Public recess.

No questions.

Welcome to new Parish Clerk

Clair Wilkinson was introduced as the new Parish Clerk and welcomes extended.

Co-option of a new Councillor.

Cllr Brady introduced Mr Glenn Mills and asked the Council to co-opt him as a new member. Cllr Brady proposed this appointment, seconded by Cllr Rawlings; all at the meeting in favour.

Mr Mills then signed his acceptance of office and joined the meeting.

16/144. Declarations of interests.


16/145. Approval of minutes.

No changes

Following this, the minutes of the meeting held on 14 December 2015 were approved by Cllr Brady, seconded by Cllr Sunners; all those at the meeting in favour.

16/146. Matters arising.

Page 4 (minute 15/138 – para 12 in Borough Councillors report)
Cllr Dudman reported that Thames Water trucks destined for Badbury are still driving through Badbury Village instead of around the village. This was raised to B.Cllrs Foley and Bennett. B.Cllr Bennett advised he would contact Thames Water again to confirm where the lorries should be going and email back the results of this conversation.

Page 7 (minute 15/143 – (sixth para in Any Other Business Community Governance review)
A full discussion has been tabled for February’s meeting where Cllrs Hill and Wright will present to the meeting on this matter.

Page 7 (minute 15/143 – (ninth para in Any Other Business Memorial Hall)
This needs an update from Cllr Walton.

Action points.

B.Cllr Bennett will contact Thames Water about lorries driving through Badbury and report back his results via email.

Cllr Rawlings will write a piece about the Memorial Hall in the New Year.

Cllr Sunners is in contact with the British Heart Foundation with regard to defibrillators. He is also considering the possibility of sponsored trips to motor-cross facilities and has forwarded the BIOS agreement to the Clerk.??

All other action points had been actioned.

16/147. Police Report.

PC Draper reported that November 2015 burglaries were down in numbers compared to 2014 (4 compared to 20)
There were 10 thefts in November 2015 but the main focus of this was the garage with 9 reported incidents.
There were 3 cases of criminal damage in November 2015. Good progress is being made in resolving these.
In December 2015 there were 3 burglaries in total (2 from sheds and one from a residential dwelling) compared to 2 in December 2014.
There were 10 thefts in December 2015 with 7 of these at the garage, compared to 3 in total for December 2014.
In December 2015 there were 4 cases of criminal damage, including a bus stop. There has been positive progress with this investigation. This was compared to 2 in December 2014.
In December 2015 there was 1 case of theft from a vehicle (tools) which is the same as December 2014)
The past 6 months have shown consistent figures.

The Cannick Close investigation is ongoing, information relating to this on the Facebook page has been removed as the subject got off topic.

If anyone has any relevant information, then calling Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 is the recommended action to take.
PC Draper reported an increase of alcohol fuelled incidents over Christmas and New Year. He reassured the committee these people are being talked to and a number of options are in place to deal with this. PC Draper commented on having some long term solutions to help people, and to make sure young people especially do not “fall through the gaps” and receive the relevant support and guidance.

PC Draper reported that the recent motorcycle incidents in Chiseldon village have been dramatically reduced by working with local residents and he will keep us updated as more progress is made.

Cllr Wright requested that we receive crime figures for Coate and and Badbury Park the next time PC Draper can attend a meeting.

Cllr Sunners thanked PC Draper for all his efforts in the Parish.

16/148. Presentation by Kirsty Cole from Swindon Borough Council on Parishing

Kirsty presented to the committee in reference to the Borough Council’s plans, and assistance available to move the ownership of grass cutting and hedge trimming to Parish Council responsibility. (All Councillors have a copy of this presentation)
As the Borough Council need to find more funds to help vulnerable people, the responsibility of grass and hedge cutting services will fall to the Parishes. In general terms Kirsty talked about Parish precepts perhaps increasing to cover these services.
Many topics were discussed around this such as the potential employees needed for this service, what different models were available to provide these services, and TUPE regulations we’d need to
follow, how SBC will still deal with the services for individual council homes, concerns over how residents will feel over their council tax increasing, and legal minimum requirements.

Following this discussion it was decided that the Finance meeting needed to be brought forward from 27th January so a Precept figures could be agreed and submitted before the end of January.
It was agreed that Cllr Rawlings and Cllr Brady on behalf of the Environment committee will meet with contractors (CountryWide and AllBuild) to discuss and agree quotes before arranging services in relationship to parishing activity.

A vote to proceed on Parishing will be taken at the next full council meeting.

Cllr Brady ended by thanking Kirsty for her time with the committee.

16/149. Borough Councillors’ Report.

B.Cllr Foley reported that the new signs in Hodson went up last week.

Cllr Hill asked when the 2 junctions at Badbury Park will be adopted.
B.Cllr Foley replied that discussions are still underway with the contractor and Highways Department.

Cllr Hill reported that 3 parishioners had advised him that waste collections over Christmas and new Year were not clear and because of this rubbish and recycling were not taken when expected.
Cllr Foley reported that all bins had blue tags on them highlighting the correct collection days.
Cllr Brady asked whether parishioners called the council and was advised by Cllr Hill that some did but couldn’t get through. B.Cllr Foley advised that parishioners can email her or call her direct for assistance.

Cllr Sunners commented that when dealing with a recent issue for a council tenant, the out of hour’s line was excellent. Pauline Dyer was very helpful. The situation is on the way to being resolved. B.Cllr Foley also commented that she has contacts in housing dept so we can also ring her direct.

Cllr Hill commented that the Station Road issue was being dealt with by the Housing Officer.

