20/177 Declarations of interest & approval of any dispensations.

Cllr Rawlings rents an allotment from CPC.

Public recess.

No public

20/178 Approval of previous EGPA minutes from 18th January 2021.

Amend 20/170 for clarity over apple trees.

The minutes of the meeting held on 18th January 2021 were approved as an accurate representation. Proposed by Cllr Barnes, seconded by Cllr Bates, all those at the meeting were in favour.

20/179 Action points from January



19/155 Ask Ward Cllrs for progress of hedge cutting on New Road. NO PROGRESS. TO BE CHASED

19/180 Talk to estate manager about extension of Washpool Lease. Waiting for further information. NO PROGRESS

19/193 Talk to estate manager about future purchase of land for new cemetery area. Waiting for further information. NO PROGRESS

20/65 Get Grass Valet to re-visit for court inspection with Cllr. TO CHASE

20/67 Look at shared calendar system for CPC and CFC for pitch bookings NO PROGRESS

20/114 Report low water pressure to Thames Water. TO DO WHEN LOCKDOWN ENDS

20/121 Monthly item to monitor opening of CVPA and Rec Hall/field depending on Covid guidelines ONGOING. CVPA on March Full Council agenda

20/143 Make sure STWFC send over list of requirements for 2021 season. CHASED, NO REPLY

20/164 Add cyclist dismount signage to Feb agenda and arrange for Cllr Sunners to call 2 residents for update on the issue DONE

20/165 Refer back “no ball games” sign to Cllr Jefferies for SBC. DONE

20/169 Arrange for J&J to do tree work on allotment path. DONE

20/170 Arrange for Admin Officer to send out letter to all allotment tenants ref tree trimming. DONE

20/171 Arrange for Admin Officer to investigate grants for new play equipment at Rec Hall. Clerk to do FB post to get feedback. ONGOING. FB Poll provided good feedback

20/172 Get costs for aluminium signs for outside gym. DONE

20/173 Purchase court marking paint for line marking at basketball hoop. DONE

20/175 Contact BIOS for update on missing info requested. ONGOING

20/176 Add BMX track update to Feb meeting. ADDED TO MARCH FULL COUNCIL

Cllr Sunners

20/164 Cllr Sunners to ring to residents who requested signage for cyclists at Strouds Hill and Home Close. DONE

20/180. Dispensation for Cllr McDonald due to Covid work demands.

It was suggested by Cllr Rawlings that Cllr McDonald may want to step down from the committee due to his work commitments.

It was proposed by Cllr Sunners that the committee should first talk to Cllr McDonald to get his thoughts on committee membership. Seconded by Cllr Barnes and all Cllrs were in favour.

Cllr Jefferies joined the meeting 19.54

20/181. Parishing Progress

No items

20/182. Re-visit item from December & January to approve the final wordage on signs for Strouds Hill/Home Close 45 cycle path ref no cyclists/residential areas.

Cllr Sunners report to the committee was discussed. Both residents contacted indicated a need for signs still.

It was proposed by Cllr Rawlings to talk to Sustrans about these issues before proceeding with signs. Cllr Duke seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

Cllr Rawlings to contact Sustrans.

20/183. Re-visit item from January. Request for “No ball games” sign at garage site behind Downs Road.

Cllr Jefferies reported that the request to SBC had been moved to the Planning Dept. She will update the committee when more information is received.

20/184 BUILDING & AMENITY PRIORITIES – Chiseldon Tennis Club report.

Nothing to report

20/185 BUILDING & AMENITY PRIORITIES – Chiseldon Football Club report.

Still no guidance on when games can be played. There is not enough funds in the clubs account to support the purchase of mobile dug-outs so requested the funds allocated to them be used for further pitch improvements. As the funds were designated for “improvement of the Rec field” this was agreed.
Matt Clarke to email the Clerk with a plan for work to be done within the budget specified.


No items

However BUILDING & AMENITY PRIORITIES a request was made to ensure that the creation of a sub committee to oversee the improvements to the Rec hall/ground was added to March Full council agenda. Cllr Randall and Cllr Jefferies showed an interest in joining this committee.


No items

20/188. BUILDING & AMENITY PRIORITIES. Replacement of Rec Hall roof.

The costings provided so far were discussed in relation to the longevity of the building verses the amount spent on it.
There was no decision made so the committee proposed to move the item to the next agenda.

20/189 BUILDING & AMENITY PRIORTIES – Outside gym advisory signs.

The quotes for metal signs were reviewed. The Committee wanted quotes for plastic signs also. To schedule for March meeting.

20/190. BUILDING & AMENITY PRIORTIES – Castle View Play Area annual check fees £76.50 plus VAT.

Cllr Duke proposed the fees from The Play Inspection Company be approved for the annual check. Cllr Jefferies seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

20/191. CEMETERIES – Chapel path replacement

The committee want quotes for the drains to be cleared before they proceed with accepting a quote for the path to be re-laid. The Clerk is to get quotes for the next meeting. Cllrs Rawlings and Bates will investigate the site to see if they can remedy the situation.
The Clerk to ask Cllr Jefferies to check with SBC to see whether planning permission is required as site is within the Conservation Area.

20/192 Vulnerable people and BIOS

No update. Clerk to email BIOS for items not yet provided as part of review.

20/193 Items for next agenda

Cllr Sunners – Item for March full council to discuss Cllrs doing more project work with the Clerk

The meeting closed at 20.55



19/155 Ask Ward Cllrs for progress of hedge cutting on New Road

19/180 Talk to estate manager about extension of Washpool Lease. Waiting for further information

19/193 Talk to estate manager about future purchase of land for new cemetery area. Waiting for further information

20/65 Get Grass Valet to re-visit for court inspection with Cllr

20/67 Look at shared calendar system for CPC and CFC for pitch bookings

20/114 Report low water pressure to Thames Water

20/121 Monthly item to monitor opening of CVPA and Rec Hall/field depending on Covid guidelines

20/143 Make sure STWFC send over list of requirements for 2021 season.

20/171 Arrange for Admin Officer to investigate grants for new play equipment at Rec Hall.

20/175 Contact BIOS for update on missing info requested

20/185 March Full Council. Item for creation of committee for Rec Hall/ground improvement to be added to agenda.

20/187 Ask Mule Creative for quotes for plastic signs for outside gym

20/189 Ask Cllr Jefferies to ask SBC Planning dept whether planning permission is needed for new chapel path.

20/191 Clerk to get quotes from companies to clear chapel drains.
Cllr Sunners request for project work with the Clerk to be added to March full council agenda.

Cllr Rawlings

20/181 Cllr Rawlings to contact Sustrans with regards to signage on Home Close & Strouds Hill for cyclists.

Cllr Rawlings/Bates

20/189 Visit Chapel path to see if there is an easy solution to blocked drain.