The session took place after the Parish walkaround
No formal agenda in was in place.
Points to note:
SBC will have a new Local Plan consultation in Dec 22. They will submit to Secretary of State in Q3 of 2023. An examination is then due Q1 2024 with adoption Q4 2024.
We can now create a Design Code that will apply to any future major development.
We can add further policies to the plan if we need to. This would also re-set the grant period.
To do/updates required
- Introduction needed – can use the draft from the 2021 meeting.
- Need the Parish History – Clair to pass on info from History Club
- The demographics data is needed still – Clair to chase Molly at SBC
- Don’t need a master plan for Hodson Road yet, can instead use a design code. There is a picnic area and play area shown on plans – CPC to consider what gaps need filling in terms of age range of equipment for the site. Clair to do an assessment of current equipment in the area. Need to reference the plans to the Rec Ground Improvement work and possible Skate Park.
- The design code info was sent to Ben Castell at AECOM in August. Waiting to hear back from them with an update.
- Footpath map – needs a review to add a Hodson to Wroughton route to it.
- Need to look at SBC policies for cycling and walking to see if they match our ideals for the NHP. Need to find 1 or 2 routes to be improved. Need to show what is wanted so that funds from CIL etc can be spent on it. Even if not possible now, can be included in future aspirations.
- Local Green Spaces policy – needs to be updated on Parish online and sent over. Don’t include farmland. Will need to take photos of each area.
- Ecology report. AP has asked an Ecologist if he can do the work for £3000 which will be taken out of our grant funds. All development needs to show a 10% biodiversity net gain, even if not on site. There will eventually be a national register for this. Need to identify sites where 10% improvement can be made. Need to talk to the Washpool Landowner about using the site for ecology net gain.
- Protection of hedges and tree lines. AP confirmed we can protect these on the NHP if they are important for ecology, biodiversity or historic views etc.
- Non designated heritage assets. Can identify items to protect. Old stone or brick walls, buildings that are not listed. Need to identify and map these. All areas of the parish. Infrastructure like post boxes, gates and monuments ca be included.
- Recreation and play. Need to list all activities and opportunities. List what is missing. Need to add the Hodson Road area to this.
- Commercial Policy. Can add a list of local businesses to make sure any new ones conform to local appearances and to protect existing ones. Need to map existing ones.