21/01 Approval of minutes from 04/02/2021
No changes and minutes were approved as accurate
21/02 Action Point review.
Darren Blackstock
20/05 Investigate funding options. ONGOING?
Emily Gravestock
20/05 Draw up a timeline of required activities ONGOING
20/18 Go back to FOTP to explain why the proposed site has been chosen. DONE but to provide last minutes as well to Dick Millard.
20/21 Include items for next agenda for discussion. DONE
20/18 Find out who owns field adjacent to the proposed site for communication purposes. DONE
20/20 Update Farm Shop with proposed plan and ask for feedback DONE
Chay and Melanie
20/18 Approach sites with good track design to find out what company designed them. List to be compiled of good track designers. Also look at the “Pump Track Directory”. TRACK DESIGNERS TO BE CONTACTED. “Pump Track Directory” didn’t contain useful information at this stage.
Rosie Griffith & Emily Gravestock
20/19 Create a presentation for CPC to gain their support for the plan. ONGOING
Rosie Griffith
20/20 Continue to look at funding sources. DONE. Presentation part of this meeting
20/20 As Jennifer at Wroughton for details of their track builder and approach them to ask after procedure for obtaining a quote.
Chay updated the committee with details of Bero and CK Contractors who are the main track builders. CK is a UK company and Bero is international.
The directory of tracks does have track sizes so will be useful to compare against the available space on site.
Clair is to send Chay some sizings for the space so he can start to talk to track developers.
Chay will get the Wroughton measurements for further comparison
Clair will send the old minutes from the meetings to Dick Millard at FOTP.
21/03 Review Three Tree Farm Shop reply and discuss feedback
Clair to talk to the Farm Shop owner with regards to land adjacent to the site being sold for parking
Clair to draft a reply to the Farm Shop addressing their points as follows:
- Bin & rubbish. Will ask CPC to provide and fund
- Fund raising. The team will be doing this
- Tarmac/compacted gravel track. To be decided. Not earth.
- Fencing. Yes will provide fencing.
- Crossing the Ridgeway Road. Its felt that all interested parties – the BMX Group/CPC/SBC/FOTP/Farm Shop/Sustrans should work together on this to achieve the best outcome.
- Signage for road. To be discussed with landowners to provide private signage as well as asking SBC for signage.
- Could the Farm Shop sell parking tickets to their customers to be redeemed in the shop?
- Invite Farm Shop owner to next meeting on 20th May to try to alleviate some concerns.
- Can be a meeting on site if that assists.
21/04. Presenting plans so far to Chiseldon Parish Council for support
The group asked Clair to contact Emily to see if something can be finalised for May Parish Council meeting.
21/05. Review funding sources.
Excellent investigating by Rosie and Emily with a lot of funding sources to investigate further.
We now need to find out the costs of the proposed track for the size of the site we have. Chay is going to contact the 2 named suppliers to ask for ballpark figures so the group knows how much funds are needed.
Also need to factor in lease costs from SBC and solicitor fees.
Clair to ask Alistair for figures for the lease payments.
21/06. Talking to track builders for costs.
Chay is going to contact the 2 track builders listed above
21/07. Next steps
- Invite farm shop to next meeting
- Get ball park figures for a build
- Investigate what type of bank account is needed. Add to next meeting agenda. Suggestion that any members who are also Parish Cllrs step back from any finance matters.
- Wider use of social media to get more volunteers
- Ask Parish Admin Officer to include a piece in the parish newsletter. Clair to add something to Ridgeway Bell.
- Chay to ask if any local experts can come on board – using social media
21/08. Next meeting date
Agreed to be Thurs 20th May 8.00pm. Possible site visit at Farm Shop
The meeting closed at 21.10
Darren Blackstock
20/05 Investigate funding options. ONGOING?
Emily Gravestock
20/05 Draw up a timeline of required activities ONGOING
20/18 Go back to FOTP to explain why the proposed site has been chosen
20/21 Include items for next agenda for discussion.
21/02 Send Chay possible track sizes using measuring software
21/02 Send old minutes to Dick Millard at FOTP
21/03 Reply to Farm Shop with answers to queries and ask about possibility of purchasing carpark land.
21/04 Ask Emily if a presentation can be completed for May full council meeting.
21/05 Ask Alistair at Sustrans for approx. lease costs
21/07 Add investigating a bank acc to next agenda
21/07 Ask Parish Admin Officer to include article in Parish Magazine and Parish Clerk to add to Ridgeway Bell
Chay and Melanie
20/18 Approach sites with good track design to find out what company designed them. List to be compiled of good track designers.
21/02 Get measurements of Wroughton track for comparison purposes.
21/05 Contact 2 named track builders for ball-park quotes for fundraising purposes
Chay and All members
21/07 Use social media to encourage more members to join or people to offer specific expertise.
Rosie Griffith & Emily Gravestock
20/19 & 21/04 Create a presentation for CPC to gain their support for the plan.
Rosie Griffith
20/20 As Jennifer at Wroughton for details of their track builder and approach them to ask after procedure for obtaining a quote.