24/61. To vote on a committee Chairman for the remainder of the year until May 25.

There were no candidates to be the chairman for the remainder of the year.

A proposal was made that Cllr Rawlings would chair the current meeting and Cllrs would take Chairmanship in rotation until a chair was agreed upon. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

24/62. Approval of apologies given.

There were no apologies from Cllr Whitehead.

24/63. Declarations of Interest.  None

24/64. Public recess. No public.

24/65. Approval of minutes 17th June 2024.

A proposal was made to approve these minutes as an accurate account of the meeting. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

24/66. Action points from previous meeting.


23/249. Arrange placement of 2 new benches plus moving of the dog bin. PENDING. WAITING FOR SBC REPLY ON HODSON ROAD SITE.

24/07. Create and install new noticeboard with the handyman.  DONE

24/44. Log SBC issue ref tarmac issue at Castle View Road garages. DONE via W.Cllrs.

24/45. To update the committee TOR with new date of approval. PENDING

24/53. Schedule a review of the football club lease for June 2025.DONE

24/54. Arrange verti-quake with Merretts for Rec field. DONE

24/60. Agenda item for July ref waste at Butts Road cemetery. DONE

24/67. Parishing Progress. To vote on approving £660.06 plus VAT to Allbuild for catch-up grass cutting work after BDN terminated the their contract.
A proposal was made to approve these costs of £660.06 plus VAT to be paid. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

24/68. Parish Appearance and safety. To approve the purchase of trees from Kingsdown Nurseries with the donated funds from Washpool.

A proposal was made to approve this purchase subject to viewing a planting plan. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

24/69. Building and amenity priorities. Football Club report. No report.

24/70. Building and amenity priorities. Tennis Club report. No report.

24/71. Building and amenity priorities.  Pavilion. No items

24/72. Rec Hall, ground and carpark.  Discuss and vote on approving a quote to weed kill the Rec ground carparks.

There was no proposal to do this work. The committee agreed that the handyman should be asked to strim the area.

24/73. Rec Hall, ground and carpark. Discuss and vote on purchasing a bin for the Rec hall and cancelling the Grist contract. Handyman to empty the bin.  Allbuild to empty at £5 per time if required.

A proposal was made to approve purchasing a new bin costing approx. £46.00. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

24/74. Rec Hall, ground and carpark. Discuss and vote on quotes for Rec Hall roof repairs.

A proposal was made to approve the quote from STORM for £1811.30 plus VAT. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

24/75. Rec Hall, ground and carpark. Vote on approval of 3 new fire extinguishers for council buildings costing £199.85 plus VAT from STORM.

A proposal was made to approve the quote from STORM for £199.85 plus VAT for 3 new extinguishers. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

24/76. Chapel, Museum and graveyards.  To approve a quote for cutting back dead tree limbs from a tree at the Butts Road cemetery.

A proposal was made to approve the quote from Morgan Trees of £280.00 no VAT. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in approval.

24/77. Chapel, Museum and graveyards.  To approve a quote for the refurbishment of the bell tower at the Chapel office from allocated funds.

A proposal was made to accept the quote from GK Roofing of £1800 plus VAT. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

24/78. Chapel, Museum and graveyards.  To approve a plan on controlling waste at the far corner of the Butts Road cemetery (Single gate near Windmill Piece)

It was proposed that an existing bin be moved to the area with a sign asking visitors to use the bin or take their rubbish home with them. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

24/79. Chapel, Museum and graveyards.  To discuss and vote on a family request to add a memorial stone to the foot of a plot (not the head) at the Sir Henry Calley Memorial Garden.

The committee felt they needed to consider the advice from the ICCM further. A decision will be made at the next committee meeting.

24/80. Allotments. It was noted that the 2 apple trees at plot 9B have died and the handyman will remove them.

24/81. Vulnerable People. No items.

24/82. Youth Provision.  No items. The Clerk was thanked for organising the summer youth sessions and for monitoring their success.

24/83. Castle View Play area.  Approve purchase of a metal sign up to £15.00 to provide safety advice for the monkey bars.

A proposal was made to approve this purchase to a value of £15.00. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

24/84. Items for next agenda.   None

Meeting closed 20.25

Actions -All Actions to be completed by the next EGPA Committee meeting unless otherwise specified


23/185. Complete PROW forms and send to SBC

23/249. Arrange placement of 2 new benches plus moving of the dog bin.

24/45. To update the committee TOR with new date of approval.

24/68. Send planting map from WARP to committee for tree approval.

24/72. Arrange for handyman to strim 2x Rec ground carpark edges

24/73. Arrange to send back Grist bin.  Purchase own wheelie bin and arrange for handyman to empty.

24/74. Advise STORM to proceed with quote 1 to repair Rec hall roof.

24/75. Advise STORM to proceed with 3 new extinguisher purchases.

24/76. Advise Morgan Trees to proceed with tree cutting at Butts Road cemetery

24/77. Advise GK Roofing to proceed with bell tower refurb quote.

24/78. Ask Handyman to move bin at Butts Road cemetery and create a sign.

24/79. Add gravestone request to August agenda.

24/83. Arrange sign for CVPA monkey bars.