Public Recess: No public
18/38 Declarations of Interest
Cllr Matt Harris lives in Norris Close, in relation to the proposed layby plans.
18/39 Approval of Minutes of meeting on 18th June 2018
There were no changes to make to the minutes
Cllr Harris proposed the minutes be an accurate representation of the meeting. Cllr Hill seconded. All Cllrs were in favour.
18/40 Matters Arising and Action Points
Matters Arising
Cllr Hill asked after page 2 item 17/96. It was confirmed that the area in question was the Hodson Road, arriving in Chiseldon from the Wroughton direction on the last bend.
Cllr Mills arrived at 19.35
Action Points
- 17/77. Ask SBC planning what items they are still waiting for from the Manor House development on Slipper Lane. Ensure that the clearing of drains is including on this list ONGOING. Developers to finish in 4-6 weeks. Clerk to make sure there is a site meeting with SBC to ensure items of work are looked at.
- 17/78. Follow up with Jason Humm at SBC on the New Road Build Out design plans ONGOING. CLLR MILLS IS PROGRESSING WITH PHILIP MARTLEW AT SBC. Conversations are ongoing. Cllr Mills will write a report on what happened in regards to the scheme vs what should have happened. The design criteria shows its’ not compliant with current design. Will cost £6000 to remove. Should this be added to the 2019/20 precept conversation? Cllr Mills to report back at next meeting.
- 17/80. Hodson Road needs a safe passing stop. Ask Langton Estate if they own the land in question. ONGOING. Quote to be reviewed at next meeting.
- 17/96. Write a letter to SBC Highways requesting a site meeting at Hodson Road to discuss safety improvements. Letter to contain incident numbers from the police provided by Mrs Eggert. ONGOING. Clerk to follow up with Mrs Eggert.
- 18/21. Clerk to arrange for written response to go back to SBC planning committee for Whichway Cottage detached garage application & arrange for a Cllr to attend the meeting. DONE
- 18/23. Make sure Transport Concerns document is discussed at next meeting. DONE
- 18/24. Ask SBC Highways about tarmacking Draycot Foliat parking area and cutting back hedges.
Ask Ward Cllrs for process for requesting a speed limit reduction.
CLERK TO CHASE WARD CLLRS - 18/28. Raise with Ward Cllrs the need for an A346 crossing point for bus users. CLERK TO CHASE WARD CLLRS
- 18/36. Ask SBC if there is any progress on the application for new windows at Christmas Cottage. DONE. SBC closed down application as no response from resident.
18/41 Planning – 1 Butts Road, retrospective application S/18/0516
It was noted that the planning consultant for this application is stating that the build does not intrude on neighbours. Permitted development is being used for some of the items to be passed via planning. The legislation for this changes in 2019.
Cllr Mills queried whether the front dormers needed planning permission. They are square dormers and should normally by triangle shaped for front of properties.
For the reply to SBC, the planning committee want their previous comments to all be noted and taken into consideration as they are still valid. Will note the concerns over the neighbours being overlooked. Also note that we understand the legal constraints that SBC are bound by and that permission seems to be sought by maximising the flaws in this law. We will also note we have concerns over the final landscaping and the positioning of the septic tank with regards to Butts Road and the retaining wall collapsing onto the road. The owner of 1 Butts Road will have full responsibility for repairs should this happen.
A proposal was made that the comments above form our comments back to SBC Planning. Cllr Mills proposed this, Cllr Harris seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
18/42 Planning – Manor Farm Badbury retrospective application S/LBC/18?1087 & S/HOU/18/1086
There were no objections or comments to this application.
A resolution was made that this application be approved by the Parish Council. Cllr Mills proposed this resolution, Cllr Hill seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
18/43 Planning – Review Planning list
The Clerk is to ask SBC for the current situation on the windows at Whichway Cottage in Badbury.
No other comments.
18/44 Planning – Day House Lane proposed planning application update
Cllr Hill attended the consultation held by the developer. They are only planning to develop at the front of the site. There will be 21 affordable houses out of the 79 in total. They advised they will sign a watertight deal with SBC to ensure these properties are built. They will be rentable at 20% below market rate. They also advised that the canal work plans were changing. It will no longer run under the bridge, it will follow the hedge line instead. To cross Day House Lane there would be the same restrictions in place as Badbury Park. It would go via Thompson Avenue. Cllr Hill advised that they seemed a reputable developer.
18/45 Transport Development – 6 areas of concern document
The document had been circulated prior to the meeting. Cllr Brady asked Cllrs to reflect on the updates and report back at the next meeting.
