24/85. List of apologies with reason given and approval of those apologies.
Cllr Ford has a dispensation until Jan 25. Cllrs Turley and Jackson had a work commitment. Cllr Rawlings had a prior engagement.
A proposal was made to approve the apologies given. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
24/86. Declarations of Interest. Cllr Howlett expressed an interest in the agenda item for speed reduction on Hodson Road as he lives nearby.
25/87. Public recess.
2 members of the public.
Query on the PC’s response to the Hannick Homes (HH) planning application, to SBC. He felt it offered options for approval even though the vote of CPC was to reject the application. He asked whether CPC had enough time to reply.
It was advised that the PC had around a week to reply. SBC would not provide any further time extension to allow more time.
It was noted the SBC Dec Planning meeting had been cancelled and a HH rep had told the resident that SBC won’t decide the application until Easter 25.
Other general points raised were with regards to the path improvements along the B4005. The PC hopes it can do the work with S106 funds, if the application is approved by SBC. The PC were advised there would not be enough S106 funds to do the entire road.
The resident noted that Hannick Homes have not yet made changes to the application with regards to the entrance/exit. Cllr Kearsey advised that HH would not do this until SBC commented on the current design.
Cllr Jefferies advised we are currently waiting for when SBC hold the planning meeting where this is on the agenda.
Cllr Howlett had issues with how the PC decided their response to SBC. This will be discussed after the meeting to investigate alternative ways to manage this.
The Clerk is to contact the estate about the remainder of hedge cutting along Hodson Road.
2 members of the public leave at 20.00
24/88. Approval of minutes from 31st October 2024. No changes
A proposal was made to approve these minutes as an accurate reflection of the meeting. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
24/89. Action points from previous meeting. (Completed items in italics)
Clerk 24/80 Contact Wroughton PC about Alexandra Park speed survey. DONE. No survey done at AP.
Clerk 24/80 Email the committee the last set of Hodson SID data. DONE
Clerk 24/82 Ask Solicitor if they can assist with letter to estate at no extra cost to CPC. DONE. Need to follow up with the expected email.
Clerk 24/82 Contact architect for quote for updated costs to phase 1. DONE. Will be on Dec agenda.
Clerk 24/82 Provide committee members with info on Rec ground project. DONE
Clerk 24/84 Ask residents to report empty grit bins DONE
Clerk 24/84 Contact South Swindon PC to ask about their gateway signs. DONE. On this agenda.
The Clerk will add an agenda item to a relevant December meeting to discuss the current use and situation of the Rec Hall.
24/89. PLANNING. Discuss and vote on planning application S/ S/HOU/24/1344. 37 Carisbrooke Terrace. Single storey rear extension, loft conversion to first floor extension to rear, and dormer to front. Porch to front.
A proposal was made to support this application. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
24/90. PLANNING. Discussion & vote on any planning applications received from Swindon Borough Council after the agenda is published. Published on the councils Facebook page and on the councils website. There were none.
24/91. PLANNING. To provide any update on S/HOU/24/0982 land at Hodson Road if SBC have held their Planning meeting.
SBC have not yet held a planning meeting where this application was on the agenda.
The Clerk is to email the planning officer, and CC all Ward Cllrs to remind them that CPC need 7 days’ notice of the meeting date to ensure they have representation at the meeting.
The Clerk is to ask Ward Cllr Hopkins when an applicant can take their application straight to the Government Planning Inspectorate for a decision if the planning authority has not made a decision. The determination deadline date on the SBC portal is 26th December.
24/92. HIGHWAYS. Discuss and vote on what action to take with regards to requesting a pedestrian crossing point on New Road.
Cllr Kearsey advised that the Police won’t let Community Speedwatch monitor on this road as its too dangerous.
A proposal was made to request our Ward Cllrs log a request to SBC to start the TRO process for installing a pedestrian crossing at the location shown below. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
24/93. HIGHWAYS. Discussion and vote on what action to take with regards to the current 50mph speed limit along the length of Hodson Road/Brimble Hill/B4005.
