22/28 Approval of apologies given
Apologies: Cllr Duke has a work commitment.
Non-attendance with no apologies: Cllr Patel, Cllr Jefferies, Cllr Simpson.
A proposal was made to approve the apologies given. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
22/29. Declarations of Interest.
Public Recess:
3 members of the public, with regards to the application S/OUT/22/0796. Staddlestones, Butts Road.
Resident 1 – Wants to see the PC reject this application. The wildlife in the area has already been disrupted due to preparation works on the land. Doesn’t think anything should be built on this plot of land.
Resident 2 – Believes unapproved access has been created onto neighbouring land. Using machinery early morning and late at night. Causing a nuisance with the access route. Concerned that SBC has not asked for their views on these plans.
Representative of the applicant – The applicant has owned the land for 3 years. The rejection of the last application was probably the right outcome. This time they have looked at a smaller bungalow in a less prominent part of the site. Using brickwork to blend in. 2.4m tall with a 4m roof ridge height.
It was confirmed that residents own the access rights to Butts Road.
The representative believes there is also vehicle access via the neighbouring land, however CPC believe this is footpath access only.
22/30. Approval of minutes from 26th May 2022.
No changes
A proposal was made to approve these minutes as an accurate reflection of the meeting.
The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
22/31. Action points from previous meeting.
Clerk 20/122. Engage with SBC Highways on cost of removing the Build Out. SBC have confirmed that this item will be on the list for consideration for inclusion in the 2023 work program. Have asked Ward Cllr Jefferies to follow this up as this doesn’t guarantee the work can be done. No new progress.
Clerk 21/73 Ask Ward Cllr Jefferies to assist with the provision of traffic lights on New Road/A346. See minute item for details. No progress with this, will ask WC Jefferies to follow up. No new progress.
Clerk. 22/9-22 Reply to SBC with votes on planning applications. DONE
22/32. PLANNING. Discuss & Vote on S/22/0814. National Data Centre, old Burderop Hospital Site, Wroughton.
Construction of a temporary car park and 2 metre high fencing (retrospective)
A proposal was made to approve these plans subject to the carpark being on site a maximum of 12 months and then returned to its previous condition. If the carpark is not needed before then, then it is removed before the 12 months has passed. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
22/33. PLANNING. Discuss & Vote on Planning. Discussion & Vote on S/OUT/22/0796.Land to the rear of Saddlestones, Butts Road, Chiseldon.
Outline application for the erection of 1 self-build dwelling, & assoc infrastructure. Access not reserved.
Noted by Cllrs:
Land is outside the parish boundary.
Potential access issues.
A proposal was made to refuse these plans on the basis of being within the AONB, outside the village boundary and issues with visibility splay on the access road. If the plans were approved by SBC then the committee propose the following conditions – carbon neutral, south facing pitched roof, no gas, use of energy recovery system instead, electric charging point at a minimum of 7Kwh. The committee also request that the site be returned to its former state if the application is refused. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
22/34. Planning. Discussion & vote on any planning applications received from Swindon Borough Council after the agenda is published.
None received
22/35. Neighbourhood Plan.
No items
Housing questionnaire to be approved in July meeting. Site visit and meeting with Andrea Pellegram in July.
22/36. HIGHWAYS.
No items
22/37. TRANSPORT. Consideration of parish council funded mini bus service.
Cllrs had been provided with information on Dial-A-Ride which provides a number of transport options for those who have a disability within the Swindon area.
It was noted that when the local bus service schedules were improved there was no extra take up in these services so the schedule was reduced again.
There was no proposal to proceed further with this item. The Clerk is to publicise the Dial-A-Ride options on social media and the council website.
22/38. Items for the next agenda.
Meeting closed at 20.02
Clerk 20/122. Engage with SBC Highways on cost of removing the Build Out. SBC have confirmed that this item will be on the list for consideration for inclusion in the 2023 work program. Have asked Ward Cllr Jefferies to follow this up as this doesn’t guarantee the work can be done.
Clerk 21/73 Ask Ward Cllr Jefferies to assist with the provision of traffic lights on New Road/A346. See minute item for details. No progress with this, will ask WC Jefferies to follow up.
Clerk. 22/32-33. Reply to SBC with decisions on planning applications.
Clerk 2237. Publicise Dial-A-Ride.
List of CPC planning application votes
Application and property | CPC decision | Date voted on |
S/HOU/22/0497. Wheatley, High Street. 2 storey rear extension. | Supported with conditions | April 2022 |
S/22/0556. Saracens, Turnball. Single storey rear extension & separate sun room. | No objection | April 2022 |
S/22/0595 & S/LBC/22/0604. Change of use for Bothy on Burderop Estate to 1 dwelling. Includes listed building application. | No objection | April 2022 |
S/22/0695. Burderop Park: Alterations to the mansion, Tudor wing and north wing to facilitate a change of use from offices to a dwelling and erection of a detached garage, plus alterations to the stable block, cottage/ restaurant and walled garden bothy without compliance with condition 2 (Approved Drawings) from previous consent S/LBC/20/1339. | Approved | May 2022 |
S/HOU/22/07151 The Orchard, Chiseldon. Single storey rear extension. Front porch. Garage conversion to habitable space. Detached garage & increase in roof height & dormer window to rear. | Approved | May 2022 |
S/AMEND/22/0657. Chiseldon Farm, Ypres Road. Draycot Foliat. Provision of Use class B8 storage use in addition to Use classes B1(a) and B1(c) – now both Use class E – and alterations to the approved elevations and floor plans of building 2 (former grain store) | No objection | May 2022 |
S/HOU/22/0764 Single storey rear extension. 13 Sambre Road. | Approved | May 2022 |
S/22/0814. National Data Centre, old Burderop Hospital Site, Wroughton. Construction of a temporary car park and 2 metre high fencing (retrospective) | Supported with conditions | June 2022 |
22/33. PLANNING. S/OUT/22/0796. Land to the rear of Saddlestones, Butts Road, Chiseldon. Outline application for the erection of 1 self-build dwelling, & assoc infrastructure. Access not reserved. | Rejected. Conditions listed in event of SBC approval. | June 2022 |