16/22 Declarations Of Interest
Cllr McMurray advised he has a declaration of interest in Planning Applications S/16/1187 and S/16/1188.
16/23 Public Recess
No Public
16/24 Minutes of Meeting held on 1st August 2015
Page 2 – Remove extra word from paragraph 3 “of”
The minutes of the meeting held on 1st August 2016 were then approved on a unanimous vote by the Planning Committee.
16/26 Matters Arising and Action Points
No matters arising, all actions completed except 16/18 for the Clerk where a reply is being waited on to provide contact details for Persimmon and Redrow. Cllr McMurray suggested asking B.Cllr Foley for contact details if nothing is head back.
16/27 Review Outstanding Plans
The naming of the new development for plans 1435 were also discussed. 2 options were chosen – Manor Rise and Carpenter Close. The Clerk is to reply to the relevant officer at SBC with this.
Cllr McMurray is to talk to B.Cllr Shaw about the conditions of these plans and whether CIL applies.
The appeal of the Esso garage in Marlborough Road was discussed. The Clerk will compose the reply upholding our objection in regards to the extra waste, the extra cost to the PC for cleaning, the untidy nature of the refuse bins, the look of the building in an AONB and the extra street furniture causing confusion to road users.
16/28 Any Other Business
Planning enforcement letter to the Patriot Arms pub. The planning Committee have written to them with advice, B. Cllr Foley is to take this matter back to SBC.
The meeting closed at 8.14pm
Action Points
- 16/18. Write to the developers of the Badbury Park Development to ask them to engage in a dialog about plans for DHL. Follow up with B. Cllr Foley if no progress made.
- 16/27. Report back to SBC with the suggested names for the Manor House development.
- 16/27. Compose reply to planning appeal on Esso Garage
Cllr McMurray:
- 16/27. Talk to B.Cllr Shaw about Manor House development and its conditions and whether CIL funds are available.