A proposal was made to approve the apologies given. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
21/144. Declarations of Interest.
Public Recess:
The residents wished to comment on the agenda item relating to the appeal for S/19/1755 for Berricot Lane.
The village has created a petition to support the refusal of the appeal. They have 64 signatures from 31 dwellings, with more expected. There are approx. 40 dwellings in the village.
A copy of their letter to the planning inspectorate was provided for information.
It was noted that the North Wessex Downs AONB did not comment on the latest application for 11 dwellings. The AONB will be sending comments to the inspectorate as they did not want their lack of comment to be seen as them being neutral in their views.
21/145. Approval of minutes from 24th February 2022.
No changes
A proposal was made to approve these minutes as an accurate reflection of the meeting. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
21/146. Action points from previous meeting.
20/122. Engage with SBC Highways on cost of removing the Build Out. SBC have confirmed that this item will be on the list for consideration for inclusion in the 2023 work program. Have asked Ward Cllr Jefferies to follow this up as this doesn’t guarantee the work can be done. AWAITING UPDATE
21/73 Ask Ward Cllr Jefferies to assist with the provision of traffic lights on New Road/A346. See minute item for details. No progress with this, will ask WC Jefferies to follow up. AWAITING UPDATE
21/134, 21/135, 21/136 Reply to SBC with decisions of planning matters. DONE
21/138 Provide Cllrs with details of next NHP meeting. DONE
139 Advise D Williams that trial holes approved for Windmill Piece. DONE – will follow up for an update.
21/140. Pass parking concerns issue at School Close to Ward Cllr Jefferies. DONE
21/141. Add issues map to March agenda for further discussion and vote on items to progress. Also update map as required before meeting. DONE
21/147. PLANNING. Discuss & vote on any further comments to the Inspectorate with regards to S/19/1755 11 Dwelling Berricot Lane, Badbury.
Cllrs viewed the existing comments from CPC which will be sent to the inspectorate by SBC. There has since been no further updates to the plans that would require updated comments by CPC.
A proposal was made that no new comments were needed to be sent to the Inspectorate as CPC’s views were clear from the original objection comments however a letter would be submitted re-iterating these views. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
The 3 residents left the meeting at 19.42
21/148. PLANNING. Discuss & Vote on Burderop Park open spaces provision and responsibilities.
Cllr Kearsey made contact with City and Country who did not know who was responsible for the maintenance of the open spaces and play areas.
They suggested a 5 year program of payments for the provisions and maintenance of the site, after which time discussions would be had with CPC with regards to taking over this role and cost. They will check internally if this is a valid plan and respond. Cllr Kearsey is still waiting to hear back from them.
The item is to be closed. To be re-opened once Cllr Kearsey has updated information.
21/149. Planning. Discussion & vote on any planning applications received from Swindon Borough Council after the agenda is published.
None received
21/150 Neighbourhood Plan.
No update as all Cllrs present at the meeting were also at the NHP session.
21/151. HIGHWAYS. Review updated parish map of highways, parking and road safety concerns.
The updated maps to be loaded onto the council’s website so residents can see the concerns identified and send to all of the NHP team.
Cllr Kearsey is to check whether there are “No HGV” signs at the Broome Manor end of the access route to Hodson.
A346 crossing points. There needs to be signage in place to alert pedestrians to safe crossing points. The areas also need cleaning as overgrown with vegetation and muddy.
21/152. TRANSPORT.
No items.
21/153. Items for the next agenda.
Meeting closed at 19.57
20/122. Engage with SBC Highways on cost of removing the Build Out. SBC have confirmed that this item will be on the list for consideration for inclusion in the 2023 work program. Have asked Ward Cllr Jefferies to follow this up as this doesn’t guarantee the work can be done.
21/73 Ask Ward Cllr Jefferies to assist with the provision of traffic lights on New Road/A346. See minute item for details. No progress with this, will ask WC Jefferies to follow up.
21/151 Load maps onto CPC’s website and send to the NHP team. Ask Ward Cllr Jefferies if improvements can be made to the A346 crossing points.
Cllr Kearsey
21/151 Check on “No HGV” signs at Broome manor.