
Ward Cllrs Mattock and Sumner.

20/01 Approval of Apologies given

Absences proposed as accepted by Cllr Rogers, seconded by Cllr Kearsey and all Cllrs in favour.

20/02 Public recess.

No public

20/03 Co-option of New Cllr.

No candidates had come forward

20/04 Declarations of interests & vote on any dispensations applied for.

Cllr Duke lives near the property in agenda item 13 and will not be voting. Minute 20/14

20/05 Approval of minutes from 9th March 2020

No changes but Cllr Jefferies requested that it be noted that no funds were drawn on for the Dementia Café Easter event as the event was cancelled due to Covid19.

A proposal was made by Cllr Rawlings that these minutes be therefore accepted; seconded by Cllr Rogers, all Cllrs were in favour.

20/06 Action points

19/174 Check budget report for posting of Finance Gas & Elec. DONE & CLLRS EMAILED. ITEMS MOVED TO RELEVANT COST CENTRES ON XERO

19/233 Send Ward Cllr Jefferies information on Draycot Foliat lighting/speeding/parking info to date. OUTSTANDING

19/234Clerk to try both posters around the parish to encourage new Cllrs – WORK IN PROGRESS

19/239 Reinstate planning committee & schedule next meeting. DONE

19/240 Arrange completion of new Rec Hall doors and frames within £2000 budget. WORK IN PROGRESS – COVID19 DELAYS

19/242 Report any expenditure from this fund as S137 funds on Xero. OUTSTANDING

19/244 Create tea party using £200 budgeted funds –summer project. OUTSTANDING

19/237 Arrange virement of £1500 from 2019/20 to 2020/21 for CVPA equipment OUTSTANDING

19/178 Ask Cllr Jefferies for Turnball planning update. THERE IS ANOTHER PLANNING APPLICATION IN PROGRESS FOR THE WALL.

19/197 Investigate mud issue at Draycot Foliat. WORK IN PROGRESS

19/188 Investigate end of Badbury footpath being blocked. NO REPLY YET –CLLR JEFFERIES WILL CHASE

20/07 Community Safety report, including crime stats.

Cllr Sunners

The Neighbourhood policing model has been updated; Swindon is now 1 sector not 2.

1671 Crimes in South Swindon in March which is 400 down on the average for the month. 13 in Chiseldon Parish for March, 8 were fuel drive-offs from the garage. The suspected use of Strouds Hill carpark for drug dealing has been reported with 6 reg numbers recorded and given to the police. Vehicle damage near Holy Cross church has been reported to the police.

20/08 Ward Cllrs update.

Ward Cllr Jefferies
It was noted that the SBC recycling centre is now open and residents are urged to be sensible when choosing if to visit. An update on traffic control will be passed on when available.
It was noted that the SBC Covid-19 response has been excellent and the parish response also excellent. There will be a need to recognise those who helped when social distancing is no longer required.

20/09 Website review

The location of the annual reports for 2020 was clarified to Cllrs.
The Clerk reminded Cllrs of the need for photos for the new contact page.
No updates proposed.

20/10 May Annual meeting update review and vote on new legislation to adopt.

Cllr Sunners asked after Cllr Rogers’s situation and location. Cllr Rogers advised she was away from the parish and unable to drive in the current Covid-19 situation but has been in regular contact with Badbury residents.

The Clerk confirmed legislation that a Cllr is permitted to reside outside of the Parish boundary. The criteria of address is only relevant on the day of election/co-option and for the previous 12 months.

It was noted that for the strategy of the parish, the position of the Chairman and Vice Chairman should perhaps be considered.

The new legislation brought in due to Covid 19 states that if council approves it the 2019/20 Chairman and Vice Chairman can remain in post for a further 12 months without the need for a council vote to re-elect them. If either Cllr chose to resign from this post then a vote would be held at that point to elect a new Chair and VC.

A proposal was made by Cllr Kearsey to follow new guidance which allows the P.Council Chairman and Vice Chairman to remind in post until May 2021 (unless they resign from the post) without the need for a new vote for Chairman and Vice Chairman. Cllr Jefferies seconded. The majority of Cllrs were in favour. Cllr Rawlings and Sunners abstained from voting and Cllr Bates was against the motion.


Discussion and vote on holding all meetings as Zoom meetings whilst Covid19 restrictions are in place and whether to dissolve emergency delegated powers.

Cllrs felt that all council and committee meetings could be held by Zoom with immediate effect and a second full council meeting per month could be convened if there were enough agenda items to warrant it.

A proposal was made by Cllr Bates to dissolve emergency delegated powers that were brought in, in March 2020. Cllr Kearsey seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.