18/46 Transport Development – Hodson Road speed activated sign
SBC had no issues with the placement of the sign but didn’t have any specific information to hand on the site visit. SBC have been advised that we want to go ahead with the installation. The PC now needs to investigate the best option for purchase. The Clerk will investigate the choices available. Will ask Ward Cllrs to get SBC to cost up the installation of this, if the supplier does not do it.
18/47 Highways – Norris Close proposed parking area
The purpose of this plan is to allow access for larger vehicles and emergency services vehicles down Norris Close.
The original request to SBC was for diagonal or side on parking, all 3 designs show “nose in” parking in straight lines.
Cllr Harris had some resident feedback: No28 feels the last space is too close to the front of his property – he would like to see that space removed from the plan.
There is no reversing room if the bays are perpendicular to the road. Either people would not use these spaces or double yellow lines would need to be added to the other side of the road which wouldn’t solve the problem as this would remove parking options.
Some houses on the green area have concerns over looking onto a carpark. There needs to be some green screening. This wouldn’t affect residents as much if it were side on parking.
There is no footpath proposed that runs parallel to the new bays.
Parking for 8-10 vehicles is considered sufficient.
The plan is to go back to SBC and request alterations to these plans
To consider:
- Diagonal spaces even if spaces are lost
- Soften area with planting
- Move spaces away from no28
- Consider a pathway behind the spaces
- Change the design of option 3 to have one less space at No28
18/48 Budget Items for 2019/20 Precept
Parking issues to be discussed are: Norris Close, Windmill Piece, Castle View Road, Draycot Foliat. One way streets to calm speed, or reducing speeds to 20mph. Cllr Brady advised Cllrs to look at the issues and not try to provide the solutions as SBC Highways are best for this.
Cllr Harris reminded Cllrs that for every £1000 added to the precept, the cost per household is £1.
Cllr Mills advised that Philip Martlew at SBC is available to discuss the plans above and to offer advice.
It was noted that the AONB have paid for schemes in rural areas before on traffic matters. Cllrs Hill and Mills will research this to see what grants are available for Parish Councils.
The Clerk will ask PC Best if there is any police advice on speed activated signs.
18/49 AOB
Cllr Hill advised that the bus service 81 will be changing as it will not be visiting Thorney Park any more. It won’t be travelling up the go-cart track as the road is so uneven. The school bus contract is changing in Sept. The Badbury service might go back to Barnes who use larger vehicles.
The next Planning meeting is 24th Sept, the same date as the Neighbourhood Watch meeting. The Clerk is to ask Paul Sunners if this can start at 6.45pm to allow people to attend both.
Meeting closed at 21.18
Action Points
- 17/77. Ask SBC planning what items they are still waiting for from the Manor House development on Slipper Lane. Ensure that the clearing of drains is including on this list ONGOING. Request site meeting for next 4-6 weeks to ensure remedial work is discussed before developers finish on site.
- 17/78. Follow up with Jason Humm at SBC on the New Road Build Out design plans ONGOING. CLLR MILLS IS PROGRESSING WITH PHILIP MARTLEW AT SBC. Cllr Mills to report back at next meeting.
- 17/80. Hodson Road needs a safe passing stop. Ask Langton Estate if they own the land in question. ONGOING. Quote to be reviewed at next meeting.
- 17/96. Write a letter to SBC Highways requesting a site meeting at Hodson Road to discuss safety improvements. Letter to contain incident numbers from the police provided by Mrs Eggert. ONGOING.
- 18/24. Ask SBC Highways about tarmacking Draycot Foliat parking area and cutting back hedges. CHASED WARD CLLRS
Ask Ward Cllrs for process for requesting a speed limit reduction. - 18/28. Raise with Ward Cllrs the need for an A346 crossing point for bus users. TO CHASE WARD CLLRS
- 18/43. Ask SBC for current planning situation for replacement windows at Whichway Cottage.
- 18/45. Make sure Transport Concerns document is discussed at next meeting.
- 18/46. Ask Ward Cllrs to get a cost of installing the speed activated sign on Hodson Road should the supplier not do this.
- 18/46. Investigate options for speed activated signs.
- 18/47. Go back to SBC Highways to ask for amended plans for Norris Close parking
- 18/48. Ask PC Best if there is any police advice on choosing the best sign
Cllr Mills
- Arising July 2018. To report back on New Road build out information gained so far – document to be provided before the meeting.
Cllrs Mills & Cllr Hill:
- 18/48. Investigate the scheme where AONB pay for traffic matters. Report back at next meeting.