22/21. Vote for Chairman for the meeting. (Vice Chairman not present)

A proposal was made for Cllr Matt Harris to act as chairman for the current meeting. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

22/22 Approval of apologies given.

Cllr Ford unwell. No apologies from Cllr Jefferies
A proposal was made to approve these apologies given. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

22/23 Public recess.

No comments

22/24. Declarations of Interest and approval of any dispensations requested.


22/25. Approval of minutes from 7.7.22 meeting

A proposal was made to approve these minutes as an accurate recording of the meeting. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

22/26. Action points from previous meeting.


21/07 Invite Tennis Club to appropriate meeting as directed by Committee.

21/46 Contact TC and FC about grants they could apply for, for their facilities improvements.


21/91. When relevant, present the design plans to the estate to further the discussion with regards to land for the project.

Plans presented to the estate rep. Awaiting formal reply.

21/92. Talk to Chiseldon Tennis Club about public court hire stats.

Done – results sent to Cllrs.

22/19. Arrange discussion with the landowner ref the draft 1 plans.

DONE. Meeting held.

22/27. Review any feedback given from the landowner, with regards to the draft plans.

The feedback so far is positive but no official response has been given. The Clerk will follow this up in 2 weeks’ time to see if a response is available.

22/28. Review current SWA plans and work on suggestions for version 2.

The most recent plans show the inclusion of a double width entry track from Norris Close, as being the only vehicle access route to the site.

It was discussed whether now is the right time to apply for pre-planning guidance to see if the current plans are likely to be acceptable in terms of design and location.

The cost is minimal and means the council will then have an up to date design to show the landowner.

The current plan is for the minimal land expansion, widened access route and re-positioning of a new hall to north of the tennis courts.

A proposal was made to ask SWA to make adjustments to the designs to show the double width track on the phase 1 plans. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

A proposal was made to then apply for pre-planning approval at an approximate cost of £350.00 for the updated design. The proposal was seconded and the majority of Cllrs were in favour.

The Clerk is to ask SWA to draw up a simple plan for the proposed building for the pre-planning submission to show scale and size, and outside materials – a simple farm/rustic design is required.

22/29. Discussion on whether a solar farm should be included on the site.

It was decidedded that solar panels on the building roof are desirable but there is no requirement at present for a solar farm on site. This could be something considered for the future once any extra land is obtained.

22/30. Approval budget request items for 2023/24.

A proposal was made to request £15,000 be added to the funds for this work from next year’s budget. The proposal was seconded and the majority of Cllrs were in favour.

22/31 Items for next agenda.


Action Points

All Actions to be completed by the next Committee meeting unless otherwise specified


21/07 Invite Tennis Club to appropriate meeting as directed by Committee.

21/46 Contact TC and FC about grants they could apply for, for their facilities improvements.

22/27. Follow up with landowner with regards to an update on land supply.

22/28. Ask SWA to create draft 2 of the plans, and assist with pre-planning application submission. Ask SWA to create draft design for the building.

22/30. Advise Finance committee of 23/24 budget request from the committee.