutes as an accurate account of the meeting. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

23/75. Action points from previous meeting.


21/215. Future agenda. Play equipment discussion for Castle View Road, and applications for grant funding. PENDING.

23/30.  Publish grass and hedge cutting tender document and bring back to committee when quotes obtained. 2 QUOTES RECEIVED. WILL ADD TO AUG AGENDA.

23/41. Apply for Memorial Hall Trust grant for defib costs. GRANT APPROVED. WAITING FOR BREWERY APPROVAL.

23/56. Obtain quotes for re-painting the Badbury phone box.  Bring back to appropriate agenda. 2 OBTAINED, WAITING FOR 2 MORE. WILL ADD TO AUG AGENDA.

23/61. Check on location for bench at SHCMG and update family. DONE AND FAMILY HAVE CONFIRMED NEW LOCATION.

23/62. Implement new regulations for grave digging. DONE. FORMS UPDATED AND SENT TO ALL FUNERAL DIRECTORS WE REGULARLY WORK WITH.

23/65. Purchase new hoover for chapel office/cleaner. DONE

23/69. Send Cllr Rawlings the agenda request form for Butts Road cemetery. DONE

23/69. Email all Cllrs with BEST youth provision update DONE

23/69. Make sure SBC work to replace posts at Strouds Hill is complete. DONE

Cllr Rogers – 22/207 – To finalise the agenda request form for verge damage PENDING.

23/76. Approval of Committee Terms of Reference.

This item is moved to the August agenda for when more Cllrs are present. It was asked that version control could be added to the document.

23/77. Parishing Progress. No items

23/78. Parish Appearance and Safety. 6 month review on the decision to not remove the planter from Hodson Road.

A proposal was made that there have been no incidences with the planter so there is no need for further regular decisions on the location. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

23/79. Parish Appearance and Safety. Start work on 2023/24 project to protect the verges at Castle View Green area and improve safety by prevent crossing on the unsafe area.  £1500.00 available from budget.

The committee asked the Clerk to get costings for a native English hedge bare root saplings to be planted in the relevant location along with some singular specimen native trees.

To be brought back the August meeting.

23/80. Parish Appearance and safety. To consider adding extra benches in the parish.  

As an indication a robust public bench will cost £700.00 approximately.

The Clerk is to work out some costing options and locations for the August meeting. Cllrs asked to provide suitable location suggestions as well.

23/81. Building and amenity priorities. Football Club report. No report received.

23/82. Building and amenity priorities. Tennis Club report. No report received.

23/83. Building and amenity priorities.  Pavilion. No items

23/84. Rec Hall, grounds and carpark.  No items.

23/85. Chapel, Museum and graveyards. Review and approve the 2 documents for Public Health Funerals.

A proposal was made that the internal document and the policy document be approved. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

23/86. Chapel, Museum and graveyards. Consider and vote on the method for CPC to ensure its memorial stones are safe in both graveyards.

The committee reviewed the pricing options for the ICCM to inspect, or the Clerk to be trained to inspect.

A proposal was made for the Clerk to go on the ICCM’s recognised course for memorial stone checking, costing £150, with the additional costs of an overnight stay due to the location of the courses.  The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
The item will go to Full Council to be ratified.

23/87 Chapel. Museum and graveyards. Vote on the remedial action needed on unsafe memorial stones where no owner has been located.

A proposal was made that Bartlett Memorials be contracted to lay flat the stones where required at a cost of £40 per stone, where after 3 letters are sent, no deed owner has come forward to arrange repairs. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

The committee also asked that this £40 cost be sent to all last known deed owners to see if CPC costs can be re-couped for this expenditure.

23/88. Castle View Play area.  No items

23/89. Allotments.  Review request from tenant 12A ref fruit tree removal on the plot.

The photos were reviewed.

A proposal was made to not allow the trees to be removed as they appear in good leaf and with fruit. The tenant can remove dead branches and lightly trim the tree to size but no severe trimming or removal is allowed. The proposal was seconded and the majority of Cllrs were in favour.

23/90. Allotments.  Review allotment fees and approve increase.
This item was moved to the August agenda.

23/91. Vulnerable People. No items

23/92. Items for next agenda.    None

Meeting closed 20.13


All Actions to be completed by the next Full Committee meeting unless otherwise specified


21/215. Future agenda. Play equipment discussion for Castle View Road, and applications for grant funding.

23/30.  Publish grass and hedge cutting tender document and bring back to committee when quotes obtained.

23/41. Apply for Memorial Hall Trust grant for defib costs.

23/56. Obtain quotes for re-painting the Badbury phone box.  Bring back to appropriate agenda.

23/77. Add approval of TOR to Aug meeting.

23/79. Find out tree and hedge costs and add to Aug meeting.

23/80. Find out bench costs and suggest locations and add to Aug meeting.

23/86. Add costs for Clerk’s ICCM training to Aug full council agenda.

23/87. Work with Bartlett Memorials on laying unsafe stones flat where no owner has been located. Clerk to arrange sending the £40 invoice to cover costs to the last known address on file to try to recoup council costs.

23/90. Move allotment fee increase item to Aug agenda.

Cllr Rogers – 22/207 – To finalise the agenda request form for verge damage