B.Cllr Bennett advised that there was a delivery program in place for all road improvements, including Commonhead J15. There is a new Head of Highways starting in Feb 2016. B.Cllr Bennett and B.Cllr Foley will keep us updated.

B.Cllr Bennett advised he will not be standing again in May 2016

B.Cllrs Bennett and Foley then left the meeting.

16/150. Financial report.

Cllr Costigan presented the figures to the committee.

December 2015 Income and Payments for approval were presented to the committee.
Only unusual item to note was the Village tea cost of £447.50 and the new PIR lights for outside the Rec Hall at a cost of £282.00

The Finance committee will meet, discuss and agree the precept for 2016/17. Cllr Costgan will circulate by email the decision of the finance committee before the next parish council.

Following this, these figures were approved by Cllr Rawlings, seconded by Cllr Brady; all those at the meeting in favour.

Governance Review
Cllr Wright and Cllr Hill updated the meeting on their attendance at the meeting on the Governance Review at SBC.

Cllr Wright and Cllr Hill commented that un-parished residents were very concerned about the establishment of new boundaries.

There are drop in sessions occurring for Locality Meetings, the next is the 26th January 2016. Cllr Sunners, Brady and B.Cllr Shaw will attend.

Cllr Brady asked that views from this be emailed to the Clerk. This will happen after the drop in session.

Cllr Hill asked if there would be an increase to 16 councillors, to include one from Badbury Park.

However the decision will first have to establish whether Badbury Park will remain within the Parish.

16/151. Committee reports.

Environment, General Purposes & Highways.

Cllr Rawlings presented the minutes.

The Millennium Copse needs coppicing. Costs expected to be £400.00. This wasn’t carried out in 2015. Cllr Costigan to look at the budget for this.

The Station Road grass verge is still a mess. The matting SBC put down didn’t work. Often the verge cannot be cut due to the amount of cars parked on it.

For the next Environment meeting – the Hodson bridge. It’s reported to have a 5-10 year lifespan left. This needs to be discussed and need to get a Member of Parliament involved as funds were originally put aside to cover this issue when the M4 was built. This is added as item 9 on the Environment committee agenda for the 14th January 2016 under “Highways”.


Cllr Rawlings presented the planning status.

Cllr Walton had proposed a meeting on the 20th January 2016 after the Hannick Homes meeting to discuss the new application at Badbury Park. The original plans were contested. We now have more comprehensive plans but need further discussion.
Cllr Wright commented on a conflict of meetings on the 20th, Cllr Rawlings to talk to Cllr Wright before the meeting.

Cllr Hill commented on the building on the back of the Service Station on the A346. There has been no planning permission for this. The developer has 14 days to comment on why the building is there. Also in discussion to remove the large flags outside the building. They are restricting the view to people exiting New Road and joining the A346.

Recreation & Community.

Cllr Sunners presented the minutes.
Cllr Sunners reported that the Tennis Club was mainly used by local residents including a lot of younger members of the village.
The Recreation lighting has been installed but may need adjusting so it covers the car park better.
Cllr Hill asked about the budget item of £2,500 for access control and what this consisted of.
Cllr Sunners confirmed this was in place to consider whether speed bumps on the track, or a barrier system could be installed. Needs further discussion and agreement.

16/152. Correspondence.

No correspondence provided

16/153. Any other business.

On the 25th Jan there is a neighbourhood watch meeting. Cllr Sunners to report back to the Parish Council on this.

Cllr McMurray may have a home for the pigs at Chiseldon Primary School. Spencer Allan the Headmaster was contacted over the Christmas holiday due to the welfare of the animals at the school over the holiday period. He confirmed that the RSPCA has approved their living conditions and that someone was going in twice a day to feed and check the animals.

Cllr Hill advised on surface water overflowing into waste water in areas of the Parish, which was then causing waste water to overflow. There is a number to call at Thames Water to report this. Cllr Hill to provide the Clerk with the number.

Cllr Hill advised that the number 80 bus service is now running for longer throughout the day (starting in Feb 20160. Cllr Hill will add this information to the Ridgeway Bell next edition.

Cllr Hill also advised that Wiltshire Council is current consulting over spending £5 million on bus services. Any changes will apply from April 2017.

The meeting closed at 9.35pm


B.Cllr Bennett

16/146 Talk to Thames Water with regards to their lorries driving through Badbury. Report back to committee.

Cllr Rawlings

15/134 Write a piece for the Ridgeway Bell encouraging greater use of the Memorial Hall…

Cllr Sunners

16/146 British Heart Foundation and Defibrilators. Organise visit to motor cross facility and forward BIOS agreement to Clerk.


15/138 Schedule a discussion of parking posts outside Downs View Care Home for a future meeting of the Environment Committee

15/143 To ask Cllr Walton for an update on the Memorial Hall

16/147 Add Crimestoppers info to FB, website and noticeboards.

16/148 Clerk to contact Countrywide to invite them to a meeting and to provide some figures for grass and hedge cutting.

16/153 Promote Thames Water waste water overflow phone number on FB, website and noticeboards.

PC Draper

16/147 Provide crime statistics for Coate and Badbury Park at next attended Parish Committee meeting.

Cllr Costigan

16/151 Look at budget to carry out Millennium Copse coppicing work.

Arrange for Finance committee to be brought forward to agree the Precept for 2016/17. Needs to be submitted by end of Jan 2016

Cllr Brady

Arrange a discussion to discuss the communication of the precept changes to our residents with Cllr Harris and Cllr Cabrera.