24/71. List of apologies with reason given and approval of those apologies.

Cllr Kearsey had a personal commitment and Cllr Turley had a work commitment.

No apologies from Cllrs Jackson or Ford.

A proposal was made to approve the apologies given. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

24/72. Declarations of Interest.   None

25/73. Public recess.

1 member of the public. No comments.

24/74. Approval of minutes from 26th September 2024.   No changes

A proposal was made to approve these minutes as an accurate reflection of the meeting. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

24/75. Action points from previous meeting. (Completed items in italics)

Clerk  24/59-61. Respond to SBC with votes on planning applications. DONE

Clerk  24/63. Make sure SBC are aware of S106 request when replying to S/OUT/24/0982  DONE

Clerk  24/67. Advice RWK Goodman they have the contract to review the HOT. DONE

Clerk  24/69. Pass on budget request items to RFO for inclusion in draft 25/26 budget DONE

24/76. PLANNING. Discussion & vote on any planning applications received from Swindon Borough Council after the agenda is published. Published on the council’s Facebook page and on the council’s website.  There were none.

24/77. HIGHWAYS.  Approve a further £50 costs to have Allbuild alter the direction of the solar panel for the Hodson Road SID.

A proposal was made to approve the £50 costs. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

24/78. HIGHWAYS. Approve purchase costs of batteries x2 for the SID on Hodson Road.

The manufacturers quote was reviewed along with information from Cllr Turley on cheaper online alternatives.

A proposal was made to approve delegated powers to the Clerk to purchase 2 new batteries for the SID. The Clerk will contact the online suppliers to confirm the batteries are comparable to the more expensive quote. The Clerk will place the appropriate order after emailing committee members to advise on the information gathered. Cheaper batteries to be purchased if they will have the same performance as the more expensive batteries. Otherwise the manufacturer batteries will be purchased. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

The maximum cost for the batteries will be £229.68 inc delivery and VAT from Stocksigns.

24/79. HIGHWAYS.  Discussion on whether to request a crossing point on New Road near Station Road/Castle View Road junction. (Item requested by Cllr Kearsey)

The item was deferred to the December meeting as Cllr Kearsey was not in attendance.

24/80. HIGHWAYS. To discuss and vote on action to take with regards to a TRO* to lower the speed limit on Hodson Road near Burderop Park from 50mph.  *Traffic Regulation Order.

It was felt by Cllr Howlett that since the original speed limit was in place, that the road circumstances have changed. For a TRO to be started, there are 4 criteria points to be met. 1 has been met already which is the road circumstances. The road is now longer rural, it is now more residential since Burderop Park was built. It was also felt that current vehicles drive faster than the legal speed limit as well which is another criteria point, although there is currently no evidence of this.

The Clerk is to contact Wroughton PC to see if residents have been surveyed about the speed of the road near the Alexandra Park development and what the outcome was.

The Clerk is to email the committee the last set of Hodson Road speed data downloaded.

Cllr Howlett had contacted local residents in the area and the committee need to see the data this has produced.

The item will be added to the Nov committee meeting for further discussion.

24/81. TRANSPORT. No items

24/82. Recreation Ground Improvement. Review the response from the solicitor on the Heads of Terms for the land lease and approve next steps.

The concerns of the solicitor and the committee were:

The length of the lease – 25 years and the proposal that CPC pay all the costs of the other party.

A proposal was made for the Clerk to go back to RWK Goodman to see if our original payment included a phone call with them to determine how best to construct a letter to the landowner to ask for clarification on these issues.  The letter should also include the suggestion of a break clause at 25 years to look at the rental costs. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

The Clerk is to contact our architect for the project for a quote on providing updated build costs for phase 1 of the work.

The Clerk is to send the committee the key documents from the architect for information.

24/83. Neighbourhood Plan. To note on the minutes that SBC are working on Regulation 16 of the NHP.  No further updates have been provided.


24/84. Items for the next agenda.  None

The Clerk is to ask residents to report empty grit bins so SBC can be advised to re-fill.

The Clerk is to contact South Swindon PC to ask how much their gateway signs were.

Meeting closed at 20.13


Clerk 24/80. Contact Wroughton PC about Alexandra Park speed survey

Clerk 24/80. Email the committee the last set of Hodson SID data

Clerk  24/82. Ask Solicitor if they can assist with letter to estate at no extra cost to CPC.

Clerk  24/82. Contact architect for quote for updated costs to phase 1   

Clerk 24/82. Provide committee members with info on Rec ground project.

Clerk 24/84. Ask residents to report empty grit bins

Clerk 24/84.  Contact South Swindon PC to ask about their gateway signs.

List of CPC planning application consultee votes

(2022 data removed – see old minutes for details)

Application and property CPC decision Date voted on
S/22/1268. Alpina. Marlborough Rd. Demolition of dwelling and erection of 1 new dwelling. Objection Jan 23


