15/101. Declarations of interest.

Cllr Rawlings is an allotment holder

Public recess.

No public

15/102. Approval of previous minutes.

Page 2 (minute 15/96 – Highways). Cllr Dudman pointed out that there are just signs regarding the change in the 30mph limit near Badbury and no build-out.

Following this change, the minutes of the meeting held on 15 October were approved on a proposal by Cllr Dudman, seconded by Cllr Harris; all those at the meeting in favour.

15/103. Matters arising/Action points.

Page 1 (minute 15/93 – Action points). Cllr Brady noted that the property on New Road that removed a hedge has now erected a gate in its place. Cllr Rawlings undertook to speak to B.Cllr Shaw and obtain an update.

Action points

Cllr Brady will be organising a traffic survey at the junction of Turnball and Hodson Road, with Cllr Harris, within the next week. She will also speak to B.Cllrs Foley and Shaw regarding a traffic camera for Draycot Road and discuss the need for similar monitoring in Badbury and Hodson. Cllr Harris will research ways in which other villages have tackled the problem of HGVs using unsuitable roads.

Cllr Brady is organising a briefing on ‘parishing’ and is working with officers from SBC with regard to the financial implications of any devolved tasks.

Cllr Rawlings has passed on the photos of problem parking in Badbury to B.Cllr Shaw.

All other action points had been actioned.

15/104. Allotments.

Cllrs Rawlings and Brady have inspected the allotments and provided the Clerk with the outcome of that process. The Clerk will now issue two notices to terminate, one 30-day notice to improve the condition of a plot and three letters querying aspects of plot maintenance.

The committee then discussed the issue of fees for the coming year and, having considered the rates being charged by other authorities, proposed to increase them as follows:

15/104. Allotments. (continued)

• Full plot – £25 for the year (concessionary rate £15 for the year)

• Half plot – £12.50 for the year (concessionary rate £7.50 for the year)

These increases were proposed by Cllr Harris, seconded by Cllr Bates; all those at the meeting in favour. The Clerk will now issue renewal notices accordingly.

15/105. Dog bins.

The installation of an additional dog bin in the vicinity of The Washpool was proposed by Cllr Brady, seconded by Cllr Bates; all those at the meeting in favour. The Clerk will now arrange for installation.

15/106. Highways

Cllr Dudman reported that work being carried out on water pipes is causing problems with articulated vehicles trying to pass through Badbury. After a brief discussion it was agreed that the Clerk should write to Thames Water and point out the problems.

Cllr Dudman then told the meeting that she has spoken to the school bus co-ordinator about large buses passing through Badbury. The school acknowledged that there were some problems in relation to their contract with Barnes but Cllr Dudman has heard nothing further. Cllr Rawlings said he would continue to talk to B.Cllrs and would also ask them to raise the issue with Mr Nigel Hale at SBC.

Cllr Hill reported a BMW illegally parked on the new yellow lines in Mays Lane and was told that the matter has been referred to the police. Cllr Brady encouraged anyone who sees illegal parking on the new yellow lines to take two photographs (ten minutes apart) and forward them to the police in order to help with enforcement.

Cllr Hill also told the meeting that some of the speed signs in New Road were being turned around. Cllr Rawlings said they have now been straightened and he will be asking B.Cllr Shaw to get a service team out to tighten them up.

15/107. Street furniture.

Cllr Rawlings recorded his thanks for the team of volunteers who installed two benches for the Parish.

On Saturday the two Parish noticeboards will be re-installed outside the Spar by the same volunteers. The builder responsible for the Spar will then reinstate the safety railings.

The Clerk reported that there is £1000 left in the budget that could be spent on new noticeboards. After a brief discussion the committee agreed to order a new board for Badbury at an estimated cost of £200. This was proposed by Cllr Brady, seconded by Cllr Bates; all those at the meeting in favour. The Clerk will now order a suitable board.

15/108. Village appearance.

Cllr Rawlings thanked everyone who attended the village clean-up and told the meeting that more leaflets would be ordered next time. He also confirmed that he has raised various issues relating to the new garage with SBC planners.

The Clerk suggested that the cost of any additional clean-up activities be monitored and used in future communications encouraging residents not to drop litter.

15/109. Budget for 2016/17.

The committee discussed possible expenditure for the next financial year, over and above routine items. They agreed to table the following items for consideration by the Finance Committee:

• A new wire fence at the allotments – estimated cost £100
• Professional cleaning and decoration of The Old Chapel – estimated cost £2,500
• Re-plastering of the wall and re-pointing using lime at The Old Chapel – clerk to obtain quote
• Clearance of the compost bin at Butts Road cemetery – clerk to obtain quote
• Provision of a temporary camera to monitor the compost area – estimated cost £100
• 15/109. Budget for 2016/17. (continued)

• An upgrade in the sensor lighting at The Old Chapel – clerk to obtain quote
• Provision of additional litter bins on existing SBC routes – estimated cost £500

The Clerk then informed the meeting that the cost of the Countrywide contract would be increasing by 3% due to the introduction of the National Living Wage next year. The committee agreed that this still represents good value for money given that costs have been fixed since 2012.

It was also noted that insurance premium tax would be increasing from 6% to 9.5%.

15/110. AOB.

The Clerk informed the meeting that WARP is now looking for a new contractor to help maintain Washpool as Wiltshire Wildlife Trust is no longer able to complete the work.

The meeting closed at 8.10pm.


Cllr Brady

15/103 Conduct a traffic survey at the junction of Turnball and Hodson Road and obtain an update on the availability of temporary traffic cameras for Draycot Road, Badbury and Hodson

Cllr Harris

15/103 Research measures taken by other villages to prevent HGVs using unsuitable roads.

Cllr Rawlings

15/103 Obtain an update on the situation with regard to the New Road property that removed a hedge

15/106 Raise the issue on unsuitable buses being used for school transport with B.Cllrs and ask them to raise it with Mr Hale

Ask for a service crew to be sent out in order to tighten up the speed signs along New Road


15/104 Issue renewal / termination notices for allotments

15/105 Arrange the installation of an additional dog bin

15/106 Write to Thames Water regarding unsuitable traffic through Badbury as a result of water works

15/107 Order a new noticeboard for Badbury

15/109 Table 2016/17 budget requests for consideration by Finance Committee