22/148 Approval of apologies given.
Cllr Duke has a work commitment. Cllr Randall is stuck on her workday commute. There were no apologies given from Cllr Barnes.
A proposal was made to approve the apologies given. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
22/149. Declarations of Interest.
Cllr Rawlings rents an allotment from CPC.
22/150. Public recess.
No public
22/151. Approval of minutes from 19th December 2022.
A proposal was made to approve these minutes as an accurate account of the meeting. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
22/152. Action points from previous meeting.
21/215. Future agenda. Play equipment discussion for Castle View Road, and applications for grant funding. PENDING
22/104. Work with handyman on purchase and install of bollard for hall gates. Funds from Rec building maintenance fund. BOLLARD PURCHASED. WAITING TO BE INSTALLED.
22/109. Advise RFO to go ahead with grant finder investigation for skate park funds. PENDING
22/118. Work with Handyman on purchase of new strimmer. Advise RFO of new budgeted funds. PENDING. HANDYMAN HAS ORDERED RELEVENT EQUIPMENT FROM WALFINS.
22/128. Get quotes for oak tree pruning and also hedge trimming for Dec agenda. OAK TREE NOT BEING TRIMMED. HEDGE CUTTING ON CURRENT AGENDA.
22/141. Change rates for Table Tennis hire at Rec Hall. DONE
22/142. Schedule a review of solar panels for Chapel for Dec 2023. DONE
22/145. Make sure hedge cutting quotes for allotments are on Jan 23 agenda. DONE
Cllr Sunners
22/110. Talk to Chiseldon Primary school with regards to youth provision. DONE. SCHOOL ARE INITIALLY FAVOURABLE. CAN PROCEED FURTHER WITH ENQUIRIES.
Cllr Bates
22/148. To return the agenda item request form within 6 working days of the next EGPA meeting. To have the risk assessment completed 6 working days before the meeting to ensure Cllrs can review the risks noted. DONE. ON AGENDA.
22/153. Parishing Progress.
No items
22/154. Parish Appearance and Safety.
Consider spending the remaining tree budget on preventative tree work before year end.
After consideration was given to possible storm damage before 31st March 2023, the following proposal was made:
A proposal was made to request the March Finance Committee approve the transfer of the remainder of the tree fund for 2022/23 into the tree budget 2023/24. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
22/155. Parish Appearance and Safety. Consider moving the Hodson Road planter.
After a discussion the following was proposed:
A proposal was made to not make any changes currently to the planter and its location. Review in 6 months’ time after making sure the handyman is aware of all the mitigating factors to risk assessments. Need to further reduce the lone worker risk. The proposal was seconded and the majority of Cllrs were in favour.
Clerk to review the risk assessment to make sure it covers all risks. Look at reducing the loan working risk by having another member on site to monitor work.
22/156. Building and amenity priorities.
Tennis Club report. Written report received.
22/157. Building and amenity priorities.
Football Club report. No report received
22/158. Building and amenity priorities.
Pavilion. No items
22/159. Rec Hall, grounds and carpark.
22/160. Chapel and Museum.
Family request to have a memorial bench, in Sir Henry Calley Memorial Garden.
A proposal was made to approve option 2 site, and the bench that was requested. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
22/161. Community Priorities . Youth Provision
The results of the online survey was reviewed. 17 responses received. Did indicate a desire for a youth services from the results received but provided no other unexpected outcome.
Cllr Sunners – Confirm with the school the dates/times available, and what facilities they can provide.
Clerk – Ask for FB for volunteers and arrange a small meeting to discuss further.
Future agenda – Then consider whether we employ a Youth Worker to start the provision and run it for a test period.
22/162. Castle View Play area.
Discuss the next steps on investigating the Skate Park provision. Do we provide a survey to the houses surrounding the site.
The questionnaire was approved – change CVPA to all capital letters.
The questionnaire will also be transferred to Survey Monkey for a wider audience.
Propose to spend £50 on professional printing of the questionnaire and distribute the questionnaire to houses near the proposed site. The proposal was seconded and the majority of Cllrs were in favour.
22/163. Allotments. Review quotes for allotment hedge trimming.
The quotes were reviewed to cut top down to 6ft, and reduce width on allotment side – Hedge on west border.
A proposal was made to accept the quote of £680 from Morgan Trees. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
Cllr Rawlings did not vote.
22/164. Vulnerable People.
No items
22/165. Items for next agenda.
It was noted to send areas that required litter picking to the Clerk for the handyman to deal with.
Meeting closed 20.37
All Actions to be completed by the next Full Committee meeting unless otherwise specified
21/215. Future agenda. Play equipment discussion for Castle View Road, and applications for grant funding.
22/109. Advise RFO to go ahead with grant finder investigation for skate park funds. Future agenda – after surveys complete and other required steps.
22/154. Add expenditure request to Feb Full Council meeting to approve printing costs for survey.
22/155. Update risk assessment for planters to further mitigate risks where possible. Ensure handyman remains happy with working on site and has reviewed the updated document. Make sure there is not a loan working situation when on site. Review in 6 months.
22/161. Create a FB post asking for volunteers for a youth provision. Arrange a meeting if there is enough interest to discuss further.
22/162. Add Skate Park survey to survey monkey.
Cllr Sunners
22/161. Get up to date information from Chiseldon Primary school with regards to youth provision. The dates and times the hall is free. Any charge they will make. The facilities available – kitchen/toilets/outside play etc. Any insurance requirements. Security for children when on site – will the site be accessible to others?