S/HOU/22/1614. Vena. Turnbull.  Single storey side extension No objection Jan 23
HVG Licence. Operator OH2061698. Draycot Foliat No objection for 1 rigid body with lift axle. Jan 23
S/22/1425. The Old Dairy. 3 barns for accom. No objection Feb 23
S/HOU/22/1796. Rosslyn 5 New Road. Car Pork No objection Feb 23
S/23/0139. Burderop Park House. Demolition of pavilions, change of use for offices to 25 dwellings, erection of 52 dwellings, new access and assoc works. Without compliance with condition 14 (closure of access) No objection Feb 23
S/22/1425 Revised. The Old Dairy, Badbury.   3 barns for 20 rooms of accommodation. Current objection. March 23
S/COND/23/0087. Discharge of conditions. Badbury House Farm 5 dwellings. Objected to condition 6, approved others March 23
S/LBC/23/0284. Corner Thatches, 11 High St. Chiseldon.  Electric vehicle charger to front of house. Approved March 23
S/HOU/22/1425. Updated. Erection of 3 barns for 20 ensuite bedrooms. The Old Dairy Badbury Approved April 23
S/HOU/23/0399 creation of driveway from adopted highway. 67 New Road Objected April 23
S/22/1268 Revised. Demolition of existing dwelling and erection of 1 dwelling. Alpina. Marlborough Road. No further comment April 23
S/HOU/23/0428. Change of use of garage to living accom and change of parking use to private parking. Support with condition April 23
S/HOU/23/0447. 2 storey side and single storey rear extension. 7 The Crescent Support April 23
S/HOU/22/1614. Single storey side extension. Vena, Turnball. Support April 23
S/23/0139 REVISED. Demolition of the pavilions, change of use of offices and ancillary buildings to 25no. apartments/ dwellings, erection of 52no. dwellings, construction of new access and associated works without compliance with Condition 14 (Closure of Access) of previous permission S/19/1765 – Variation of Condition 14 from Previously Approved Planning Application S/21/1920.

Burderop Park House, Burderop Park Wroughton

No further comment June 23
S/AGRI/23/0813 Prior Approval application for the infilling of former dairy settlement lagoon and return of area to grass. Burderop Farm Dairy, Dairy Road Chiseldon. Support Aug 23
S/HOU/23/0988. 25 Station Road. Front single storey extension No objection Sept 23
S/23/1207. Hanger L6 Wroughton Airfield.  Retention of building and hardstanding. New gated access Objection Oct 23
S/23/HOU/1136. Beech Grove High Street. Increase in roof height, amendments to existing windows and doors. Support Oct 23
PL/2023/09142. Wiltshire Council.  M4 J16 services. Supports Wroughton PC comments.  Support but with conditions ref traffic using Wroughton and Chiseldon for J15 needs to be prevented. Nov 23
S/23/1506 Demolition of the pavilions, change of use of offices and ancillary buildings to 25no. apartments/ dwellings, erection of 52no. dwellings, construction of new access and associated works without compliance with Condition 14 (Closure of Access) of previous permission S/19/1765 – Variation of Condition 14 from Previously Approved Planning Application S/21/1920. Variation of Condition 2 from Planning Permission S/23/0139. At:

Burderop Park House, Burderop Park Wroughton

Support Jan 24
S/23/1507. Erection of 6no. additional dwellings. Variation of Conditions 2 and 18 from Planning Permission S/19/1892. Burderop Park House , Burderop Park Wroughton Support Jan 24
S/23/1399. Installation of 3 number, 5m high CCTV Columns. At: Chiseldon Firs Transit Site, Marlborough Road Chiseldon Swindon. Support Jan 24
S/22/1170 Change of use of the Stable Block and Cottage/Restaurant to provide 11no. residential dwellings (Use Class C3), erection of 6no. dormer windows with associated infrastructure and landscaping. At: Burderop Cottage, Hodson Road Chiseldon Support Feb 24 Full Council
S/LBC/23/1113 Alterations to the Cottage/ Restaurant building to internally re-order residential unit RC04, re-introduce an entrance door on the north elevation of the former restaurant and re-introduce a window at first floor level of the former restaurant (amended proposals following listed building consent S/LBC/22/0695). At: Former Cottage/ Restaurant, Burderop Park Mansion Drive Swindon Support Feb 24 Full Council
S/HOU/24/0163. Erection of single storey rear extension, side extension to form garage/store and new gabled roofs to front bay window and front door.  39 Station Road, Chiseldon Support Feb 24
S/24/0079 Installation of a new gateway and access track for agricultural use, including new hedge planting. Land To The East Of C3088, Burderop Support April 24
S/HOU/24/0317. 2 storey extension. Little Acre. Slipper Lane, Chiseldon. Support April 24
S/24/0424.  Erection of two storey side extension and single storey rear extension. 15 Hodson Road, Chiseldon. Support with comments April 24
S/HOU/24/0278 Air Source heat pump. 4 The Orchard, Chiseldon. Support with comments April 24
S/22/1170 REVISED. Change of use of stable block to 1 dwelling. Burderop Cottage, Hodson Road, Chiseldon No comment May 24
S/HOU/24/0509. 2 storey/first floor side extensions & single storey rear extension. 28 Carisbrooke Terrace, Chiseldon. Objection with comments May 24
S/HOU/24/0552. Single storey side extension & detached out building. 31 Berricot Lane, Badbury Support with comments May 24
S/PHOU/24/0568. Prior Approval notification for conservatory 5×3.3m. 13 Cambrai Road, Chiseldon. No vote taken May 24
S/HOU/24/0586. 2 dormer windows, front velux, and hip to gabled roof to create first floor.  39 Station Road, Chiseldon. Support May 24
S/HOU/24/0857. Single Storey rear extension. 40 Draycott Road. Support Aug 24
S/HOU/24/0953. Single storey rear extension. 13 Cambrai Road. Support Aug 24
INSPECTORATE APPEAL. S/HOU/24/0409. 2 storey/first floor side extensions, single storey rear extension, erect detached garden shed. No further comments. Objected to original application due to size. Aug 24
S/OUT/24/0982. Up to 42 homes, landscaping, open space and assoc works at land at Hodson Road. Objection. Sept 24
S/OUT/24/1013. Permanent rural workers retirement dwellings and assoc works.  Ladysmith Equestrian Centre. Support Sept 24
S/24/0886. Replacement detached dwelling, garage and summer house. The Bungalow, Hodson Lane Support Sept 24
S/HOU/24/1027. Summer house, greenhouse and gazebo & re-render. The Hollies, 26 Badbury. Support Sept 24