21/01 Apologies given:
Ward Cllr Sumner not attending due to meeting commitment Cllr Simpson is unwell.
Cllr Duke proposed that these apologies be accepted. Cllr Rawlings seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
21/02 Public recess.
No public
21/03 Co-option of New Cllr.
Raj Patel (Sunny).
Cllr Harris read the legal declarations for Parish Cllr eligibility and Mr Patel confirmed his eligibility.
Cllr Barnes proposed that Mr Patel be co-opted as a Parish Cllr. Cllr Duke seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
Mr Patel was not yet entitled to vote on council matters as the “Acceptance of Office” declaration had not yet been signed. He joined in discussions but did not vote on any items on the agenda.
21/04 Co-option of New Cllr.
Sanjay Dogra.
Cllr Harris read the legal declarations for Parish Cllr eligibility and Mr Dogra confirmed his eligibility.
Cllr McDonald proposed that Mr Dogra be co-opted as a Parish Cllr. Cllr Bates seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
Mr Dogra was not yet entitled to vote on council matters as the “Acceptance of Office” declaration had not yet been signed. He joined in discussions but did not vote on any items on the agenda
21/05 Declarations of interests & vote on any dispensations applied for.
Cllr Rawlings has an allotment and will not vote on any allotment agenda items.
21/06 Approval of minutes from 8th March 2021
No changes
A proposal was made by Cllr Kearsey that these minutes were accurate. Seconded by Cllr Rawlings, all Cllrs were in favour.
21/07 Action points:
All Actions to be completed by the next Full Committee meeting unless otherwise agreed.
20/137 Update the Sickness and Absence policy & Reserves policy. Upload all 3 policies onto website and MS Teams page. S&A Policy to do, other 2 policies loaded to website and MS Teams. DONE.
20/187 Publish updated Equal Opportunities & Diversity policy & Talking with Developers policy after amendments are made. DONE
20/188 Arrange creation and printing of Parish newsletter. ONGOING.
20/204 Add Census update to Parish Newsletter. DONE
20/210 Invite BMX group to present plans at April full council meeting. DONE. Did not attend
20/212 Create first Rec hall/ground committee meeting. DONE
20/215 Add review of committee composition to April full council agenda. Added to May Annual meeting
Cllr Jefferies
20/09 Investigate end of Badbury footpath being blocked. Still waiting for SBC officer update. Chased but will be low priority on SBC list.
WC Mattock
20/169 Chase up SBC with letter to landowner for cutting back hedges at New Road. CLOSED. Hedges cut
Cllr Rawlings & Sunners
20/209 Make sure enough information is provided on the April EGPA agenda to vote on the Chapel pathway and the roof for the Rec Hall. DONE. Path voted on and roof replacement no longer needed.
21/08. Vote on approval of letter to The Football Association supporting Chiseldon Football Club with a grant request for pitch improvements.
A proposal was made by Cllr Rawlings to approve this letter. Seconded by Cllr Kearsey, all Cllrs were in favour.
21/09 Community Safety report, including crime stats. Cllr Sunners
No stats available at present.
Graffiti from dog bin near allotments removed. Noted the destruction to the bird feeders in the same area. The abandoned vehicle on Strouds Hill is still there. Ward Cllr Jefferies will try again to get this removed.
21/10 Ward Cllrs updates. Ward Cllr Jefferies
Cllr Jefferies was asked about New Road repairs. This will not be considered by SBC until the planning appeal for Earthline has been concluded by the Inspectorate. No dates known for this.
Ward Cllr Sumner written report:
Available on request from the Clerk. No urgent items to note. The report will be added as a news item on the Parish Councils website. (Contains planning application update, Fibre scheme update, post-box update, re-surfacing work update)
21/11. Approve date of Parish Festival in 2022
The Clerk is to draw up a basic plan on how the prep is going to work for this and bring back to Full Council.
The proposed date is Friday 3rd June 2022 which is a bank holiday due to the Queen’s Platinum jubilee.
A proposal was made by Cllr Kearsey that this date be approved for the festival. Seconded by Cllr Rogers, all Cllrs were in favour.
21/12. Proposal from BMX working group.
No information received. Move to next meeting.
21/13. FINANCE. Approve £95 for allotment water tank lid. Approved by EGPA committee.
A proposal to approve this expenditure was made by Cllr Bates, seconded by Cllr Randall and all Cllrs were in favour.
21/14. FINANCE. Approve £94 for plastic gym signage for Rec field. Approved by EGPA committee.
A proposal to approve this expenditure was made by Cllr Rawlings, seconded by Cllr Bates and all Cllrs were in favour.
21/15. FINANCE. Approve £300 to clean the drains and a possible further £300 to map the drains with a camera for the Chapel Path on Butts Road. Approved by EPGA committee.
A proposal to delegate powers to the Clerk to arrange this work and approve this expenditure was made by Cllr Duke, seconded by Cllr Rawlings and all Cllrs were in favour.
21/16. FINANCE. Approve £300 costs for a one off clearance of green waste from the Butts Road Cemetery.
A proposal to delegate powers to the Clerk to arrange this work and approve this expenditure was made by Cllr Randall, seconded by Cllr Jefferies and all Cllrs were in favour.
21/17. FINANCE. Approval of maximum £1000 expenditure to provide a new laptop for the Clerk.
Note – the hard-drive had to be replaced with a temporary drive to allow it to work and the laptop is approx. 5 years old.
A proposal to approve this expenditure was made by Cllr Jefferies, seconded by Cllr Barnes and all Cllrs were in favour.
21/18. FINANCE. Review of annual income/expenditure figures for 2020/21 Financial Year.
There were no questions or comments on these figures.
21/19. PLANNING.
No items
21/20. Committee Reports
March 2021 financial report. No questions
A proposal was made by Cllr Jackson that the March 2021 finance figures were an accurate representation of the councils income and expenditure for the month. Seconded by Cllr Randall, all Cllrs were in favo.
April to date financial report. No questions.
Cllr Harris reported that the council is moving their banking to an on-line facility with Unity.
Cllrs Rawlings noted no items to report but commented on a busy next meeting due to Rec Hall issues.
Cllr Kearsey reports that the application for Saddlestones was refused by SBC and has gone to appeal. CPC have sent comment to the inspectorate on this matter. The Berricot Lane development for 11 dwellings is being voted on again by SBC planning committee next week.
Risk Assessments:
Completed in March 2021 with no issues to report:
Infectious disease
Castle View Play Area
Street Furniture
To be completed in April 2021:
Clerks Job Description
Admin Officer Job Description
Trees around the Parish.
Infectious disease RA carried out each month and reviewed by Chairman.
Clerks Correspondence
It was requested that the information for the “Great British Clean up” was added to the April EGPA agenda.
21/21 Items for next agenda.
No items
Meeting closed 20.42
All Actions to be completed by the next Full Committee meeting unless otherwise agreed.
20/188 Arrange creation and printing of Parish newsletter.
21/11 Draw up a plan for the 2022 Parish Festival and bring back to Full Council – May or June
21/12 Schedule in presentation from BMX group for May or June meeting
21/15 Arrange for drain clearance and possible camera mapping at Chapel on Butts Road
21/16 Arrange for green waste clearance at Graveyard on Butts Road
Cllr Jefferies
20/09 Investigate end of Badbury footpath being blocked. Still waiting for SBC officer update.
21/09 Follow up with SBC on removal of abandoned vehicle on Strouds Hill