INFORMATION ONLY. There will be no 2020 Annual Parish meeting due to Covid19.

All relevant annual reports are being loaded onto the council website.


Planning app S/20/0404 Change of barn from agricultural to restaurant/café.  Overtown Farm.

A proposal was made by Cllr Kearsey to respond to SBC with no comment. Cllr Rawlings seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

20/14. PLANNING.  

Planning app S/HOU/20/0455. Single storey rear extension & porch. 2 Draycot Close.

A proposal was made by Cllr Rogers to respond to SBC with no comment. Cllr Kearsey seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.  Cllr Duke and Cllr Jefferies abstained from voting.

 20/15 FINANCE.  

Approve grant funding request for the History Group for information board outside Holy Cross Church.

£700 which is half of the costs was requested.  It was noted by the Clerk that our grant paperwork stipulates £500 max grant in any 12 month period but the council has the power to override this if they wish.

A proposal was made by Cllr Jefferies to approve a £700 grant.  Cllr Rogers seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

20/16. Committee Reports

Finance – Feb, March, and April 2020 financial reports to review.  There were no questions on any of these reports.

A proposal was made by Cllr Jefferies that the Feb 2020 financial report was an accurate reflection of the council’s transactions. Cllr Rogers seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

A proposal was made by Cllr Rawlings that the March 2020 financial report was an accurate reflection of the council’s transactions. Cllr Duke seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

A proposal was made by Cllr Rogers that the April 2020 financial report was an accurate reflection of the council’s transactions. Cllr Jefferies seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

EGPA – The rec ground carpark remains an issue with flooding.

The Clerk is to invite the contractor back to review the work compared with the original quote vs the issues we are still experiencing.

The original quotes will be retrieved to see what was approved, and the Clerk will also contact Mr P Walton who was the advisor on this matter.  It was raised whether the blocked drainage ditch could be cleared but this isn’t on CPC land.

Risk Assessments – May  2020 Assessments for: Handyperson, Hodson Road SID, Cleaner, Monthly infectious disease control, Fire risks, Chapel & Museum, and Admin Officer all reviewed.  No major issues to report. Minor issues to be taken care of by Clerk.

 Grants Sub-Committee –  No update.

Clerks Correspondence – The Clerk is to send Cllr Jefferies the news bulletin that Nina Hempstock wrote for volunteers, for SBC.

Noted from correspondence that the Patriots Arms are doing a great job of support those locally in need. Thanks to the parish cleaner who has also offered her services for free from now on.

 20/17 Items for next agenda. 

Cllr Sunners – the implication post Covid19 for the Parish Council

Cllr Sunners  – Next strategy meeting – Safer travel and speed management policy

Cllr Rogers – Covid19 response in other parishes – what can we use in Chiseldon PC?

Cllr Kearsey – Parish broadband speed issue.  Do we look at this again?  Cllr Harris provided background on this: This was extensively looked at 2 years ago. No-one came forward to support the plan. New fibre connections to the cabinets needed from BT. £60K cost to this. No-one wanted to spend money to facilitate this – only 120 names put forward. Residents would need to facilitate this scheme and then CPC can support. Cllrs may work on this independently if they wish.  300 residents’ names would be needed to support this.

Any interested parties to talk to Ward Cllr Jefferies about this. Cllr Jefferies will report back on this at June full council meeting.

Meeting closed 21.01

Date of next meeting:

Monday 8th June 2020 at 7.30pm via Zoom, contact the Clerk for login details.

All Actions to be completed by the next Full Committee meeting unless otherwise specified.


19/233 Send Ward Cllr Jefferies information on Draycot Foliat lighting/speeding/parking info to date.

19/234 Clerk to try both posters around the parish to encourage new Cllrs

19/240 Arrange completion of new Rec Hall doors and frames within £2000 budget.

19/242 Report any expenditure from this fund as S137 funds on Xero.

19/244 Create tea party using £200 budgeted funds –summer project.

19/237 Arrange virement of £1500 from 2019/20 to 2020/21 for CVPA equipment

20/13 and 20/14 Reply to SBC planning on applications voted on.

20/16 Send Cllr Jefferies the news report from Nina Hempstock which was sent to SBC

20/17 Add items for the next agenda to the June agenda.

Cllr Jefferies

19/178 Ask Cllr Jefferies for Turnball planning update. THERE IS ANOTHER PLANNING APPLICATION IN PROGRESS FOR THE WALL.

19/197 Investigate mud issue at Draycot Foliat. WORK IN PROGRESS

19/188 Investigate end of Badbury footpath being blocked. NO REPLY YET –CLLR JEFFERIES WILL CHASE

All Cllrs

Provide head and shoulders photo for new website contact page.