24/08. To vote on a Committee Chairman until May 25.
A proposal was made for Cllr Kearsey to be voted in as Committee Chairman. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
There were no other nominations for the role.
24/09. To vote on a Committee Vice Chairman until May 25.
A proposal was made for Cllr Woodham to be voted in as Committee Vice Chairman. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
There were no other nominations for the role.
24/10. Public recess. 3 members of the public. No comments.
24/11. Apologies for absence: Cllr Jon Jackson is unwell. Absence without apologies: Cllr Quidwai
A proposal was made to approve the apology for absence with the reason given. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
24/12. Declarations of interest & approval of any dispensations. None.
24/13. Approval of minutes from 26th March and 10th June.
A proposal was made to approve the 2 sets of minutes. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
24/14. Action points. (Completed items in italics)
Clerk 23/11. Clerk to request quote from CIS based on actions Cllrs suggested from the IT/security audit. (Request CIS to quote on remediation of issues raised. AWS account backup of Microsoft server – solution for backup and a diagram of how it works. Get them to do authentication, quote for new router, fix all problems, options for ongoing support but advise it doesn’t warrant a monthly fee. Do they do pre-pay or pay as you go plan? Would they administrate Office 365? Checking once a month updates are pushing, checking encryption is on, get a basic service cheaply. What is the hourly rate or cost of an annual review?). Quotes not received from companies, x2 approached. Cllr Kearsey has the new router and log in details, he has now set it up and is ready to bring it into the office. CLOSED, New router in place. No further actions.
Clerk 23/26. Clerk to progress purchase of 2 benches (suggested locations at New Road near allotments and Hodson Road/Home Close), as approved by the August EGPA committee. EGPA approved locations at March meeting. Clair can now order benches & arrange installation. DONE.
RFO 23/38. Complete virement at year end to move all interest from Unity Savings Account to the Rec Ground improvement fund. DONE
Clerk 23/41. Add summary of 3 months spend on Unity payment card to July agenda for review, so Cllrs can amend the max card limit if necessary, prior to large payments due in August. Action for July. DONE
RFO 23/41. Provide summary of 3 months spend on Unity payment card for July’s finance meeting. Action for July. DONE
RFO 23/43. Complete the Muga (pending goals work) and cemetery (pending end of year) virements at year end. DONE
Clerk 23/57. Update the RFO’s contract with regards to holiday entitlement. DONE
RFO 23/58. Process approved donations before year end. DONE
RFO 23/60. Arrange opening of a CCLA daily access account with an initial deposit of £200k. FINAL DOCS PREPARED. TO BE SENT TO CCLA.
Clerk 23/60. Add CCLA account performance as an item to every finance agenda for monitoring. DONE
Clerk 23/61. Bring SBC’s request for £2000 expenditure from the PC to create an official map detailing walks in the Chiseldon area to Full Council for review and for wider Cllr and public input. DONE
Clerk 23/62. Change regular finance meeting day to Wednesday, update schedule of meetings and add to teams etc. DONE
Clerk 23/64. Book first aid refresher course if required after discussion with Cllr Kearsey. DONE
Clerk 23/65. Buy replacement defib pads. DONE
Clerk 23/66. Find a suitable indoor Lamplight of Peace. DONE
24/15. HR. No items
24/16. FINANCE. To note the council’s “bad debtor” has repaid their overdue amount in full.
24/17. FINANCE. 6 months review of Unity/Lloyds credit card purchases to determine if the credit limit needed changing.
A proposal was made that no change to the credit limit was required at this time. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
24/18. FINANCE. To review the year to date budget vs expenditure report.
There were no comments.
A proposal was made to approve these figures as accurate and not requiring further attention. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
24/19. FINANCE. To discuss and vote on any items to be added to the 25/26 budget at this time.
There were no items to add but it was noted that most services should have a % uplift added.
24/20. FINANCE. To consider buying a “Lamplight of Peace” to commemorate Remembrance day and other relevant dates.
There was no proposal to proceed with a purchase at this time.
24/21. Contracts: No items.
24/22. To review and approve the council’s grants and donations policy. (No changes)
A proposal was made to approve the policy. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
24/23. To review and approve the committees Terms of Reference document. (TOR). (Minor changes)
A proposal was made to approve the updated TOR. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
24/24. Items for inclusion on next agenda. None.
The meeting closed at 19.05.
Action Points
RFO 23/60. Arrange opening of a CCLA daily access account with an initial deposit of £200k.
Clerk. 24/22. Update dates on policy and send to website provider.
Clerk. 24/23. Update date on TOR and share to all committee members.