Discussions have begun with Wroughton PC (WPC) and Swindon and Wiltshire Road Safety Partnership with regards to the 50mph speed limit. The first combined meeting is 10th Jan 25. It is hoped that Chiseldon and Wroughton PC’s can work on a combined solution.
The feedback from Burderop Park residents was a majority agreement that there was concern over the current speed limit. There are currently no recorded deaths on this road but there have been 4 recent accidents.
A proposal was made for the Clerk to log a request for speed limit reduction on this road with our Ward Cllrs and make WPC aware so we can work together on this project. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
The item will be on the Jan 25 agenda after the meeting on 10th Jan.
24/94. HIGHWAYS. Discussion and vote on a proposal to install gateway signs at the approaches to the parish.
Information on costs and design were reviewed from South Swindon PC.
A proposal was made for the Clerk to approach WPC with regards to a joint project to erect a sign on Brimble Hill, and to also contact the manufacturer Signway Supplies to see if a more modest design/spec can be created for Chiseldon PC. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
24/95. TRANSPORT. No items
It was noted that Adshell deal with bus shelters in the parish and the Clerk can report any issues with maintenance or repairs.
24/96. Recreation Ground Improvement.
The solicitor at RWK Goodman is going to send over a draft email that the Clerk can use to send to the estate to ask for clarifications on some points of the suggested Heads of Terms. The draft has not yet been received. The Clerk will chase this.
24/97. Neighbourhood Plan. Update on progress.
To note on the minutes that the confirmation of the Regulation 16 approval of documents from SBC was received 28th Nov. We now await the start date for the public consultation.
The committee noted thanks to Cllr Kearsey and the Clerk for the work done to date to get the NHP to this stage.
24/98. Neighbourhood Plan. Paying any further funds to Andrea Pellegram Ltd.
Our request for 5 hours work maximum had not been conveyed to the staff member who did the work. This meant the final invoice was higher than expected. The invoice was adjusted to be 5 hours work and CPC paid. This item is to discuss whether to pay any further proportion of the invoice as extensive work was done for CPC.
The additional amount came to approximate £1300.00
A proposal was made to pay £650.00 further towards this invoice, but to request that the Finance Committee approve this request, with funds coming from the Council’s own Neighbourhood Plan fund. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
The Clerk will place this item on the next Finance Committee agenda.
24/99. Items for the next agenda.
Cllr Hinton requested an item for the possible creation of a coalition of the south of the Borough rural parishes, to have an effective way of collective bargaining for goods and services. The Clerk will send an agenda request form out to be completed for the December Full Council meeting.
Cllr Howlett requested an item for “onboarding” for new Cllrs for the December Full Council meeting. A form will be sent out to be completed.
Meeting closed at 21.15
Clerk 24/87. Contact the estate about hedge cutting on Hodson Road
Clerk 24/88. Add an agenda item to the relevant meeting to discuss the current situation with the Rec hall.
Clerk 24/91. Email SBC planner and Ward Cllrs ref SBC planning meeting where HH application will be vote on.
Clerk 24/91. Ask WC Hopkins about timeline for applications going to Gov Inspectorate.
Clerk 24/92. Ask W.Cllrs to log TRO process with SBC for crossing on New Road.
Clerk 24/93. Ask W.Cllrs to log TRO process with SBC for speed reduction on Hodson Road.
Clerk 24/94. Contact WPC ref joint working on gateways sign at Brimble Hill.
Clerk 24/94. Contact Signway Supplies to ask for quotes on gateway signs for the parish
Clerk 24/96. Chase solicitor draft email for estate.
Clerk 24/98. Add to Finance agenda the proposal for an extra payment to Andrea Pellegram Ltd
Clerk 24/99. Add Cllr requested items to relevant agendas and send them the Cllr request form.
