17/01 Declarations Of Interest
Cllr McMurray advised he has a declaration of interest in 1 current planning application.
17/02 Public Recess
No Public
17/03 Minutes Of Meeting of 6th February 2017
No changes
The minute of the meeting held on 6th February 2017 were then proposed by Cllr Hill, seconded by Cllr Mills and all those at the meeting were in favour.
17/04 Matters Arising and Action Points
Matters Arising
16/40 Cllr Hill – Talked to Ward Cllr Foley as residents of Biddestone Avenue in Badbury Park are objecting to all new proposed bus stops and shelters.
Action Points
Clerk – All complete
Cllr McMurray – Manor House Development – SBC couldn’t see any planning issues after visiting the site. Richard Bell is in support of SBC on this issues. The development is moving to the back of the site so on road parking of vehicles from the site should subside.
Cllr McMurray – All other actions complete
No outstanding actions
17/05 Presentation and Q&A from City and Country in regards to the Burderop Park Development
The Committee welcomed Emma Ousbey the Planning Manager from C&C, along with Alisdair Travers, Architect from Purcell and Rory McHugh, Highways Consultant from Hydrock.
Bullet points of the presentation as follows:
- Heritage developer who purchased the site April 2016
- CH2M on site until April 2018 at least
- As there is a listed building on site, they purchased the site to secure the future of the building
- 25 flats & houses will be placed in existing buildings
- 1970’s offices to be removed
- 54 new homes with 219 parking spaces
- As in AONB, they tested how visible plans were in local landscape. The natural dip provides privacy
- Manor house will be main focus of development. Reinstate the avenue with trees and add sympathetic lighting
- Residents will pay a fee to maintain the green areas
- Not a gated development
- City & Country will retain ownership of site & maintain roads etc
- Mix of freehold & leasehold
- No affordable social housing on site. Due to the extra upfront costs of repairing the old buildings. To add affordable housing they would need to increase profits by increasing houses per acre
- Haven’t decided on service charge yet
- They will agree a construction management plan with SBC for the routes & times of day for construction lorries
- Work will probably bt staged; selling one stage whilst working on the next
- No intention to change T junction priority
- Building rubble used on site where possible
- Emergency vehicle & rubbish lorries access has been tested
- Are reviewing double decker bus access. No solution yet
- No plans to make either access route 1 way
- Not sure if C&C are paying CIL, they are to check
- Existing cricket pitch and football pitch to be removed
After a Q&A session which has the outcomes recorded above, the guests were thanked and left the meeting.
17/06 Review Outstanding Plans
1 Butts Road
This application has been approved however the neighbours are concerned over the proposed plan to remove trees and widen the entrance way by removing some of the bank. SBC enforcement cannot act unless a breach of planning has happened.
There is a TPO in place for several trees on this site.
Burderop Park
Plus points were:
- Aesthetically pleasing, prestigious development
- Preserving historical buildings
Points to consider were:
- Entrance and exit points could create accident spots
- No affordable housing
Construction traffic via Chiseldon - No CIL – Extra pressure on schools and Doctors
- Could the Parish receive funds to replace these or add other facilities such as improved play area?
Cllr McMurray then proposed a vote on whether the Committee approve or object to the application.
Cllr McMurray proposed we vote to accept the Planning application but add a list of conditions based on the concerns above.
Cllr Brady proposed this resolution, Cllr Henderson seconded and the vote was carried with all Cllrs in favour.
The Clerk has an action to provide Cllr Foley and Shaw with our conditions and ask they be put before the planning Committee.
Esso Station New Storage Area
Cllr Shaw has already asked this to go to the Planning Committee based on his objections.
The proposed area is smaller than the original storage area.
After reviewing the plans, Cllr I McMurray proposed a vote to approve these plans with conditions applied that all cages, bins and pallets be stored in the existing bin store or in the new storage area.
Cllr I McMurray proposed this resolution, Cllr Brady seconded and the vote was carried by a majority. Cllr Hill voted against this proposition.
The Clerk will CC Cllr Shaw in our reply to SBC and will create a letter to the station owners asking them to create some planting in the area to soften the look.
17/07 Procedures for responding to SBC on planning applications
Where these is a difference of opinion on an application, a vote must be held in person, a remote opinion is not permitted.
it was decided to either request an extension from SBC to allow an application to fall within the next planning meeting, hold more planning meetings if required or allow the Clerk delegated powers to make a planning decision, in conjunction with the Clair and VC of the Planning Committee.
The standing Orders are to be amended by the Clerk to allow this to happen and the changes will be voted on the next appropriate Full Council Meeting.
17/08 AOB
The meeting closed at 20.09pm
Next Meeting Monday 5th June 2017 (If required) at 7.15pm at the Old Chapel
Action Points
- 17/06. Provide Cllr Foley and Shaw with our conditions for the Burderop Park application for the Planning Committee at SBC
- 17/06. CC Cllr Shaw in our reply with regards to the Esso Station application so he can include our concerns in the planning committee meeting at SBC
- 17/06. Ask the owners of the Esso Station whether they can include some planting to soften the look of the storage area
- 17/07. Update Standing orders to include the changes to the frequency of the Planning meetings for application decisions and also Clerk’s delegated Powers.