List of CPC planning application consultee votes
(2023 data removed – see old minutes for details)
Application and property | CPC decision | Date voted on |
S/23/1506 Demolition of the pavilions, change of use of offices and ancillary buildings to 25no. apartments/ dwellings, erection of 52no. dwellings, construction of new access and associated works without compliance with Condition 14 (Closure of Access) of previous permission S/19/1765 – Variation of Condition 14 from Previously Approved Planning Application S/21/1920. Variation of Condition 2 from Planning Permission S/23/0139. At:
Burderop Park House, Burderop Park Wroughton |
Support | Jan 24 |
S/23/1507. Erection of 6no. additional dwellings. Variation of Conditions 2 and 18 from Planning Permission S/19/1892. Burderop Park House , Burderop Park Wroughton | Support | Jan 24 |
S/23/1399. Installation of 3 number, 5m high CCTV Columns. At: Chiseldon Firs Transit Site, Marlborough Road Chiseldon Swindon. | Support | Jan 24 |
S/22/1170 Change of use of the Stable Block and Cottage/Restaurant to provide 11no. residential dwellings (Use Class C3), erection of 6no. dormer windows with associated infrastructure and landscaping. At: Burderop Cottage, Hodson Road Chiseldon | Support | Feb 24 Full Council |
S/LBC/23/1113 Alterations to the Cottage/ Restaurant building to internally re-order residential unit RC04, re-introduce an entrance door on the north elevation of the former restaurant and re-introduce a window at first floor level of the former restaurant (amended proposals following listed building consent S/LBC/22/0695). At: Former Cottage/ Restaurant, Burderop Park Mansion Drive Swindon | Support | Feb 24 Full Council |
S/HOU/24/0163. Erection of single storey rear extension, side extension to form garage/store and new gabled roofs to front bay window and front door. 39 Station Road, Chiseldon | Support | Feb 24 |
S/24/0079 Installation of a new gateway and access track for agricultural use, including new hedge planting. Land To The East Of C3088, Burderop | Support | April 24 |
S/HOU/24/0317. 2 storey extension. Little Acre. Slipper Lane, Chiseldon. | Support | April 24 |
S/24/0424. Erection of two storey side extension and single storey rear extension. 15 Hodson Road, Chiseldon. | Support with comments | April 24 |
S/HOU/24/0278 Air Source heat pump. 4 The Orchard, Chiseldon. | Support with comments | April 24 |
S/22/1170 REVISED. Change of use of stable block to 1 dwelling. Burderop Cottage, Hodson Road, Chiseldon | No comment | May 24 |
S/HOU/24/0509. 2 storey/first floor side extensions & single storey rear extension. 28 Carisbrooke Terrace, Chiseldon. | Objection with comments | May 24 |
S/HOU/24/0552. Single storey side extension & detached out building. 31 Berricot Lane, Badbury | Support with comments | May 24 |
S/PHOU/24/0568. Prior Approval notification for conservatory 5×3.3m. 13 Cambrai Road, Chiseldon. | No vote taken | May 24 |
S/HOU/24/0586. 2 dormer windows, front velux, and hip to gabled roof to create first floor. 39 Station Road, Chiseldon. | Support | May 24 |
S/HOU/24/0857. Single Storey rear extension. 40 Draycott Road. | Support | Aug 24 |
S/HOU/24/0953. Single storey rear extension. 13 Cambrai Road. | Support | Aug 24 |
INSPECTORATE APPEAL. S/HOU/24/0409. 2 storey/first floor side extensions, single storey rear extension, erect detached garden shed. | No further comments. Objected to original application due to size. | Aug 24 |
S/OUT/24/0982. Up to 42 homes, landscaping, open space and assoc works at land at Hodson Road. | Objection. | Sept 24 |
S/OUT/24/1013. Permanent rural workers retirement dwellings and assoc works. Ladysmith Equestrian Centre. | Support | Sept 24 |
S/24/0886. Replacement detached dwelling, garage and summer house. The Bungalow, Hodson Lane | Support | Sept 24 |
S/HOU/24/1027. Summer house, greenhouse and gazebo & re-render. The Hollies, 26 Badbury. | Support | Sept 24 |
S/ S/HOU/24/1344 37 Carisbrooke Terrace. Single storey rear extension, loft conversion to first floor extension to rear, and dormer to front. Porch to front. | Support | Nov 24 |